An SSS-level talent has directly made Wang Jing'an famous in the country.

It won't be long before the entire human race will know that Beijiang City in Daxia has stepped out of the 31st SSS class.

Wang Jing'an saw that the person in charge was so reserved and invited him into his home for a cup of tea.

But the person in charge said that he would handle the transfer of the villa first and come back tomorrow morning.

Wang Jing'an didn't keep the other party either.

He took the wooden box, closed the door, and returned to the living room.

Before he could open it, Wang Jing'an received a call from the principal: "Principal? Do you know my phone number?"

"I don't care what your class teacher wants." Principal Zhang said.

"Principal, what's the matter? Are you planning to hold a celebration banquet for me?" Wang Jing'an said with a playful smile.

"Well... I'm looking for you because a housekeeper from the Li Group came to me and asked me to ask for your home address." Principal Zhang simply said that Wang Jing'an's personal files were classified as top confidentiality. out.

"My files are encrypted?" Wang Jing'an was surprised.

But if you think about it carefully, it's right. The 31st SSS class must be taken seriously by the country.

Maybe now the country has sent people to protect itself secretly, it is not impossible.

"Well, I couldn't even find your home address, so the steward of the Li Group gave me one hundred thousand...I'll put all the one hundred thousand on your card later. If I take it, it will be against the rules." Principal Zhang explain.

Wang Jing'an was puzzled: "I can understand that you don't take money because you are afraid of violating the rules, but you told my family's abbot even though you knew that my file was encrypted. Aren't you afraid of being held accountable?"

Although Wang Jing'an doesn't know much about the secrets here, he still knows a thing or two.

Principal Zhang: "The apple of Li's consortium is looking for you. He forgot to tell you that his grandfather was one of the ten saints of the previous generation."

Wang Jing'an was shocked: "The ten saints of the previous generation of humans?"

It's no wonder, the family has produced ten saints, and such consortiums all serve the country.

"So, why did this Li family's apple come to me? Could it be that he thought that I had won the first prize and wanted to come to me personally and pledge myself to him?" Wang Jing'an began to think.

"Jing'an, don't think wrongly... She came to you probably because of her grandfather's affairs. Anyway, you will know tonight or tomorrow morning. Hang up first. I have to deal with business here... 100 million... …”

When the principal hung up the phone, Wang Jing'an clearly heard the words "one hundred million" and had no idea what the principal was doing.

Could it be that this year's batch of student aid funds from Lingwu High School has arrived?

That's right. If an SSS-level champion emerges from Lingwu, Beijing University will probably not treat Lingwu badly.

Putting away his thoughts, Wang Jing'an began to open the wooden box in his hand.

Inside is a shining elixir that exudes a rich elixir fragrance.

This elixir was not refined from some herbs, that was the plot of a novel.

The formation of the realm-breaking elixir is obtained by hunting monster beasts and obtaining the demon elixir from them.

Then it is tempered through the demon pill until it is tempered without any impurities before it can be taken directly by people.

[Detected changes in the wealth value of the host, gained 42,900 reputation points]

finally come.

Wang Jing'an has been looking forward to it all night: "Let's do ten draws in a row!"

Countless pages of the Classic of Mountains and Seas deep in my mind began to turn.

at last--

"The extraction failed, thank you for your patronage!"

"The extraction failed, thank you for your patronage!"

"The extraction failed, thank you for your patronage!"


Wang Jing'an: "!!(=°Д°=)!!"

"I'm going to blanch, isn't there a guarantee for every ten draws in a row?"

Wang Jing'an remembered that the last time he drew ten consecutive draws, he guaranteed to draw out some of Suzaku's abilities.

System: "The first time was to take care of the host's emotions, and the guarantee was only given once in ten consecutive draws. Now as the rank increases, the guarantee has also been upgraded."

【Name】: Wang Jing’an


[Gender]: Unknown

[Rank]: Black Iron

[Power]: 169/169

[Cultivation]: First level (the second level can be broken through when the strength reaches 220)

[Talent]: SSS-level Nanming Lihuo

[Reputation]: 33900

[Guarantee]: 10 times (rare items will be released one hundred times)

[Item]: None

"Black Iron rank? What are you doing here?" Wang Jing'an had not noticed this before.

System: "After reaching the Black Iron rank, you will not fail in the lottery, but there will be some attached gifts."

Wang Jing'an: "Can I still trust you?"

System: "Of course you can. The system adopts mechanized procedures. All data will be processed according to the procedures, and no personal vendetta will be reported publicly."

Wang Jing'an felt that this sentence seemed familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Wang Jing'an: "Then let's do ten more draws in a row."

The Book of Mountains and Seas began to turn.

"Failed to extract, a total of 0.1% increase in the compatibility of Nanming Lihuo!"

"Failed to extract, a total of 0.1% increase in the compatibility of Nanming Lihuo!"

"Failed to extract, a total of 0.1% increase in the compatibility of Nanming Lihuo!"


[Nanming Lihuo Compatibility: 2%]

Wang Jing'an: "Damn it, profiteer! I won't smoke anymore!"

The system is very tempting: "Guarantee a hundred times and get rare items."

Wang Jing'an: "Get out!"

Exiting the system page, Wang Jing'an returned to reality. He did not want to continue to be tricked by the system.

He suspected that this violent system was just seeking revenge for public and private reasons!

It’s better to save up the remaining reputation first.

This lottery is a complete trap.

Why are you guaranteed to get rare items a hundred times? What if you get an item you don’t want?

After Wang Jing'an returned to reality, he looked at the Realm Breaking Pill in his hand: "I didn't expect this small pill to be worth more than 40,000 yuan."

"Swallow it directly or refine it?"

Wang Jing'an forgot to ask about the process of taking the elixir.

After thinking about it carefully, Wang Jing'an came to the conclusion that he should take it directly.

Anyway, he is already a warrior, and his strength value has reached 169. Even if something happens, how big of a problem can it be?

Without hesitation, Wang Jing'an swallowed half a palm-sized piece of Breaking Realm Pill directly into his stomach.

Chewing the elixir slowly in your mouth.

It didn't take long for Wang Jing'an to feel the sweetness soothing his taste buds, and even a touch of bitterness. It melted in his mouth and was extremely smooth...


The energy from the Breaking Realm Pill was exuding all over his body, impacting the surroundings.

Wang Jing'an choked directly from the power of the medicine and fell to the ground struggling.

He put his hands on his neck, trying to take out the elixir.

He regretted it.

It should not be eaten raw.

Outside the living room.

in the corridor.

A woman had just taken the elevator and arrived on the fourth floor: "Wang Zhuangyuan's home should be here, right?"

Next to the woman was an old man: "Yes, Miss. I spent a lot of money to get Wang Zhuangyuan's home address from Principal Zhang. I can't tell anyone about it."

Regarding the fact that Wang Jing'an's personal files are classified as the highest level of confidentiality, everyone with status basically knows.

So in the afternoon, when the college entrance examination results were synchronized across the country in real time, the young lady wanted to see Wang Zhuangyuan, and the old man had already made arrangements for it.

"Well... Grandpa's condition is getting worse and worse. I heard that the Nanming Lihuo burned to the extreme and turned pure white. I don't know if it can alleviate Grandpa's condition."

The woman with long hair had just walked outside the door of 411, Wang Jing'an's home, when she heard the sound of um um ah ah ah coming from inside.

"What's going on?" The woman's face suddenly turned red.

However, the butler on the side felt something was wrong and kicked the aluminum door directly, unleashing the powerful strength of the warrior.

PS: I forgot to write down the strength value before, but it’s not a big problem to change it now and it won’t affect reading.

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