When Sun Dingguo heard this, he smiled, and he smiled more cheerfully: "Pavilion Master Chen should not ask me this question. He should ask the highest consul of the human race, Pavilion Master Chen's sister."

Chen Jinnian frowned, thinking of his sister's temper. If she weighed the interests of the human race, maybe... maybe, she would hand over her son, right?

After Sun Dingguo left, Chen Jingnian took a deep breath and looked in a certain direction: "Lingxi, how would you choose? Should you start a war or push your son out?"

When Chen Jingnian left, the warriors inside and outside the border city, as well as the big bloggers who broadcast live, all started to engage in the most crazy discussion.

"I actually met Senior Sun, one of the Ten Saints of the human race!"

"Alas, Senior Sun's lower body was crippled in that battle..."

"I'm so worried about what will happen in the next few days. Please don't hand Jing'an over!"

"Wang Jing'an was right to kill the demon prince. He has made outstanding contributions to the human race and must not be handed over!"

"We can't hand it over! At worst, we'll start a war. I'm already prepared to sacrifice for the human race!"

Because some bloggers are still broadcasting live, these warriors discussed in Border City are known to countless people.

Many people watching the live broadcast in front of the screen also became nervous.

They were also worried that the human race would finally make the decision to hand over Wang Jing'an.


If they don't hand over, it means that the demon clan may tear up the alliance in advance and start a war with the human clan.

By then, how many families will be broken up, how many wives will lose their husbands, and how many children will lose their fathers?

War is always cruel!

Let’s see what choice the top executive of the Human Alliance will make!

Canglong Martial Arts School.


After the two figures in the live broadcast screen disappeared.

Lin Wanqing, Chu Ziyao, Yang Zhen, and Chen Tingxi all looked at Wang Jing'an.

The situation has developed in the most serious direction.

The Lingxi Emperor personally came forward, and the other party also made it clear that he would unite with the other seven demon clans. In other words, the Lingxi clan could represent the entire demon clan and declare war on the human race.

In a few days, once Wang Jing'an does not appear at the border of Daxia, the covenant may be invalidated.

It's also possible that the Lingxi tribe is bluffing.

But warriors all over the world are paying attention to this matter.

Lin Wanqing is very good at observing people's words: "Junior Yang Zhen, Junior Ziyao, you two go out with Jing'an to relax."

"I'm fine." Wang Jing'an wanted to go for a walk alone.

Just as Wang Jing'an walked out of the cafeteria, the old man in a wheelchair who he had only seen in the live broadcast appeared below the cafeteria.

"Jing'an, can you go for a walk with me, an old guy who is halfway into the earth?" Sun Dingguo's smile was still on his face. Even when he faced the Lingxi Emperor just now, he never showed a panicked look.

"Yes." Wang Jing'an now knew that this senior Sun was the previous principal of Canglong Martial Arts School. He walked down very familiarly and pushed the wheelchair himself, slowly walking away under the gaze of many students.

Only two figures, an old man and a young man, were left behind.

"Jing'an, since you already know your background, you should also know a little bit about your mother being the supreme governor of the Human Alliance, right?" Sun Dingguo looked straight ahead and let Wang Jing'an walk behind and push the wheelchair.

After hearing what Mr. Sun said, Wang Jing'an was silent for about ten seconds, and Mr. Sun had no intention of urging him.

He waited until Wang Jing'an pushed the wheelchair to a garden before he nodded: "I know a little bit, my father is the master of the Demon Slayer Pavilion, and my mother is the commander-in-chief of the Human Alliance. They both hold high positions, and sometimes they make Our choices are based on the interests of the human race. Some choices may be unfair to certain things or people, but they are good for the future of the human race."

Sun Dingguo asked: "Let me ask you on behalf of your father, if your mother's final decision was to push you into the demon realm, would you blame her?"

As soon as he finished asking, Sun Dingguo felt that the question was a bit out of ideas. He paused, changed his tone and said, "Will you... go?"

Wang Jing'an rarely hesitated this time: "I should go, because you seniors need the truce covenant to recuperate. I have seen the way Senior War Emperor was poisoned, and today I saw you again, Senior Sun..."

Perhaps, among the ten saints of the contemporary human race, only a few are truly prosperous, right?

In the war with the demon clan more than ten years ago, the War Emperor was poisoned, and Senior Sun's lower body was disabled. There may be other senior Ten Saints who were seriously injured, but they were not known to the world.

