The truth comes out...

No wonder Chen Tingxi is not her opponent.

No wonder Yang Zhen's equal field couldn't be suppressed, and no wonder Lin Jinfeng was easily defeated.

In the field, when Chen Tingxi looked at Wang Jing'an, her eyes were full of complexity.

It turns out that Wang Jing'an had been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger last night.

The words he said were indeed not arrogant or domineering, nor were they proud and complacent.

Wang Jing'an could really challenge all the students present last night.

A strange look flashed across Li Jinyan's pretty face, and even she felt shocked: "I only saw him once before..."

I haven’t seen you in just one summer vacation. Have you grown to this point?

Han Shaoyun, Li Jinyan, Chen Tingxi, Chen Yance, Lin Jinfeng, Chu Ziyao and other geniuses all stared at Wang Jing'an with complicated eyes...

With the cultivation of the Third Realm and the SSS-level Nanming Lihuo, if you want to push him to his limit, your strength must reach at least 600.

Even 650!

"The second stage assessment was wrong, reassess! Nanming Lihuo is far more terrifying than we imagined!"

The people in charge of Tianling Pavilion wanted to cry but had no tears.

They're almost crying, okay?

Why is Wang Jing'an so powerful?

He originally thought that the collision between him and Han Shaoyun just now was close to the limit, but now it seems that this is not close?


While the person in charge of Tianling Pavilion was sticking to his post, on another battlefield, Li Shaohua unleashed his natural abilities and wanted to forcibly break the barrier set by the empty plate with his team members.

Suddenly, a voice came from the intercom hanging on Li Shaohua's chest: "Report to the captain, a monster appears outside the gate of Canglong School! The leading monster is suspected to be from the Sixth Realm, please support!"

The voice of the information team came from another channel of the walkie-talkie: "Report to the captain, traces of the eight thrones of the Destiny God Sect have been found at the west school gate. The other party is wearing a red face mask and has been confirmed to be the sixth throne. Please support!"


The voices reporting one after another came from the intercom, and Li Shaohua realized that the demon clan was well prepared this time.

They did not look down upon Wang Jing'an because he was just a student who had just entered college.

On the contrary, precisely because Wang Jing'an was still in his infancy, the demon clan wanted to strangle him in the cradle at the minimum cost!

Li Shaohua frowned and his expression changed drastically: "They came prepared. They asked Canglong's school leaders to come forward and prepare to enter the highest combat state! Old Shen, please notify the Pavilion Master immediately!"

At this time, the bald man holding the loudspeaker cursed a few words and then shouted loudly: "A bunch of bastard human scum, what's the benefit of working for the demon clan? Do they have no parents to support them?"

At the same time, many school leaders from Canglong Martial Arts School came forward.

Some instructors with higher cultivation levels have already begun to set off.

Some people ran towards the west gate, and some ran towards the east gate.

Principal's office.

He looked at the computer screen, and a smile emerged from the corner of his mouth: "Finally, you can't sit still anymore? Then let's do a general cleaning within the human race."

But at this time, the principal received a call.

The note on the phone number is "Wang Dingtian".

After answering the phone, the principal's attitude immediately became respectful: "Master, what are your plans next?"

The voice on the other side was extremely brief: "Let the bullets fly for a while."

The principal asked: "How long will the flight take?"

On the other side of the phone: "When Li's [Emperor-killing Plan] is successfully completed, we will start closing the network."

The principal nodded: "Okay."

"Uncle, you can lead the team to support outside the school gate. Leave this place to me..."

Li Qingyi walked to the playground with Tang Dao on his back. Although he was talking to Li Shaohua, at the end of his sight was Wang Jing'an who was locked in a certain space.

Li Shaohua frowned when he saw Qing Yi coming over: "You are not strong enough. The Dingkong Pan is a sixth-grade spiritual weapon that can forcibly lock a certain range of space..."

However, before Li Shaohua finished speaking, he saw Li Qingyi gradually holding the Tang Dao, and the energy emanating from his body gradually started to burn.

Li Qingyi's life functions passed slowly.

Li Shaohua suddenly woke up: "Qing Yi! Do you want to implement that plan so early?"

Li Qingyi nodded: "My mission is also my responsibility. Uncle, go ahead and leave this place to me. Don't worry!"

Li Shaohua no longer hesitated and led the team out of the playground.

When he left, he left five team members to assist Li Qingyi.

Li Shaohua looked around, but Canglong's principal was nowhere to be seen.

"Jing'an, I didn't expect that we would be able to fight side by side so soon." The Tang Dao in Li Qingyi's hand showed its edge, and the eighth-level spirituality suddenly enveloped the entire playground.

Veins popped up on Shi Guang's forehead: "Eighth-grade spiritual weapon? Li Qingyi, who are you?"

They are both university students at Beijing University. Many people at Beijing University know that Li Qingyi dresses strangely and often carries a knife on his back.

Unexpectedly, this sword is actually an eighth-grade spiritual weapon!

Looking at the entire human race, there are no more than 30 eighth-grade spiritual weapons!

Not to mention the ninth-grade spiritual weapons, they are extremely rare. If all the ninth-grade spiritual weapons in the human race were added up, there would be no more than 10.

"Who am I?"

Li Qingyi murmured to himself, and then replied: "I am a pioneer who paved the way for the great cause of the human race, the first person below the SSS level, the eldest son of the Li family... and a friend of Wang Jing'an."

As soon as these words came out, Li Qingyi suddenly slashed with a knife.

This knife did not hit Shi Guang, but split the surrounding stars into powder.

With the power of the eighth level, coupled with Li Qingyi's cultivation at the peak of the third level, he can even surpass the level and defeat the warriors of the fifth level!

"Blessings!" Li Qingyi shouted.

Wang Jing'an, who was sealed inside, suddenly saw flames on his body, and from high in the sky, a pair of red pupils suddenly opened!

Those eyes are burning everything!

The moment his eyes opened, within a radius of several hundred meters, the God of Fire Yu Yu was condensed in the air.

A divine bird was slowly outlined by the flames.

To be precise, it is not a divine bird, but the Suzaku of the four divine beasts.

One of the four spirits in heaven.

The moment Suzaku appeared, half of the sky was lit up!

All the students at Canglong Martial Arts School, and even the warriors outside the martial arts school, witnessed this dazzling moment.

At this moment, everyone woke up.

Wang Jing'an's limit turns out to be here!

The five persons in charge of Tianling Pavilion were all stunned.

When they played against Han Shaoyun before, they originally thought that Wang Jing'an was approaching his limit...

Who would have thought that they overlooked a crucial issue.

That was the vision of Nanming Lihuo.

From beginning to end, Nanming Lihuo's vision was never revealed.

"The serial number is wrongly defined..." The hands of the person in charge of Tianling Pavilion were trembling. This Nanming Lihuo could actually burn to such an extent.

Is this not considered SSS level anymore?

At this moment, the appearance of the divine bird sounded a wake-up call for everyone.

Wang Jing'an can already be called invincible among his peers.


The red bird flutters its wings in the sky, and the flaming eagle strikes the sky.

The moment the ball of flames rushed down from the sky, in conjunction with Li Qingyi's explosive sword, the space blocked by the fixed space plate began to fall apart and shatter!


Wang Jing'an panted heavily, as if he was wrapped in flame wings, and looked at Li Qingyi: "...Thank you."

Li Qingyi smiled: "You are my only friend, no need to say thank you!"

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