Summoning a god from another world requires sacrificing life!

This sentence kept echoing in Aqua's mind, and her face gradually turned pale.

She would never believe such words!

Because Aqua came, but she took on the hatred of three million lives towards the Demon King!


Aqua quickly denied:"That must have been done by the Demon King."

"The devil slaughtered three million people before I......The alien gods we know have come to this world."

"Then the king, the church and the empire jointly summoned the gods from other worlds!"


"You must have investigated it wrong. Who would be willing to sacrifice three million lives, the lives of an entire country, to summon gods from another world?"

Aqua would never believe what Loki said!

Not only her, but the other members of the brave team were the same!

They didn't believe Loki at all.

Because apart from the Demon King, who else would be so cruel to let three million people die in one night?

Cui said seriously:"Loki, could it be that you heard the wrong rumor from somewhere?"

"Everyone knows that the king of the otherworldly gods asked the church and the empire for help, and summoned them to this world with a vengeful mentality."

"How could it be a sacrifice?"

Their reaction was also within Luo Qixi's expectations.

After all,.......

Once there is a large-scale killing, humans will only think that it is the work of the Demon King, and will not suspect that it is the work of the Empire and the Church!

Because the Empire and the Church are the leaders of mankind.

Whatever they say is almost the truth!

Of course.

It is only useful for the upper and middle classes. For the lower class , just stay alive!

If Luo Qixi was not from the Ruby City, she would have the same idea!

She rebuked her previous remarks, which were simply a provocation to the relationship with the Empire and the Church!

It is precisely because she is from the Ruby City that she sees everything with a neutral and clear look!

She cares more about the root cause of the matter!

Luo Qixi shook her head and said:"The gods from other worlds can be regarded as evil gods for our world."

"The summoning of the evil god requires the sacrifice of life. I think this is a very basic concept."

"Not only that, we also went to the country where three million people died to investigate."

"There are the Imperial Army and the Vatican Guards guarding the area."

"Almost no mosquitoes can get in!"

"However, we used a little trick to bypass them and conducted a thorough investigation, and found traces of sacrificial rituals inside."

"If it was the work of the devil......"

"That country will be wiped off the map directly, how could there be a bunch of buildings left?"

For this reason, Luo Qixi took out a stone from her bag.

She said:"This is a stone I brought from there, and it has a very obvious ritual to summon the evil god."

The stone was not even put on the table, and it was immediately snatched away by Aqua!

Because everything Luo Qixi said was too incredible.

But it also made sense!

Although Aqua is a fool, she is also a god after all.

Know the difference between evil gods and real gods!

After being reminded by Luo Qixi just now, Aqua's feeling that something was wrong with her being summoned to another world was linked together.

It seems.......

What Lokisi said is true!

Aqua held the stone in both hands and observed it carefully.

The remaining aura on it was not the magic of destruction, but an evil magic similar to summoning!

Not only that.

Aqua's identity as a god also allowed her to clearly sense the anger of the sacrificed humans in the stone!

This is the anger that only sacrificed people can have!

They wailed why they were sacrificed.

They screamed in pain!

That kind of aura made the stone a tool of revenge.

It hit Aqua's head hard!


The stone carried the anger of three million people, and Aqua was so frightened that she threw the stone away. Then it rolled to the ground!......

Cui hurried forward and asked,"Aqua, what's wrong with you?"

Aqua said in horror,"This is the breath of a sacrifice........"


Now it was Cui's turn to be shocked.

But she couldn't figure out why, so she could only ask Luo Qixi.

"Luo Qixi, are you sure which country this stone came from?"

Cui stepped forward, bent down and picked up the thrown stone.

I have to admit.

This stone is really weird!

Just holding it in her hand, Cui can feel a chill on her back.


Luo Qixi said calmly:"I have already explained it just now"

"I found this stone in the central area."

"It is also part of the center of the magic circle!"

"Therefore, a lot of resentment of the sacrificed people is included. If it is the first contact......"

"You can see those pictures!"

What Lokixi said was not an exaggeration!

If Sylphiette had not been by her side when she picked up the stone, and had chanted the holy spell of clarity in time to remove the negative effects on her body.

