
Li Qingyi suddenly raised his sword and struck Zi's face.

Zilian felt the huge energy coming from this eighth-grade spiritual weapon and took the lead to avoid it. He didn't need to fight with this madman.

This lunatic's state can only last five minutes at most.


Zi Lian seemed to have underestimated the power that Li Qingyi unleashed. The Tang Dao seemed to be extremely evil. As long as the distance was within three feet, even if it was not hit, it would still be affected by the sword light.

"Why haven't I seen this kind of talent?" Zi Lian frowned and retreated while fighting. Fortunately, this guy has not grown up.

If Li Qingyi were in the seventh or even eighth realm at this time, he could fight even the ten evil spirits of the demon clan with that Tang sword in his hand.

This talent is so terrifying.

Fortunately...the fatal flaw of this talent is that it doesn't last long.

Next, all he needs to do is consume Li Qingyi to death.

"Qing Yi..." Wang Jing'an, who was seriously injured, felt an indescribable bitterness deep in his heart as he looked at the "young man" waving a knife crazily in the distance.

It's so sad that a person who obviously wants to live like sunshine has his life decided just because of a talent.


Li Qingyi went berserk, and with the third knife, his purple face flew away, leaving a hideous wound on his arm: "Damn this lunatic!"

Zi Lian still underestimated Li Qingyi's determination to die.

All the students saw the scene of Li Qingyi fighting.

At this moment, Chen Yance realized what a true genius hero is:

"Those who work for everyone should not be allowed to freeze to death in the snow."

“He who paves the way for freedom must not be trapped in thorns.”

"But today, no one defended Senior Qingyi's last moments..."

When Chen Yance finished saying this, Zi Lian was defeated by Li Qingyi.

"You won't live long!" Under the purple-faced mask, the expression was extremely ferocious, and he was actually beaten like this by a warrior at the peak of the Three Realms.

Moreover, what puzzles Zi Lian is why a warrior at the pinnacle of the Third Realm holds an eighth-grade spiritual weapon?

Spiritual weapons of this level are usually equipped for warriors of the seventh or eighth realm, or even the ninth realm!

Li Qingyi ignored the purple face and wildly swung the knife, and said:

"Jing'an, you are my only friend. I originally thought that we would know each other for a long, long time and that we could have many discussions together. I didn't expect that we would be separated forever less than a month after we became friends. After my death, maybe You just have one less friend..."

As soon as these words were spoken, one of Zi Lian's arms was split into flesh and blood, and then devoured by Tang Dao.

At the moment when Li Qingyi gradually hunched over, the last sword strike killed Zi Lian directly. The flesh and blood were blurred. Under the heavy rain, the scarlet blood was slowly diluted.

After doing this, Li Qingyi fell straight to the ground, seemingly having trouble breathing.

These knives cost almost all of his life in wielding them.

Wang Jing'an wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and rushed over to help Li Qingyi up: "Don't sleep! Qingyi! Don't sleep! If you hold on for a while, support should be here soon! If you fall asleep, you will lose this sparring battle. !”

"Jing...Jing'an...Actually, I'm very afraid of death..."

Li Qingyi held his hand tightly and said in the weakest tone: "If we change the way we appear, we... will become... particularly good friends..."

The more Li Qingyi behaves like this, the angrier Wang Jingan becomes. He is so young, but he has to sacrifice it to this Tang Dao. Damn it!

"Jing'an, let me tell you a little story..." Li Qingyi forced a smile.

"Okay!" Wang Jing'an was now afraid that Li Qingyi would fall asleep and never wake up again.

Li Qingyi began to recall the past: "Many people in the outside world say that I am the eldest son of the Li family consortium, but only I know that I am actually just an adopted son adopted by the Li family..."

"I was raised by my grandfather, who had a slanted eye. He didn't want to use the money he finally saved to go to the doctor, but to use it for my education."

