Eighty-eight snipers, Lin Fan didn't know until he joined Lu Te that when he was in the company, Bai Xu said that the so-called basic skill of the scouts was 600 meters, which was pure fart and bragging.

For special forces, six hundred meters is normal.

Yes, except for special forces.

Even if their special operations unit is professional in combat command and sniper assessment, hitting an apple from 400 meters is enough to pass.

Six hundred meters, according to the instructor at the military academy, is the requirement for real special forces. Only those among them who want to graduate and join the special forces need to be accurate to this level.

As for the scouts, although they also need to be familiar with sniper rifles, they are generally qualified if they hit within 400 meters.

Because, although the maximum effective range of the Eight-Eight Sniper is 800 meters.

However, this is written data.

In reality, after 400 meters, the bullet will be affected by wind, air pressure, air humidity and gravity, causing the bullet to become more uncontrollable.

The accuracy becomes worse and the scatter area increases.

With an effective range of 800 meters, no one in the special forces can achieve this, but they are all professional snipers.

As for saying that six hundred meters is the basic skill of a scout, that is pure nonsense. This is the standard for a scout sniper.

What's more, they even said that on TV, they often hit the flagpole from 1,000 meters and 1,200 meters.

The instructor said directly at the beginning that it was just TV.

In reality, this probability is as high as your chance of winning five million dollars if you buy lottery tickets three times in a row.

That is no longer a technical problem, that is God.

Can you hit 1,200 meters?

The instructor said at the beginning that if you use a high-precision anti-equipment sniper rifle, use matching sniper ammunition, and cooperate with trained snipers, then it will not be a problem.

But if it's a 88 sniper, no sniper will be useful. This is a firearm problem.

If you really want to, there is only one way, give a box of bullets, and then shoot casually, you can always hit.

But can this still be considered sniping?

Sniping itself is a position where you can kill with one precise shot. Shooting with a box of bullets is feeding bullets and covering firepower....

Eight hundred meters is the limit that a sniper can use stably with the 88 sniper. Beyond this distance, it will become a probability shot.

And once it becomes a probability shooting, it can no longer be called a sniper.

Seeing the change of expression on Guo Sheng's face, Lin Fan was not anxious and just looked at him with a smile.

A few seconds later, Guo Sheng gritted his teeth and agreed:"Whoever is afraid of whom, come!"

As soon as he agreed, the Second Company Commander, who was just watching the fun, did not need to speak, but Captain Peng turned around and ordered the soldiers behind him to follow.

"Go, take the walkie-talkie, get two targets over there, and set them up eight hundred meters away!"

The target eight hundred meters away is on the top of a hill, and the target is not a ring target, but a balloon target.

Now that one shot is required to determine the outcome, there is no point in shooting against the balloon target.

Just change to the ring target and shoot up, as long as They didn't miss the target, and the results of the two men could be directly seen.

The soldier ordered by the second company commander was a corporal. After he answered the call, a lieutenant from the second company went over and gave him a walkie-talkie.

Then, he headed directly toward the hundred meters We passed by the target site. Went under the target site, picked up two targets placed inside, then picked up the two targets and ran up the hill over there.

After waiting for a while, the 800-meter target was originally standing at attention. A target was planted on the top of the mountain.

Then, he did not plant a second target and just slipped away.

Ten seconds later, the second company commander now had a voice from the walkie-talkie in his hand.

"Report, I'm concealed and ready to shoot!"

"receive!"The Second Company Commander replied, then looked at the First Company Commander, then at Lin Fan and Guo Sheng:"Haha, you can start!"

Company Commander Peng also looked at the Second Company Commander a little helplessly, and then looked at the two of them and said:"Who comes first!"

"You are the monitor, you go first!"Guo Sheng, who was holding the Eight-Eight Sniper, suddenly took a step forward and handed Lin Fan the gun in his hand.

Lin Fan looked at him and laughed again.


It doesn't make any difference if you hit first and then hit later.

What's more, Lin Fan has hit the 800m in Lu Te many times, and he doesn't have any psychological pressure.

"Monitor, here it is!"At this time, Bi Baoshan also took the initiative to help again and brought over two 5.8mm bullets from the 87 machine gun.

Of course, these were also the bullets used by the 88 sniper.

Lin Fan reached out to take it, then unloaded the magazine and put Two bullets are pressed into the magazine together


Load the gun and turn on the safety.

Lin Fan looked at Guo Sheng:"You calibrated the gun, right?

It's not easy to dismantle and inspect it here. I need to try out the gun. Is it okay?"

"Of course, monitor please!"

Guo Sheng smiled and nodded.

This is to be expected. It is also a necessary operation for a real sniper when he can't recalibrate and become familiar with an unfamiliar gun.

Sniping, especially long-distance sniping, if you are an opponent If you don’t understand the gun that hits it, it will be impossible to shoot accurately.

A slight difference can make it miss a thousand miles. This is vividly reflected in sniping.

You must know that a gun is composed of multiple parts, and in the army, there are timing Habits of disassembly and maintenance.

If you have some personal habits when assembling, if other people use this gun and don't shoot and test the ballistics, they will not be able to accurately understand the gun's grab line.

This is a fatal mistake for long-distance sniping.

At this time, Lin Fan got Guo Sheng's consent, took a few steps forward, came to the shooting position, and then squatted down. He raised his left hand horizontally, and put the gun on his left hand with his right hand to fix the posture.

"Want an assistant?"

Behind me, Captain Peng asked at this time.

This posture is undoubtedly not a good posture for shooting.

"Need not!"

Lin Fan's body remained motionless, but his mouth opened and closed slightly, rejecting the proposal.

Then, Lin Fan's eyes turned to the sight.

After adjusting to the six-power scope, Lin Fan glanced at the grass beside him with his left eye.

The wind was very weak. , the wind speed is estimated to be two meters per second.

The weather is sunny and the air humidity is low.

Air pressure... muzzle arc...

One data after another flashed through Lin Fan's mind.

These three years have not been in vain for Lin Fan.


With the sound of a gunshot, Lin Fan's crouching body was slightly shaken by the recoil.

But Lin Fan didn't get up immediately, or even put down his gun.

His eyes were always looking through the scope at a target two hundred meters away.

Nine rings, the impact point is located at the five o'clock direction of the center of the target.

There is indeed something wrong with this gun.

"The aim of this gun is to the upper left!"At this time, Guo Sheng spoke.

Lin Fan turned to look at him, but said nothing.

At this second, a series of data appeared in Lin Fan's mind again.

Lin Fan was passing this gun The impact point of the bullet was calculated to calculate the various data deviations of the gun.

Soon, Lin Fan put away the gun and stood up and turned around.

"Okay, I can get started!"

"Aim yourself and start shooting!"Company Commander Peng didn't say much.

We've already reached this point. It's useless to talk more. Just fight.

It's a mule or a horse out for a walk......

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