July 1st is the day when students officially have summer vacation.

And in the dormitory of the Mountain Wolf Scout Camp

""Crack~" the sound is endless.

In the eighth class dormitory, eight people are sitting on a small bench surrounded by a piece of cloth.

In front of them, there are maintained guns and some scattered gun parts.

Lin Fan is here today The fourth day.

However, it is only the fourth day, and we have to go out to perform the mission.

Of course, it is not an emergency mission, just a routine mission of the Mountain Wolf Reconnaissance Battalion.

In the Mountain Wolf Reconnaissance Battalion, every month, every platoon must A ten-day mission.

This mission is the same as standing guard, but for these ten days, the person standing at the gate of the motherland is a mobile guard. The

New Fourth Brigade is a border defense brigade. Many of its units have set up fixed posts at the border to be responsible for daily tasks. Patrol.

However, this alone is not enough.

The border between the motherland and the opposite country Y is mostly covered with mountains and forests. The border is demarcated by boundary monuments and mountains. There is no clear separation. It can be said that as long as you dare to walk, you can It is very easy to cross the border.

The patrol soldiers at fixed posts have fixed routes and roughly fixed times. This means that those who are interested can find out and avoid it.

However, this is the key point of the border after all, and there must be more than one line of defense.

This is not , the reconnaissance battalion work came out.

Three platoons at a time were transported into the border reconnaissance camp within the defense area by transport aircraft. They brought equipment and materials, and dropped them into various places in the mountains and forests in squads, and then moved into the barren mountains and wilderness as temporary brigades. According to the road map given by the ministry, patrols and posts are carried out.

This is considered a secret sentry, and it is also the most powerful means to combat smuggling, even smuggling and crime.

The mountain wolf reconnaissance camp, with its eyes and momentum that is different from the general reconnaissance camp, is such an environment for training Out

"Come on, come on, let it go, let it go!"

The door to the dormitory opened, and Guo Sheng and a low-level soldier walked in from outside carrying things.

They were all kinds of food.

Compressed biscuits, self-heating military rations, chocolate, water purification tablets, all of them have been sorted and packaged. Packed in bags

"Come on, monitor, it's yours!"Guo Sheng put one of the boxes in front of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan reached out and picked it up. It should be about five or six kilograms.

"Is that all? Lin Fan said a little puzzled.

You know, this trip lasts for ten days.

On the side, Bi Baoshan, who had just assembled the machine gun, smiled and said:"This is three days of rations. We need to move within the border." , you can go to the outpost to replenish supplies on the way!"

"All right! Lin

Fan nodded, and then put the assembled Type 92 pistol on the cloth in front of him.

Looking at the others, there were not many parts scattered on the cloth in front of him.

After a while, all the weapons were All assembled

"Okay, wash your hands and arm yourself! It’s almost meeting time!"

Lin Fan raised his hand and looked at the time. It was eight-thirty-seven in the morning.

Everyone started after breakfast. Now, there is not much time before nine o'clock to gather and set off.

Everyone got up together and went outside to take a shower. After coming back, I quickly started to arm myself.

This time it was fully equipped.

Except for the ammunition for training, I also had body armor and a personal combat communicator. I put it on and stuffed the bulging food into it. in the backpack.

Put on the backpack, and everyone helps paint camouflage on each other’s faces.

"Walk! Lin Fan inserted the pistol into the gun bag on his thigh and held their respective post weapons in his hands. Lin Fan shouted, so everyone headed out of the dormitory with him as the leader. When he went downstairs, there was already a squad standing in line in the third row..

At the same time, another class also ran down quickly.

"stand at attention~"

"Take a break and count! The platoon leader was also fully armed. After counting the number of people, he shouted:"Squad 7, go out and distribute ammunition!""

After another order, the soldiers in the front row of the team quickly put their guns behind them, and then ran to the platoon leader's side. There were several boxes there.

The soldiers of the seventh squad pried open the boxes with bayonets.

Inside, there was a Grenades, magazines and drums, and even rockets were neatly placed in those boxes. The first one was the grenade.

Class 8 and Class 9, everyone had four, one smoke, one flash, and one Explosion, and a high-explosive one!

Lin Fan hung the grenade on his body, and immediately the magazine came.

He was carrying the 95.

Although his sniper skills currently impressed Guo Yong, the sniper of the eighth squad, but his body As a squad leader, he is also considered a commander, so he is not suitable for sniping.

After all, if there is an emergency, the squad leader has to take command. He cannot squat quietly in one place and snipe the enemy without caring about anything.

Five Four of the magazines with bright yellow bullets exposed were put into the pockets of the combat uniforms. The remaining one was directly exchanged with the magazine on the gun, and the empty magazine was returned to the soldiers of Class 7 who were distributing ammunition. The weight on the body gradually increased. The full load of ammunition is increasing.

At the same time, Lin Fan feels that his heartbeat is gradually getting faster.

It has been more than three years since he went out with live ammunition. This is the first time since he went abroad to fight.

In school, live ammunition There were a lot of shootings, but that was just training.

Now, although it is a daily patrol, this is the border, and the mission is full of uncertainties.

"Hey, squad leader, you never brought any live ammunition when you went out for training, right?"

Bi Baoshan, who was standing next to Lin Fan, smiled and murmured softly.

He thought Lin Fan would be nervous. After all, he has superb military skills, but this kind of scene is not something that school students or even ordinary troops in the interior can handle.

"hehe! Lin Fan smiled, but did not brag.

The matter of his cross-border combat is still kept secret and cannot be talked about everywhere.

"Hey, squad leader, it’s okay. If you experience it a few times, you’ll get used to it!"On the other side of Bibaoshan, Guo Yong also turned his head and spoke softly with a smile.

"Um!"Lin Fan still nodded.

The comfort from his comrades was a good intention, and he didn't need to refute anything.

Soon, the entire platoon, including the seventh squadron himself and the platoon leader, were fully armed.

"Turn left, target playground, run and walk!"

The platoon leader ordered loudly.

The third platoon started running.

From a distance, Lin Fan saw a transport plane parked on the playground in the distance.

In front of the three planes, which were covered with camouflage, there were about ten people waiting there. At the same time , , from the other two directions, there were two platoons running towards them in full force..........

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