"Good boy."

Sun Dingguo suddenly laughed and said in the gentlest tone: "Actually, the reason why our human race could go to war with the demon race for Zhao Gang was because the 30 of us were at our peak back then. You don't know, back then, the people in the north In the border city, our thirty silhouettes built up the thousands of lights behind us and fought the most promising battle.

However, after that battle, I was crippled, Mr. Chen was blind, half of Mr. Guan's body was beaten to pieces, your mother's body... that's all, let's not mention the past, so, my child, no matter what your mother does Decide, I actually hope you don't blame her. The person sitting in that position is the most tired. "

Wang Jing'an felt that the more truth he learned, the stranger he became to his parents.

However, under this strangeness, a kind of "understanding" emotion was born.

"Your mother and your father are tied as the fourth of the Ten Saints, known as the Twin Sword Masters. Your father's swordsmanship is the best in the world. Your mother is resourceful, a human strategist, and the supreme governor of the Human Alliance. You are the most important part of her plan. ." After Sun Dingguo finished speaking, he asked Wang Jing'an to stop.

But Sun Dingguo's own wheelchair was moving forward automatically: "You can survive whatever God arranges for you. If you can't survive it, God will not arrange it for you. Nothing that can happen to you will happen." It is something you must go through, and your mother is behind your back pushing all the destiny that God has arranged for you."

Wang Jing'an looked at the back of Mr. Sun who was gradually retreating, and was stunned for a long time.

Wang Jing'an has not been able to digest the things that happened today for a long time.

In fact, he was also looking forward to what decision his mother would make.

That night.

Somewhere in Fengjing City.

A large conference room.

Standing by the floor-to-ceiling window of the conference room was a beautiful middle-aged woman. She had a beautiful face, a plump figure, and was wearing a gorgeous and solemn uniform.

Chen Lingxi stood by the window, with her back to the long table in the conference room. Listening to the dense footsteps, she knew clearly that representatives of the human race, big and small, were already there.

It also includes owners of thirty high-risk talents.

Wang Dingtian sat in his own seat and talked softly: "Commander Chen, everyone is here. This meeting can begin."

Chen Lingxi turned around and saw that the seats were packed, with a faint smile on her serious face.

At the same time, I also saw some older seniors and friends who I haven’t seen for a long time.

An old man in a wheelchair, an old woman holding a cane, an old man with a pale and lifeless face, etc.

"Then let's get started."

Chen Lingxi said in the calmest tone: "Convene all the representatives of the human race tonight, because I don't need to say anything more. Tonight, we will explore a way to get the best of both worlds, not only to save the human race from the scourge of war and fire, but also to save the child." Get through this.”

"Commander Chen, if you find a replacement, can you deceive the demon clan?" an old man suggested.

"The demon clan is not that stupid." Chen Lingxi rejected the proposal.

Although the demon race is not as resourceful as the human race, they are not vegetarians either.

Relying on their strong physical defense and absolute brute force, when they really fight, they can almost be evenly matched with humans.

"Pretend to hand over Wang Jing'an, and first deceive the highly cultivated demon clan into Daxia, and kill their head strength." Someone else suggested in the conference room.

Chen Lingxi still rejected it: "The price to pay is too high. What the human race needs most now is a truce covenant."

After saying that, she looked at Mr. Sun who was sitting in a wheelchair, and Mr. Chen who was wearing a bandage covering his eyes.

Mr. Chen, Chen Yuanzhou, and the Chen Consortium are among the ten saints of the human race today. They were blinded by the battle more than ten years ago.

Mr. Chen's daily life is to sweep the floor in a temple. In the temple, no one knows that he is the ten saints of the human race.

In fact, many of these old people here want to be ordinary people, but with greater ability comes greater responsibility. There are some things that cannot be escaped.

"Commander Chen, we really can't think of a better way to keep the Jing'an child without breaking the alliance." Li Nianhua said: "When it comes to fighting, everyone here is an expert, but using your brains is not the best way. Our strengths, if Commander Chen has already thought of a way out, he might as well just say it outright."

After hearing what Li Nianhua said, many representatives looked at Commander Chen, wanting to hear what she had to say.

Even Wang Dingtian looked at his wife.

Chen Lingxi glanced at everyone and spoke out her plan in a very calm and cold tone:

"If you don't have a better way, then follow my plan and let Wang Jing'an... enter Luanmo City."

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