As soon as Wang Jing'an appeared, he heard the group of monsters gathered together fighting for each other, each of them pretending to treat themselves as dead people.

However, isn’t this the case for Wang Jing’an?

He has regarded these monsters arriving at the Wanwu Downstairs as mobs that can be looted.

Wang Jing'an specially used his strength to sense. Most of the demon clans coming were from the three realms, and two were from the fourth realm. It was not a big problem.

At this moment, the ghost-faced tiger holding a machete shouted at Wang Jing'an: "Your file in the human race has been encrypted, but what level of SSR is the talent you filled in?"

This ghost-faced tiger was a little curious.

Not only it, many demon cultivators around are curious about this level and have never heard of it before.

Wang Jing'an stared at the ghost-faced tiger, and his expression gradually changed. The leading demon clan that invaded Fengjing City that day was also a ghost-faced tiger. They should all come from the same ethnic group.

Therefore, Wang Jing'an looked at the other party with eyes full of hunter's killing intent, and responded in Chinese: "A level that can suppress SSS-level bloodline."

After saying that, Wang Jing'an slowly pulled out the Tang Dao, and a bloody smell spread out.

"What did this weakling pretty boy say just now?" The ghost-faced tiger holding a machete was confused: "Did he use the human language?"

"In Luanmo City, if you dare to use a language other than the demon clan and seek death, even if we don't kill you, the security team will deal with you." A fish-headed general holding a trident came towards Wang Jing'an and killed him. Let’s talk about losing one of the opponent’s arms.

Otherwise, if it were too late, Wang Jing'an's body parts would be snatched away by other colleagues.

Wang Jing'an had a calm expression on his face and slowly raised his sword, trying to imitate the cloaked man's movements of swinging the sword.

The same action, but a different fate, is revealed on a Tang Dao.

This is also Wang Jing'an's first time holding a Tang sword to slay a demon!

Wang Jing'an leaped forward and swung the first sword with lightning speed.

He raised the knife and lowered it, locking it on the charging fish-headed general.

The bloody smell gradually exploded.

When the sword struck out, the trident in General Yutou's hand immediately shattered: "My trident! This is a third-grade spiritual weapon. It cost me a lot of money. You, a weakling, should..."


Before the fish-headed general could finish speaking, Wang Jing'an slashed the opponent's head with a single blow, causing blood to splatter on the spot.

The sharpness of Tang Dao directly shocked many demon clan members present.

Including the poster who has already gone downstairs: "This is not the sixth grade..."

"That knife is a treasure, grab it!" The ghost-faced tiger held the machete and smashed it with brute force. The powerful and heavy knife brought up bursts of wind around him.

At this time, Wang Jing'an suddenly felt the Tang Dao buzzing and trembling, as if something was about to run out.

Then Wang Jing'an saw a surprising scene.

Tang Dao was actually absorbing the life essence spilled out from the fish-headed general.

This reminded Wang Jing'an of what his father had said. Tang Dao's ability not only inherited part of Li Qingyi's SS-level indestructible ability, but could also slowly burn the opponent's life function during battle.

This transfers the side effects of being destroyed together to the enemy in a disguised form.

But now, Wang Jing'an, who wields the sword himself, discovered that the Tang Dao can not only slowly burn the opponent's life function, but also absorb all the life essence after the opponent is hacked to death.

The scene of absorbing life essence has not been discovered yet.

However, a demon cultivator discovered it.

The poster has been paying attention silently: "It can actually absorb the essence of life. I can be sure that this knife is definitely a quasi-eighth-grade or even an eighth-grade spiritual weapon. It seems that the identity registered by this kid in Luanmo City is true. We must take it." Buy this knife!"

The poster has already made up his mind to buy that knife.

Spiritual weapons with excellent combat capabilities are always loved by others, and the original poster is no exception.

Just when Wang Jing'an felt the tremor of Tang Dao, Ghost Faced Tiger's powerful and heavy machete had already smashed down. The Tianling Cap that locked Wang Jing'an would be seriously injured if it was hit.

The head, crotch, and heart are the most vulnerable areas.

This is true whether you are a warrior or a demon cultivator.

Wang Jing'an didn't have time to react, so he directly used his fooling ability and forcibly changed the direction.

With a "pop" sound, the position of the half-man and half-eagle wielding an iron rod changed with Wang Jing'an's, and he was stabbed directly by the ghost-faced tiger, causing him to vomit blood on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, half of the half-eagle demon cultivator's head was cut off, and then he was jumping like crazy and screaming in pain: "My mother, who are you killing?"

Ghost Faced Tiger: "???"

The Ghost Faced Tiger glanced at his machete and felt a little unconfident: "What's going on? Didn't I chop down that weakling?"

Pfft - history is always surprisingly similar. Just after Ghost Faced Tiger said these words, he was stabbed in the back and penetrated through the chest.

Looking back, he saw the half-human, half-leopard demon cultivator with a confused look on his face: "Brother Tiger... I swear, it was definitely that pretty boy I aimed my gun at just now!"

Cough - As soon as the leopard demon cultivator finished speaking, his arm was dismembered. After a closer look, he saw a cat demon rushing towards him with a paw.

Cat Demon: "???"

Before the fight even started, the situation was in chaos.

Countless howls came and went.

Wang Jing'an, holding Tang Dao, smiled with satisfaction: "The more people there are, the greater the advantage of fooling."

"Quickly, get out!" The ghost-faced tiger endured the severe pain in his back and chest, stepped back more than ten meters away, and put a certain distance away from Wang Jing'an: "There may be something about this pretty boy that can confuse our minds. The spiritual weapon, be careful..."

Just as Ghost Faced Tiger finished speaking, he found bursts of breaking wind coming from his ears.

When it came back to its senses, it had already discovered that the Tang Dao was slashing towards it.

The terrifying bloody smell and sword power, mixed with pure white flames, passed through the Ghost Faced Tiger's knees.

The area below the knees was directly dismembered.

Moreover, there is a small ball of pure white flame burning in the wound, which cannot be extinguished, slowly eating the flesh and blood on the wound.


The ghost-faced tiger screamed in pain, its expression showing fear for the first time. It was clearly more than ten meters away from the pretty boy just now, but why did he stand in front of it in the blink of an eye?

"Goodbye." Wang Jing'an flew over and made a posture of lowering his head upwards. Then he moved the Tang Sword upwards and placed it on the ghost-faced tiger's crotch. He raised it hard and the monster's body split into two halves.

"Run!" The cat demon in the distance transformed into an afterimage and escaped under the ground.


In the face of fooling, all escape tactics are in vain!

Wang Jingan was fooled again, and his second ability appeared quietly.

Fool the five senses!

Wang Jing'an really wanted to see what it was like to fool the five senses.

The five senses he understood were shape, sound, smell, taste, and touch, as well as sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

What would happen if these senses were manipulated?

There was a clang.

The cat demon who had escaped under the ground suddenly started twitching all over for unknown reasons. At the same time, it was still scratching its ears, eyes, and face crazily with its claws.

In the end, his ears were scratched off, his eyes were scratched badly, and most importantly, a piece of flesh on his face was scratched off.

In less than a few seconds, the cat demon died under his own claws.

"Is this... fooling the sense of touch?" Wang Jing'an felt something was wrong. It might be a combination of touch and vision.

Under the influence of fooling, the cat demon regarded himself as an enemy?

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