Ruby City.

This name has long been spread in various countries!

Ten years ago, a city called Ruby City suddenly appeared in the public eye.

Everything traded in the city is a hard currency comparable to gold in the outside world!

Tea, spices, glass, and even bread from Ruby City can be sold for a gold coin!


Ruby City is also a very mysterious city.

It established the territory at the junction of the demons and humans!

It does not belong to any force.

Logically speaking, humans and demons have been fighting for many years, and a city like Ruby City should have been wiped out long ago.

But more than ten years have passed since the name of Ruby City came out.

There is still no news of its demise!

Every merchant who went to Ruby City to trade.

Almost all of them were in danger of death!

Not only that, every merchant who walked out of Ruby City had a very vague memory of that city.

They even forgot what Ruby City looked like. They only knew that when they had memories.

They took the goods of Ruby City and embarked on the journey back home!

It is rumored that the Ruby City was built by the Demon King to tame humans.

Others say that the Lord of Ruby City signed some kind of treaty with the Demon King to help invade human territory while waging a trade war against the human world!

Others say that the city is a city where humans and demons coexist.

In the eyes of businessmen, the comments about Ruby City are a topic that will never end!

There was once a poor peddler who found Ruby City with his only remaining silver coin and suddenly became the richest man in the empire!

From that moment on, even if there is a route map to Ruby City, it can be sold at a sky-high price of one hundred gold coins at the auction house!

You know, one gold coin can allow a family in the empire to eat meat every day for a year!

After seeing the city wall, Huihui was able to determine that the city wall in front belonged to Ruby City."One fifty"

That's because the city is located at the junction of humans and demons.

There is only Ruby City!

If others want to build a country in this place, it would be better to make a mass grave.


Huihui looked at the city wall of Ruby City, her eyes were shining.

The city wall of Ruby City was white in appearance.

It can be seen that it was made of huge stones.

There was a clear dividing line!

Although the city wall was white, there was no obvious stain on it!

The height of the city wall was roughly estimated to be more than 50 meters!

The length was also endless, and you couldn't see the end at a glance.

It can be seen that the city's defense was solid!

"That is......"

When Fulilian saw the wall of the Ruby City, she couldn't help but frowned:"The Forbidden Magic Stone?"

"Eh, that's impossible, right?"

Huihui was surprised by Fulilian's words:"To be able to find a magic-forbidden stone the size of a fingernail is already a lifetime of luck."

"So many forbidden magic stones......"

"Even if you turn the whole world upside down, you probably still can't find this many!"

Forbidden Magic Stone?"

Hearing this new name, Darkness asked curiously,"What is the Forbidden Magic Stone?"

Fulilian told Darkness,"It's a stone that can be immune to magic. The fingernail-sized Forbidden Magic Stone that Huihui mentioned just now can offset 10% of the power of explosive magic."

"It is also the nemesis of magicians. As long as the opponent has the Forbidden Magic Stone, it can kill the magician by leaps 20 levels."

"If it's a sneak attack, it won't be a problem to cross 50 levels"

"But it is also very rare. Generally, the Forbidden Magic Stone is used on world-class props."

"I have it on my staff, too."

While speaking, Fulilian glanced at the staff in her hand.

The magic stone on it was inlaid with a white stone the size of a grain of rice.

That was the forbidden magic stone!

With just this tiny size, Fulilian's staff was already considered a saint.

With the help of it, Fulilian killed many demons of higher levels!

And this was a prop that their clan had passed down for thousands of years.

"So powerful?"

Darkness understood the fear and preciousness of the Forbidden Magic Stone, and then looked at the white wall in front of him and said:"Are those all Forbidden Magic Stones?"

This was denied by Fulilian, who shook her head:"No, Forbidden Magic Stones are very rare, Huihui just said that it is difficult to find so many Forbidden Magic Stones even if you search the whole world."

She touched her chin, thought for a moment and said:"I think it should be that there is a barrier with Forbidden Magic Stone as the core inside, and then it covers the entire city wall, so this effect appears."

When talking about this, Fulilian's originally cold eyes flashed with a trace of envy, she spread her hands and gestured:"To be able to cover such a large area of the city wall, I think the Forbidden Magic Stone is this big!"

"If a human country had such a large magic-suppressing stone, it would definitely become a great power!"


"I want it so much!"

Fulilian was originally an elf without any greed.

But the temptation was too great!

Huihui came over and said:"The Ruby City is an experimental city built by the Demon King, it must be well protected!"

After all, Su Heng is the most powerful Demon King in the world! No matter how rare the Forbidden Magic Stone is, as long as you spend a little time

"No wonder the Ruby City has been able to stand firm for so long at the border between humans and demons."

Aqua also understood the reason and continued,"Let's go, there are still many people inside waiting for us to save them!"

"We must rescue them as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, the will of the devil will remain, and something big will happen sooner or later!"

