"Han Xin, Chiang Ching-kuo, Lin Kexin, 22nd Army, 181st Brigade Reconnaissance Battalion"

"Wang Hui, Tian Niu, Eighth Army, Third Mechatronic Combat Regiment, Reconnaissance Company."

On the playground, Captain Zhang Haifeng looked at everyone, holding a folder in his hand and calling out names one by one.

Three years.

Time is like running water, and it has been three years in a flash. After three years of hard study, the special operations unit command class is now There are only twenty-seven people left.

Elimination at the end, the assessment and elimination system of the special operations class is more stringent than that of ordinary military academies.

However, those who can stay are all elites.

Now, after two years of laying the foundation, one year of professional training After intensive training, those who are still standing here can be regarded as elites capable of both civil and military skills.

Of course, the one who cannot be ignored the most is the soldier in the first row of the team.

Standing there quietly, everyone else's eyes are now They all glanced at him from time to time.

Lin Fan, three years passed, three years of hard study, getting up at six o'clock every day, and working overtime until eleven o'clock at night before returning to the dormitory.

In these three years, Lin Fan was not the district captain, nor the He did not do anything as a deputy district team, and even for the past three years, he has been carrying a student epaulette on his shoulder.

However, everyone in the special operations class, and even the entire school, all remembered his name.

In the past three years, during the final exam, The cultural assessment results and various military skills and physical fitness assessments are all ranked first, and they continue to set school records one after another. It is no exaggeration to say that Lu Te's current assessment records for various military skills and physical fitness items are Maintaining it, almost all of them are Lin Fan.

This is a feat, and it is also a mountain of despair. The director of the training department and even the principal have said more than once in the past year that you are lucky to be in the same class as Lin Fan , is also your misfortune.

Even yesterday, during the final summary, the director of the training department said to everyone:"In the past three years, you are very lucky. You have witnessed a legend, and at the same time, you can be with a first-class hero, Train with Lu Te's legend and be classmates together.

At the same time, you are also unfortunate.

Classmate Lin Fan is like a big mountain, the pressure can make you despair.

You can only compete for second place every year, and you know that there is no hope for first place before taking the exam. This is a shame for an excellent elite soldier, but you have no ability to wash it off. This makes me sad for you!"

The minister was smiling when he said this, because he felt honored to have a student like Lu Te, but at that time, all the students below were full of bitterness. To be honest, it's not that military schools don't allow early graduation, other schools definitely do A joint blood letter was staged, allowing Lin Fan to graduate early.

It is really disappointing!

The fact that they can enter Lute means that they are elites. Being able to stay also shows that they are excellent elites.

However, now this outstanding elite soldier They didn't even dare to agree with your title. Even every time they heard someone say that you were great, that you were an elite, that you were great, etc., they couldn't help but think of Lin Fan in their minds.

Lin Fan had simply become everyone's favorite Fortunately, things are getting better now. During the summer vacation, we all go to the company for internship, which lasts for one summer plus one semester. We will serve as soldiers in the summer and as cadres in our senior year for one semester.

The internship period is the same as what Lin Fan thought before he came here. There is a slight discrepancy between the years.

Because the times are progressing, the army and military academies are also changing.

However, other students now do not mind that this time is short, and they can take it easy for a few months.

During this period, as long as they are not separated from Lin Fan When we get together, that's it.

Thinking like this, the classmates who read out their names were frightened, but as soon as they heard that after they read out their whereabouts, there was no Lin Fan, they looked at Lin Fan and breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, there are still other things left. The one whose name was not read out raised his heart even higher.

Lin Fan has not decided where to go, so anyone might want to be with Lin Fan. If he is really chosen, that person will cry.

It is not easy to escape. No one wants to continue to live under Lin Fan's shadow at this time.

Lin Fan knows a little about what others think, but Lin Fan doesn't care at all.

After three years, he has become accustomed to this kind of gaze. What's more , he has to do this.

In the military academy, he is busy studying and training every day and night.

There are no emergencies, let alone wars. The way to get points is in the system after each assessment. Each of the tasks issued at that time.

Although the points for each of these tasks are not much, the little adds up. In the past three years, Lin Fan has gained a total of more than 2,000 points through this.

Let Lin Fan not need these points and live a low-key life?

How is that possible!

Lin Fan will definitely accept the points task if it does not conflict with his own subjective thoughts. After all, points are the way for him to continue to become stronger.

As for the experience of other students in the military academy?

Lin Fan can only say that he I have tried my best to retain it. The only reason is that I am too strong. Even if I retain it, the current situation still results.

Lin Fan is helpless, but Lin Fan does not regret it.

Lowering his head, Lin Fan thought and opened the personal attribute list.

Name: Lin Fan Where

Speed: 30. (Note, the standard for ordinary adults is 10!)

Strength: 35.

Reaction: 44.

Endurance: 47.

Vision: 46.

Points: 240.

Optimized genes: camel gene (primary), rabbit gene (elementary), mule gene (elementary), tabby cat gene (elementary), gecko gene (elementary), frog gene (intermediate), sparrowhawk gene (intermediate), buffalo (intermediate), tiger cat gene (intermediate), South China tiger Gene (intermediate), earthworm gene (advanced).

This person's attributes have been fixed for more than two months. Lin Fan has seen it no less than ten times, but every time he sees it, Lin Fan can't help but sigh secretly in his heart. A cry of his own perversion.

The lowest speed attribute is three times that of ordinary people, and the strongest endurance is now close to five times.

You know, the physical fitness data of a veteran who has been training all year round in the army is at most between 1.3 and 1.5 of an ordinary person.

If it exceeds 1.5 times, then only elite scouts and special forces have it. If it exceeds 2 times, it is an attribute that only some talented soldiers have.

However, Lin Fan's weakest speed is tripled.

What's more, there are even more abnormal eyesight and some abilities that are hidden from the surface.

Most of those are fixed innately and cannot be improved in the future, and they are not even abilities that humans should have.

But, Lin Fan has it.

To put it simply, Lin Fan can't drown if he is thrown into the water. As long as the injured parts are not fatal, such as the heart and head, even if his limbs are broken, he can be reborn.

Of course, this ability has not been tested, so Lin Fan asked the system for the conclusion it got.

However, the system cannot lie. Since he can tell it, Lin Fan believes it.

"Lin Fan, Zhu Xichen, 18th Group Army, New 4th Brigade Reconnaissance Battalion!"At this time, the captain in front finally spit out Lin Fan's name............

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