The 20 ace teams of the human race include all countries.

However, only Daxia was the most prosperous.

Among the 20 ace teams, Daxia Demon Slayer Pavilion accounts for 7.

Moreover, the team numbered 1 has been hidden from the beginning to the end and has never been known to the world.

There are rumors that the moment Team No. 1 is dispatched, it means that the human race has entered a critical moment of life and death.

Therefore, Team No. 1 will not be dispatched easily. Normally, they will work in various units like ordinary people.

The members of this team may be cleaners sweeping the streets in the city, monks sweeping the floors in temples, doctors, teachers...

After listening to his cousin's introduction, Wang Jing'an gained a certain understanding of these five major financial groups.

Unexpectedly, the five major conglomerates doing business on the surface are actually a demon-slaying team that contributes to the country.

It seems that senior Lin Wanqing is the cousin of Lin Jialiang and Lin Jiangxue, two brothers and sisters in her class, and she may also be the biological sister.

It wasn't until one or two o'clock in the middle of the night that the pickup truck drove into the outer reaches of Qingyang Town.

"By the way, Senior Sister Wan Qing, the demon tribe comes to our place to practice. What kind of training method is it?" Wang Jing'an has never been able to figure out this idea.

"To hone my experience on the battlefield, I usually choose to harm the local warriors, and then lead to the pursuit of the Demon Slayer Pavilion, or the top martial arts schools send people to encircle and suppress them."

Lin Wanqing said: "Just like when we go to the Demon Realm to practice, we are also honing our combat experience. If we can escape from the hands of the strong, we can learn a lot of experience after a battle. As long as we have experience, we can truly When you go to the battlefield, you can save one drop of blood."

Wang Jing'an always felt that something was strange, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Is there anyone with such experience?

Aren't you afraid of really dying in a foreign country?

But Wang Jing'an realized it after thinking for a few minutes.

If you survive the encirclement and suppression by various powerful people, it will indeed be more useful than the teacher personally imparting experience.

After an encirclement and suppression campaign, you will know where you are lacking.

"Someone is spying on us!"

A blue-haired man sitting in the short bed behind a pickup truck suddenly said: "The other party's cultivation level is not low!"

This person is Lin Guangming, who is also Lin Wanqing's cousin.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone went into the highest alert state.

Only Wang Jing'an didn't know what was going on, but he also became vigilant.

What puzzles Wang Jing'an is that senior Lin Guangming kept his eyes closed, how did he find out that we were being spied on?

Could it be that his talent is inclined towards investigation?

"Where is it?" Lin Wanqing asked.

"At our eleven o'clock direction, we are 3 kilometers away. My detection range is only 2 kilometers, so I can't clearly detect who the other party is. I can only get a rough idea." Lin Guangming opened his eyes, his eyeballs covered with bloodshot eyes.

"What is Senior Guangming's talent?" Wang Jing'an saw the bloodshot eyeballs and felt bloodshot.

"SS-level third-person perspective allows you to spy on anything within the range from a third-person perspective. Have you ever played the game? It's similar to a God's perspective."

Chen Tingxi answered the puzzle for her cousin: "Guangming's eyeballs are bloodshot, which means that the enemy he is spying on has an extremely high level of cultivation, so high that letting him spy once will consume most of his energy."

"Don't drive forward!" Lin Guangming warned loudly, and the driver in charge braked and stopped.

"Sister, it's a bit strange!" Lin Guangming looked at Lin Wanqing and said, "I have confirmed that the enemy spied on is the demon clan, and several warriors are tied up. These warriors should be the locals of Qingyang Town, but those demons The clan did not kill these warriors, I think something is wrong and there is something fishy!"

"Senior Guangming, I have the same point of view as you." Wang Jing'an had felt that something was wrong before: "Logically speaking, if the other party is really the heir of a certain ten fierce people, even if they want to practice, they will not come to us to practice. "

"This kind of character usually goes directly to Chaos Demon City to gain experience, rather than appearing on the territory of any human country." Lin Guangming said.

There is no precedent for the descendants of the Ten Evils to come to Daxia without being killed.

That demon king that Senior Zhao Gang, who is now the head of the Ten Saints of the human race, beheaded was a genuine descendant of the Ten Evils, and his bloodline was the most orthodox.

And this is unique. In the entire human race, only Daxia has done this, and only Daxia dares to do this.

"I'll inform the teacher first." Lin Wanqing was also more cautious in doing things. As soon as she noticed something was wrong, she immediately notified the school.

Then she turned on her phone and sent a message to her class teacher.

Report what Lin Guangming saw first.

"Wan Qing, the road behind is gone!" Chen Tingxi slowly opened her jade hands and began to gather the surrounding dust in preparation for battle.

After everyone heard Chen Tingxi's words, they turned around and saw that, as expected, the retreat seemed to have been disrupted, like a ghost hitting a wall.

Wang Jing'an saw the only way to be disrupted and suddenly remembered his ability to fool.

The first ability developed by fooling is the direction of fooling.

Therefore, Wang Jing'an is particularly sensitive to directions: "Brother driver, the road ahead has been disrupted. Go back and take the second fork in the road."

The driver did so.

Then everyone was surprised to find that the road that seemed impassable appeared again after the pickup truck drove in.

This scene surprised many people.

"Jingan Jing'an, are you very sensitive to this kind of illusion?" Lin Wanqing did not think of fooling with this ability, so she subconsciously thought that the junior was sensitive to illusion.

Some people are born this way and can see through illusions at a glance.

"Well..." Wang Jing'an cherished his words like gold. He didn't want to expose his ability to fool yet.

If it is discovered that he has two abilities, and both abilities are classified as SSR level, the demon clan will probably find another way to assassinate him.

The risk was too great.

"Little brother, which direction should we drive next?" After driving out of that road, the driver found that he had entered a dead end again.

The surrounding roads were once again disrupted.

At this time, everyone looked at Wang Jing'an.

Wang Jing'an pointed in one direction: "On the left is entering Qingyang Town, and on the right is where we just came."

Everyone was shocked.

Is the road to Qingyang Town on the left? Then the road we just came from should be at the back!

Two roads in different directions were folded on the left and right?

"Wait!" Wang Jing'an's ability to fool gradually dissipated. At the end of a certain direction, he saw two thick smoke: "I saw two thick smoke. The opponent's strength was very strange, not like a human warrior."

"The power is strange? It's the demon clan. The source of the opponent's power is not the power of the demon, but the power of the demon!" Lin Guangming closed his eyes and used the third perspective again to spy on the direction Wang Jing'an said.

Sure enough, at the end of the road, Lin Guangming also saw two plumes of smoke. When he took a last peek, the two plumes of smoke revealed their ferocious true appearance.

"It's a demon clan!"

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