"When I was in the first grade of junior high school, my grandpa came to pick me up from school. My classmates just walked out of school with me. They said to Qingyi, why are your grandpa's eyes slanted? He looks so scary. Don't let your grandpa come next time. Got it!"

"The words of my classmates planted a seed in my heart. When my grandfather came to pick me up from school the second time, I stood outside the school gate and pretended not to see my grandfather, and went home in another direction with my classmates."

At this point, Li Qingyi was already extremely weak, with tears streaming down his eyes:

"I still remember that day. Grandpa bought my favorite sausage and stood outside the campus waiting expectantly for me to finish school. However, I pretended not to see him, leaving grandpa standing alone outside the school gate... But, It’s not my grandpa that I’m afraid of, I’m just low self-esteem and social fear, and I’m afraid that my classmates will gossip and laugh at me. My rebellious self is the most hateful and regrettable..."

"Only when I grew up did I realize why my grandpa's smile was different from usual on the day I bought the sausages. There was so much self-blame and guilt hidden under that smile. Grandpa felt that he was dragging me down."

"Actually... the person who should blame and feel guilty is me, not my grandfather. He would rather spend the money he saved for me to study than go to a doctor."

"On that day, he never came to school to pick me up again."

"As I become more sensible in my third year of junior high school, I really hope that my grandpa will come to campus to pick me up..."

"It's just that my grandpa was no longer alive at that time. I heard from the second aunt next door that what grandpa wanted to see most before he died was me. When I rushed back, grandpa was already gone, and there were still two sausages on the bedside table... …”

Speaking of this, Li Qingyi's voice became choked:

"I have had no parents since I was a child, and my grandpa is the last hope in my life!"

"If I hadn't been affected by my classmates' words that day, if I had walked over and took over the sausages bought from my grandfather, if I had held my grandfather's hand and gone home together that day, maybe I wouldn't be so regretful..."

"When I entered high school at the age of 17, all students had to take a talent test before school started. I tested a brand new SS-level talent."

"It was also from that time on that my life was arranged."

"When I learned about the plan, that night, I recalled every detail of my life with my grandfather..."

"Then I buried the story belonging to Li Qingyi with my own hands that night...The next morning, I happily accepted the identity of the eldest son of the Li family!"

At this point in the story, Li Qingyi almost collapsed emotionally. The past was brought back, and the figure of his grandfather flashed in the depths of his memory.


he looks like……

I forgot what grandpa looked like...

Wang Jing'an's hands were trembling, and he couldn't find words to describe his mood at this moment.

Li Jinyan, who was slaying demons in the distance, had also finished listening to his elder brother's story.

My eldest brother’s previous life was actually like this…

It turns out that the memories of all the children of the Li family have been affected.

In their memories, Li Qingyi is their eldest brother.

It seemed that there was a big shot who used some kind of talent to interfere with the memories of these children of the Li family.

While Li Qingyi was recalling the past, a man in black came from a distance.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk~ The story is really touching."

The other party wore a purple mask and said calmly: "You can kill my clone, Li Qingyi, you are indeed a respectable opponent."

When Li Qingyi saw that Zi Lian was not dead, he stopped recalling and his expression became serious: "It's really a centipede insect, dead but not stiff!"

"Bless me, help me up!"

Hearing this, Wang Jing'an supported Li Qingyi with all his strength, feeling the weak vitality coming from him...

Li Qingyi barely stood up, holding the Tang Dao, consuming his last remaining life function: "Jing'an, let you see my most handsome moment!"

Then, he went from being seventy or eighty years old to looking like a centenarian, with white hair falling off and skin shriveled.

Tang Dao locked onto the purple face in the distance!

"One sword cannot save everyone, so I, Li Qingyi, will save one person until this sword can be wielded by tens of thousands of people!"

Li Qingyi looked at the Tang Dao that was about to explode in his hand, and said with his last trembling voice: "Whether it is a sword or a knife, as long as it can save people, it is my best partner!"


Li Qingyi wielded the last knife in his life!

This sword was also the strongest sword in his life!

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