After The College Entrance Examination, I Was Actually Encrypted By The National Sss Level

Chapter 23 There Is Another Person Who Can Cure The Poison In The War Emperor's Body

"Fool the world?" Wang Jing'an was shocked by this ability.

Fooling the five senses, space, time, and direction is all understandable, but how should we fool the world?

If he doesn't understand, Wang Jing'an doesn't bother to understand. Anyway, he will know one day sooner or later.

The emergence of the spiritual power of Shan Hai Jing in this parallel world is a miracle in itself.

"Only 30% compatibility can fool the five senses. So in the initial stage of this ability, can it only fool the direction?"

Just as Wang Jing'an was talking to himself, the system sounded the prompt again.

[Note: The host successfully draws the second divine ability, the lottery price is raised from 1,000 to 10,000 once, and ten consecutive draws are also discounted at 10%]

Wang Jing'an looked at this prompt and fell into deep thought.

Sure enough, it's not that easy to improve one's cultivation.

If even the lottery prices are raised.

If you want to rely on reputation to accumulate abilities and cultivation, you must spend a huge amount of reputation.

At this moment, the system vividly embodies the four words "poor in literature and rich in martial arts".

Wang Jing'an checked the time and it was time to go out for breakfast.

I came to a breakfast stall downstairs and ordered a rice roll.


Another incident caused a heated discussion without Wang Jingan knowing about it.

It’s related to senior Li Nianhua!

There are many such posts and comments in major campus forums in Beijiang City.

"Have you heard that the old war emperor is said to have returned to his former peak?"

"I heard about it last night, and many people in the group are discussing it now."

"I guess the country is also paying close attention, right?"

"I just logged into the Beijiang City Campus Forum and found out that Senior War Emperor was poisoned a few years ago. Now many people are speculating about who cured Senior War Emperor of the poison."


Sure enough, nine out of ten posts were discussing the same topic.

One of the popular posts was pushed to the top.

This post says this:

[Because my hometown is here in Donghai City. When Senior War Emperor’s talent exploded last night, half of the sky in the entire urban area of ​​Donghai was covered. 】

[That scene was so shocking. It was also the first time I saw the true elegance of an SSS-level emperor. 】

[As expected of Senior Sun, he cured the poisonous poison in Senior War Emperor so quickly! 】

[Thumbs up for Senior Sun! 】

There are many posts like this.

Another popular post is about Senior Sun:

[I saw before that everyone was saying that Senior Sun helped Senior War Emperor cure the poison in his body, so they thought it was me who was out of touch. 】

[After all, I didn’t know anything about such a big thing. 】

[I learned about it this morning. It turns out that the poison in the body of Senior War Emperor is the nine poisonous emperor snake of the demon clan. It is said that it can only be eliminated by burning to the extreme flame. 】

[Senior Sun’s Ice and Fire Dual Heaven is SSS level, and his abilities of ice and fire should be regarded as the best in the world. 】

[Except for Mr. Sun, no one should be able to cure the poison in the body of Senior War Emperor, right? 】

There are many comments below this post.

"Can you please remove the 'should'? Senior Sun's ability to play with fire and control ice is the best in the world."

"Now that our human race has another one who has regained his peak combat power, it is estimated that the demon race will not dare to invade us even more."


Topics like this are not only happening in Beijiang City, but warriors in various cities across the country are paying close attention.

The news even spread abroad.

It can be regarded as setting off a big craze.

After all, he was one of the Ten Saints of the previous generation, and his suspected return to his former peak will definitely attract the attention of countless warriors.

Wang Jing'an, who was having breakfast, didn't know that his cure for Senior Li would be a complete sensation.

As time passed, and after a few days, the topic of Li Nianhua's return to the top became more and more intense, and finally the Demon Slayer Pavilion came forward to suppress the news.

Li Nianhua was also secretly invited to a meeting by the Demon Slayer Pavilion to discuss his return to the top ten saints of the contemporary human race.

But Li Nianhua refused.

He said that the term "Ten Saints" or not "Ten Saints" is just a false name.

Moreover, if Li Nianhua himself ranks among the ten contemporary saints, one of them will definitely be squeezed out.

Having lived a long time, he is not so concerned about these things.

This time for a radical cure, he just wanted to recuperate and retreat for a while.

A mysterious organization stationed in a certain urban area in Daxia.

In the empty hall, there were many people in black sitting in front of the long table.

These men in black all wear different masks.

Among them, the one sitting at the top is wearing a purple mask with the number "3" hanging on his chest.

The Purple Face Mask is also the third throne of this organization.

And this mysterious organization is the Destiny Sect, which specializes in helping the demon clan. It has been lurking between Daxia and many countries for a long time, delivering important information to the demon clan.

The purple-faced mask said: "Everyone here must already know that the poison in the War Emperor's body has been eradicated. What we need to do now is to pass this information to the leader and the leader, so that they can directly inform the demon clan. "

The Destiny Cult has eight thrones. Except for the first and second thrones, which are not in Daxia, the other six are all here.

Next to him, a man in black wearing a blue mask said, "I've been paying close attention these past two days. According to rumors, it was Senior Sun who took action. However, the inside story I know is different from the rumors. ."

The number "8" hangs on the chest of this blue-faced mask, and he is the eighth throne.

The Seventh Throne sitting on the far left said: "Lan Lian, just tell me what you know without showing off."

The person who spoke, codenamed Black Face, was wearing a Black Face mask.

Lan Lian said: "Li Jinyan, the apple of the eye of the Li family, went to Beijiang City five days ago, the night after the college entrance examination, and asked the number one scholar to detoxify the Emperor of War."

"The top pick? Is it Wang Jing'an who has awakened a new SSS-level talent?" asked the black face.

"Yes, he used Nanming Lihuo to remove the remaining toxins from the War Emperor's body." Lan Lian said softly: "The rumors are all false. This is the truth as far as I know."

The purple-faced person in the third throne asked in confusion: "Didn't Wang Jing'an just finish the college entrance examination? He is only in the first level at best. Even with this level of cultivation, it is impossible to completely cure the toxins remaining in the War Emperor's body even with the help of SSS-level Nanming Lihuo."

The thrones present here all know very well that Mr. Sun's personal actions in the past few years have not been able to completely cure the poison in the War Emperor's body.

How could a student who had just finished the college entrance examination be so capable?

Even at the SSS level, Mr. Sun couldn't do it, so how could a student do it?

The blue-faced man in the eighth throne shook his head and said: "At that time, only the head of the Li family and Wang Jing'an entered the ruined temple. I don't know the specific details, but what I can guarantee is that it was not Mr. Sun who cured the War Emperor, but Wang Jing'an, the top scorer in the college entrance examination."

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