The SS-class will be destroyed together?

Wang Jing'an knew Li Qingyi's talent for the first time.

However, is there any necessary connection between this talent and [Operation Killing the Emperor]?

After the hair on the back of his head turned white, Li Qingyi forced a smile: "The principal didn't take action in time, I probably knew that my mission was coming."

Wang Jing'an's eyes became complicated. He had just felt strange that monsters and people from the Destiny Sect appeared on campus, but why the principal didn't show up.

It turns out that the principal also knew about Li's plan...

"Li Qingyi was actually dead when he awakened at the age of 18. Now he lives for the great cause of the human race. But Jing'an, your appearance has allowed Li Qingyi to find his former self. Before he died, I thought Live for yourself."

Li Qingyi used his former self to express this sentence.

Wang Jing'an fell into deep thought: "Do we have to... sacrifice?"

Li Qingyi didn't nod or shake his head, just looked at Wang Jing'an quietly.

Wang Jing'an felt the fluctuations flowing deep in Qing Yi's eyes, as if he was fighting against fate, but also seemed to be surrendering to fate.

Even though Li Qingyi was reluctant to give up, she was willing to endure it silently and carry everything on her back.

After hesitating for a while, Li Qingyi said in a rather awkward tone:

"Best greetings!"


"You still owe me a sparring session."


"We have completed this discussion battle today."

"At this?"

"Here we are, let's compete in a competition about who can kill more demons, who is more handsome, and who lives longer..."


Wang Jing'an is just a student and has no way to interfere with the plan made by the Li family and those senior human race officials.


But he was able to accompany Li Qingyi on his last journey.

"It's so sensational..." Lan Lian shook his head and said, "Young Master in Qingyi, let's go down to hell with Wang Jing'an to meet him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the blue-faced mask repeated what Shi Guang had said before: "Wang Jing'an! On behalf of the ten evil spirits of the demon clan, I will judge you!"

"Get out!" Li Qingyi burst out with a knife. This knife drained one-fifth of his life function.

With a pop, Lan's face was hacked away by the eighth-grade Tang Dao, and a ferocious incision appeared on his chest along the top of his neck, and blood flowed gurglingly.

The mask broke into two pieces.

Lan Lian's true appearance was undoubtedly exposed.

Butler Li!

Li Qingyi shouted coldly: "Wang Jing'an can be judged by a young man like you? Not even the Ten Evils are qualified to judge him. Born in this era, Wang Jing'an is destined to create an unprecedented prosperous age for the human race!"

"In this prosperous age, someone must use their flesh and blood to pave a road to the sky!"

The housekeeper listened to the heart-rending voices of the young master in Qingyi, and at the same time he was unwilling to accept his fate.

Suddenly, Li Qingyi burst out with a sword again. This sword once again burned one-fifth of his life function.

With this sword strike, the steward's entire arm was chopped off. The cultivation of the peak of the Five Realms was as fragile as an ant in front of Li Qingyi.

Wang Jing'an looked at the back of the cloaked man and found that the man's back was much older.

My head was covered with white hair and my skin began to become saggy.


As the third sword was struck, the housekeeper was completely destroyed in the light of the sword.

Li Qingyi's three swords are fighting against fate: "Actually, I don't want to sacrifice it to this Tang sword..."

With a voice of reluctance, it started to rain heavily.

The sky is also gradually getting darker.

Li Qingyi's black cloak was soaked by the pouring rain.

In the distance, the leader, the Ghost Faced Tiger, roared when he saw the blue-faced mask being hacked to death with three knives.

"Come on!" Li Qingyi's eyes flashed fiercely. Today, he would use his own life to block all dangers for Wang Jing'an.

When Wang Jing'an saw Li Qingyi who was completely jealous, he didn't step forward to stop him, let alone try to persuade him.

He knew very well that what Li Qingyi wanted now was to compete with him!

Then let this sparring battle send Li Qingyi out of this grand demon-slaying stage!


Under the pouring rain, Wang Jing'an led Nan Ming Lihuo into the group of monsters.

The cultivation level of the third realm was clearly displayed, and the demon tigers who were cultivated in the first and second realms were almost killed with physical fists.

"Wang Jing'an, help temper my bow and arrows!" In the distance, Chen Tingxi was fighting with a monster. The long bow condensed from dust in front of her almost killed a level one monster tiger with one arrow.

"Okay!" Wang Jing'an freed up part of Nanming Lihuo, and when he quenched Chen Tingxi's dust bow and arrow with an unquenchable flame, he was able to kill even the three-level demon tiger directly.

Even if he was not shot immediately, the demon tiger would still be burned alive by Nan Minglihuo.

"What's going on with Li Qingyi?" Chen Tingxi frowned: "I see that he has aged so much after swinging his sword three times. He feels like he is in his fifties."

And those three swords are too terrifying, right?

Even Lan Lian, who was at the peak of the Five Realms, was directly hacked to death.

In fact, Wang Jing'an was not envious at all of the power he had gained with his life. He even wanted to greet the senior officials who formulated the plan for "Operation Emperor Beheading".

How cold-blooded a person must be to let a person who should have a fresh life die.

Li Qingyi is still very young, but he has to live in this plan and sacrifice his life...

Sad, pitiful, and feeling a little helpless.

Wang Jing'an didn't answer and tried his best to slay the demon. All he could do now was to win this sparring match well.

To win against Li Qingyi at his best is the greatest respect for him.

When Chen Tingxi saw Wang Jing'an killing demons like crazy, she didn't know what to say.

The qualifying match was obviously going well before, how could it become like this?

Are the demon clan really afraid of the grown-up Wang Jing'an?

On campus, the five Tianling Pavilion leaders have followed here.

One of them asked: "Boss, do you want to help slay the demon?"

The person in charge shook his head: "We just stick to our posts and prepare for the final evaluation..."

Each of the five people was holding a small instrument and tinkering with something on the small screen, as if they were filing.

"SSS-level Nanming Lihuo has shown potential beyond other SSS-level talents for the first time."

"The owner of this talent: Wang Jing'an."

"The degree of integration: between 80% and 90%."

"Sequence rating: Temporarily evaluated as sequence number 1!"

When Wang Jing'an broke out Suzaku just now, these five people in charge should have thought that such a talent would be too terrifying when it really breaks out.

And there is another most important feature, that is, it cannot be extinguished!

"Serial number 1?" When the other persons in charge saw the boss filing, their eyelids jumped wildly: "Boss, do you really want to classify it as serial number 1?"

The person in charge nodded seriously and said: "I am sure that if this evaluation is wrong, I will bear all the consequences."

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