When the others saw the sword master's inquiry, they were all too nervous to speak.

In the end, the person in charge, who was the leader, came forward, clasped his hands in his fists, and bowed: "Returning to the Sword Master, the serial number has been graded, and it is listed as the 'top of the thirty-one high-risk talents'. This file is already the highest It is classified as confidential, and the sword master can browse it by himself in the archives."

"In other words, Nanming Lihuo is number 1?" Wang Dingtian thought of his old friend's talent. With such a strong talent, it was reasonable for him to be filed as number 1.

But no matter how strong he was, he was squeezed out by Nan Ming Lihuo today.

So Wang Dingtian is more curious about this.

The person in charge was very good at observing what was happening. After a few seconds of silence, he continued to speak: "Sword Master, I also want to report a crucial piece of information."

Wang Dingtian nodded: "Say."

The person in charge said: "Nan Ming Lihuo's potential is too terrifying. It is much stronger than the SSS-level talents we have seen, and it also exceeds the SSS-level test standards. It may be that we have too little experience, so Only then can I feel that Nanming Lihuo’s potential is stronger than other SSS classes.”

Wang Dingtian followed the other person's words and asked: "What do you mean?"

The person in charge raised his head and replied solemnly: "I suspect that Nanming Lihuo...has surpassed the SSS level!"

When Wang Dingtian heard this, he didn't react at first.

Because the highest definition of talent is SSS level, no matter it was before or now, it is impossible to say anything beyond SSS level.

No one would say anything beyond SSS level.

So when Wang Dingtian heard what the other party said, his expression became serious for the first time.

The principal next to him was also stunned.

The teachers and students around me all cast curious glances when they heard this.

When they heard that Nan Ming Lihuo had a talent that surpassed the SSS level, they were all shocked.

Beyond SSS level, what level is that?

Wang Jing'an in the distance seemed to have expected that it would happen sooner or later after hearing the words of the staff.

As the potential of Nanming Lihuo is gradually revealed, it is understandable to be suspected of surpassing the SSS level.

The system has clearly stated that most of the divine abilities in the Classic of Mountains and Seas are beyond the SSS level.

After a long silence, Wang Dingtian asked: "You mean, Nanming Lihuo is better than those thirty high-risk talents?"

The person in charge was named Li Hansheng. He shook his head and said: "It's not a little better, but a lot better. Regarding this matter, I think we must ask the Pavilion Master to personally take action and redefine Nanming Lihuo's talent level."

Wang Dingtian showed surprise for the first time, and then looked at his son. He didn't know what to say for a moment, so he simply nodded expressionlessly: "Then let the old guy from Tianling Pavilion handle this matter."

After Wang Dingtian left, Wang Jing'an didn't say a word to him.

The father and son used to have a good relationship, but today they became so awkward.

It's not that Wang Jing'an is angry with his father, it's mainly because he needs some time to calm down his inner emotions.

After the Ghost Faced Tiger invaded Canglong and assassinated Wang Jing'an, Principal Canglong personally held a mourning party for the students who died.

Although there were several students who were not Soryu, they died in the battle of Soryu, and the principal will be responsible to the end.

At the same time, a large amount of compensation will be given to their families.

At the same time, he promised that if anyone from the families of the students who died in the war took the college entrance examination in the future, regardless of talent or not, they would be directly escorted to Canglong.

Even if it means raising a useless person, Canglong will be responsible to the end.

After a few days, Canglong's mentor could be free.

The first thing to do when you have some free time is to sort out the classes for the freshmen.

The student who is being competed for by the head teachers of all major classes is Wang Jing'an.

A qualifying match allowed everyone to see Wang Jing'an's limit.

Moreover, the person in charge named Li Hansheng also said a few days ago that Nanming Lihuo is suspected to be beyond the SSS level.

At that time, the master of Tianling Pavilion will personally come forward to re-grade Nanming Lihuo.

Teachers always love good students.


Although Wang Jing'an is a popular student, the other students are not bad either.

For example, Yang Zhen, who awakened the S-level equality field, made a great contribution to the demon slaying in the past few days.

Other teachers wanted to grab students like Lin Jinfeng and Chen Yance, but unfortunately they were not from Canglong Martial Arts School.

It wasn't until noon that day that Wang Jing'an was admitted to his class by a class teacher.

Wang Jing'an was a little surprised when he saw the appearance of the head teacher.

Who could this head teacher be but a bald man holding a loudspeaker?

Canglong's classes are divided differently from other schools.

For example, the class managed by this bald man was named the Demon Slayer Class.

Students who can enter this class will start to experience demon slaying after a period of observation.

Therefore, the head teachers of other classes did not compete with the bald man for those powerful students.

In addition to the demon-slaying class, there are also logistics classes, survey classes, assault classes, and substitute classes.

After all, there are so many types of talents, and it is impossible for everyone's talents to be suitable for running to the front line to slay demons.

For some talents, instead of going to the front line to slay demons, it is better to stay in the logistics or reconnaissance squad and give full play to their greatest strengths.

The most important thing is to make use of strengths to offset weaknesses.

There are several familiar classmates in Wang Jing'an's class.

Yang Zhen, Chu Ziyao.

Wang Jing'an couldn't be more familiar with Yang Zhen's words.

I have heard of the name Chu Ziyao a little bit, and he ranked fourth in this year's college entrance examination.

As the bald man led the students to the classroom, he first introduced himself: "I am Song Tianqi. The class I manage is not as strict as other classes, and I will not require you to complete various courses every day. Do whatever you feel comfortable with. ,but……"

This one is very soulful.

Wang Jing'an and other students began to prick up their ears and listen carefully.

Song Tianqi continued: "After all, our class is a demon-slaying class. We will inevitably meet the demon clan in the future. Therefore, the language of the demon clan is a lesson that you cannot escape."

"What? I went to a martial arts school and I have to learn the language of other tribes?" Yang Zhen was the first to become unhappy.

Chu Ziyao also asked: "Teacher, if you encounter monsters, just kill them. Why do you want to learn their language?"

Song Tianqi said: "Some things must not only be solved by force, but sometimes the use of words can also achieve vital results. Please refer to the truce covenant signed by the human race and the monster race in recent years. If we humans do not understand their language, , will this truce covenant cease to exist?”

This example is really useless, and students can't find a reason to refute it.

However, Yang Zhen then said: "But teacher, if you want to learn Yaoyu, wouldn't it be better to leave it to other classes, such as the logistics class, the survey class, etc."

Song Tianqi said: "No, this course is necessary and cannot be reduced. The teacher will give another example. For example, classmate Yang Zhen, you were captured by the demon clan during the process of slaying demons. If you are not proficient in their language, you will not be able to even capture the captives." If you don't do anything well, then the demon clan will get upset and steam you up."

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