Otherwise, Lokixi's spirit and reason would have been drained the moment she picked up the stone!

She would have been in a semi-crazy state until her death!

Lokixi continued to explain:"I took it with me just to use it to go to the empire to further prove the truth"

"after all......"


Until everything is concluded, all my statements are just suspicions.......

Aqua's brain has crashed at this moment.

She doesn't know the real reason for the death of three million people, but the resentment she sensed from the stone.

The ritual that Loki investigated was indeed a sacrifice!

And to the other world, he indeed meets the identity of an evil god!

It has been confirmed from many aspects.

His advent was summoned with a large number of sacrifices!

Aqua's eyes were on the stone.

Faintly, she felt that she had a little connection with the stone!

Without Aqua noticing.

A wisp of black air kept wandering on her hair.

No one noticed!

Loki noticed that something was wrong with Aqua:"What's wrong with her?"

Cui hurriedly helped Aqua up:"She probably has a stomachache. I'll take her back to the room to have a good rest."

"You guys eat first!"

You can't say that Aqua is the evil god from another world they mentioned, right? Wouldn't that expose her identity?

Cui could only hide the truth and supported Aqua, who was like a puppet, back to her room.

"Aqua, are you okay? Cui felt bad.......

Three million lives!

Sacrificed lives......

Subverted her understanding of the empire and the church

"How could nothing happen?"

Aqua's eyes were filled with tears as big as beads, and she kept rubbing her hair, looking almost crazy.

"I am not an evil god, I am the upright goddess of water!"

"I was summoned out, carrying the hatred of three million people towards the Demon King, and only then did I find you and embark on the journey to destroy the Demon King!"


"Someone told me that those people were all sacrificed!"

This fully shows that my coming is not to bring hope, but a disaster!

As a goddess, Aqua, in her world, does not say that what she does is good.

But at least it brings hope to believers!


In this world, it has become a disaster, and inexplicably caused the lives of three million people.

As a goddess, she couldn't accept it!

Cui didn't know how to comfort Aqua for a moment. She could only pat her shoulder and comfort her:"Lokishi said that everything is just consolation."

"And didn’t we also destroy the Demon King?"

"at least......"

"Saved more lives and prevented similar situations from happening.

But Cui's comfort did not work!

After all......

Aqua's inner trauma cannot be comforted by just a few words!


Cui looked at the silent Aqua and felt very uncomfortable........

An idea came to her mind!

Shouldn't we kill the Demon King? (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Demon King can die.


We can't kill them!

In this way, life will be in order and there won't be too many problems........

There is no point in regretting!

After being silent for a long time, Aqua clenched her fists and said,"No!"

"I want to find out the truth!"

"Things are definitely not as Luo Qixi said. They must have investigated wrongly, or it must be a frame-up by the Demon King!"

"I am a goddess. How could I possibly bear the lives of three million people and go to defeat the Demon King?"

(cfaa) After a little adjustment, Aqua recovered immediately.

After all, she is a goddess!

She is usually heartless and is called a fool.

She never wastes herself!

Even if a similar problem really occurs, it must not be her fault! []

Cui saw Aqua recover.

She was relieved!



In fact, the person who broke through the defense was not only Aqua.

There was also the Sword Saint!

The other party was the most holy and powerful person trained by the Church!

All along, the Sword Saint has always been based on the Church.

She firmly believes that the Church will definitely lead mankind to an unprecedented light!


Luo Qixi said that the Church might be involved in the sacrifice of three million people.

Her faith was somewhat shattered!

If this was really the case, and the Church intervened in this matter, wouldn't it mean that the Church she knew was not as holy as she imagined?

Although it was just a guess,......

She whispered,"The Vatican wouldn't do such a thing, would it?"

Luo Qixi said calmly,"That's why we need to investigate."

"Judging from your attire, you should be a follower of the Vatican, right?"

"I'm sorry to have brought you some unpleasant experiences."

The Sword Saint shook her head slightly:"It's okay, I still firmly trust the Holy See."

Because that is everything to the Sword Saint!

Luo Qixi didn't say much, just quietly said:"I hope you can hold on, but I hope that after knowing the truth, no matter what the truth is, you must promise not to blame yourself."

"If the Church is right, your firmness is correct. If the Church is wrong, it has nothing to do with you. Just leave the Church as soon as possible."

"Don't think too much about yourself!"

Regarding the collapse of faith, Luo Qixi has a very persuasive statement in this regard.

After all,......

When she first entered the Ruby City, she also experienced the collapse of her faith!

The Sword Saint chose to change the subject and said,"What do you think of the hero?"

"A few people who are fighting against the devil."

Alice answered first:"Just a few idiots who are used as guns."

"That's all!"

In fact, Alice still had a lot of complaints about the brave team in her heart.

However, she was afraid that her words would be too harsh and others would find out that they were from the Ruby City.


The Sword Saint was full of doubts about Alice's words:"What does this mean?"

Alice said:"I followed the will of the people to fight the Demon King, but after the Demon King died, the result that appeared made the hero the target of everyone's condemnation."

"The level of the Demon King's army cadres is above level 900, and the Demon King is even higher. I don't believe that they can defeat the Demon King without the help of the Demon King's army cadres."

"Both sides were used as pawns, but they were unaware of it and had to bear the blame."

Alice didn't know how the brave man and his party solved the demon king.

But one thing was certain.......

If the hero didn't have the help of the Demon King's army, they would never be able to kill the Demon King!

After hearing the results of her and her companions being discussed by a person she had just met,

Huihui bit off a piece of meat and said,"Why can't it be the hero's own ability?"

"What if the Demon King's army cadres are actually very weak?"

Luo Qixi sighed and said,"Then���The cadres of the Demon King’s army have hundreds of minds and are hundreds of times more cunning than the nobles in the outside world!"

"They had rebellious intentions and had lived under the Demon King for such a long time, but it was obviously incomprehensible that they were killed so easily by the hero."

"The Great Tomb of Nazarick, with countless well-equipped liches and skeleton soldiers"

"Ariel has ten legions, each of whose leaders is capable of easily destroying a country."

"Do you think there is no conspiracy in the hero's easy killing of the Demon King's Army cadres?"

Roxy is also a teacher in Ruby City. She has a simple understanding of the strength of the Demon King's Army cadres!

If Ruby City did not have a wall built by the Demon King, that wall would be far beyond the creation level.

Otherwise, they would not be able to stand at all!

Huihui retorted:"Have you seen the Demon King's Army cadres with your own eyes?"

Roxy and others shook their heads. They really haven't seen it with their own eyes!

Huihui was a little arrogant:"Then how can you be sure that the Demon King's Army cadres are so powerful?"

"What if it was just a smokescreen sent by the Demon King’s Army to scare the heroes?"

Let alone other things, the Heroes have personally faced the Demon King’s Army!

They were not as scary as Loki said.


It was obvious that Luo Qixi was exaggerating!

Luo Qixi shook her head helplessly:"Just think of it as us scaring people."

After a while, Aqua adjusted her mentality and returned to the table.

The first thing she did after sitting down was to immediately agree to the conditions of several people!

Aqua replied:"You can go to the empire with us"


"You must promise to tell us if you find anything."

"Is this okay?"

Luo Qixi did not bargain:"It's a very reasonable request."

After all......

Living in human society, it is not uncommon to want to know more truth!

In order to investigate the truth of Aqua's advent, to clarify that the church did not do those things.

In order to return to the empire!

Everyone embarked on a journey to the empire.

Two days have passed since Roxy and others joined the brave team.

At night!

Demiurge reunited with the princess of the Kingdom of Riestege!

Her body was shaking:"Lord Demiurge,......Are you sure you want to plan ahead?"


Lana is not afraid.

She is excited!

This way, she will have eternal life comparable to that of the immortals!

In order to live longer, the princess of the Kingdom of Riestij is willing to sacrifice the entire kingdom!

At this moment......

She has been waiting for a long, long time!

In her childhood, she kept shaking the people around her and carrying out plans to destroy human society.

For example......

Sacrifice three million people to summon the goddess Aqua from another world!

Demiurge adjusted his glasses and sneered,"Lana, you are not qualified to know Lord Ainz's plan, but I can tell you"

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