Is, who was floating on the side, struggled and shouted loudly:"The will of the devil will be passed down forever!"

"You bad guys with corrupt wills!"

"Put me down now!"

"Maybe I can ask Lady Alice to plead for you!"


Darkness glanced at Is subconsciously.

Because this name is very similar to the name of the princess of her original country....

Her country had long been destroyed by Su Heng.

Maybe it was because of the same name.

Thinking back to her lost homeland, Darkness looked towards the direction of her homeland, tears flashed in her eyes, and she felt proud in her heart:"Father, the Demon King is dead, he died in our hands."

"I avenged you."

"You must be proud of me, right?"

While I was distracted, the brave team was already heading towards the Ruby City.

Aqua urged Darkness:"Darkness! Don't just stand there in a daze!"

"Hurry up and catch up with us!"

Darkness finally came to her senses, wiped the tears from her eyes, and followed their footsteps.

The closer they got to the Ruby City, the louder Is's voice became.

"Put me down quickly!"

"You bunch of bad guys who kidnapped children!"

Unfortunately, it was of no use.

No one wanted to pay attention to Is!

After all, Is had been yelling all the way.

The brave team had become numb.

Aqua said with some annoyance:"You little brat, you've been making noise all the way, can you stop and rest for a while?"

"My ears are going to be deafened by your noise!"


As for the goddess Aqua, Is disliked it the most.

In his eyes, having the title of god must not be a good thing!

Aqua hurriedly dodged Is's saliva attack and scolded loudly:"Hey!"

"You bastard, how dare you disrespect the goddess?"

"Be careful of the punishment from God!"

Yis turned his head away:"Humph!"

"I don't believe in these things. If there is a punishment from God, I will try my best to bear it myself."

Although his attitude is a bit bad, it is undeniable that Is's words are worthy of recognition. If you don't bear it when you encounter something, but keep complaining, you can't solve any problems!

Aqua also agreed with Is's words, but when she saw his arrogant look, she gritted her teeth and said,"Damn little brat!"

But she also had to sigh at the horror of the Demon King:"The Demon King is too terrible."

"Some positive principles are mixed into the brainwashing, which not only increases cohesion but also ensures that there will be no betrayal!"

"No matter what we do, we will only be regarded as bad guys."

Fulilian said coldly:"So we must destroy the Ruby City." (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Completely eliminate the remaining will of the Demon King."

Although Fulilian rarely shows any expression, it does not mean that she is inhuman.

On the contrary, it is because she has lived for a long time and witnessed too many lives and deaths.

She knows the value of human nature! []

However, Fulilian also clearly saw the horror of the Demon King's will.

The will that represented the Demon King flowed into her village.

It led to the disaster!

She also accidentally broke into the place where the holy objects were stored in the village, and got the staff she is using now, and barely survived in the chaos.

Therefore, for Fulilian, even if all the lives in the Ruby City were killed, the Demon King's will could not be spread out!

This is for the sake of the world.

When Huihui heard this, she raised the staff in her hand:"In this case, I will use the explosion magic and give the Ruby City a shot first!"

Darkness chopped Huihui's head with his hand knife and said:"Let's not talk about the demons inside, there are still many humans inside"

"What should they do?"

"Do you also want to be like the devil and kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

Huihui knew that she had said something wrong, so she held down her hat and admitted her mistake:"Well,......sorry!"

"I was just kidding!"

"I want to challenge the gap between the Forbidden Magic Stone and my Explosion Magic."

Flillian poured a bucket of cold water on Huihui:"It's useless. The Forbidden Magic Stone that can cover a city as big as the Ruby City, even if you use Explosion Magic, you can't shake it at all."

Huihui hung her head in disappointment!

In magic, Huihui is more talented than Fulillian because she is a member of the Red Demon Clan!

But Fulillian's attainments in magic are thousands of years ahead of Huihui!

As long as she speaks out the problems in magic, basically there will be no problems.

At this time, Is sneered:"I said you are bad guys and you don't admit it!"

"To keep silent is to destroy"

"If he is not a bad guy, what else can he be!"

Aqua pointed at Is's nose and said with her hands on her hips:"The Demon King has destroyed more cities."


Yisi wanted to say that if you compare this kind of thing, you are really hopeless......

But before he could utter a word, he was knocked unconscious by Aqua's sleeping magic.

Aqua pinched the sleeping Is's face and said,"This brat talks too much. Let him faint first."

Of course.

Making Is unconscious was not just because he talks too much.

The main reason was that they were about to enter the Ruby City. If he was too noisy, it would attract a lot of people's attention.

Then it would delay what they were going to do inside!

Is had to shut up.

When Is fell asleep, the world instantly became much quieter.

Darkness hugged Is who was transported by levitation magic and said,"There may be guards in the Ruby City. We should try our best to pretend that we are merchants who happened to meet Is."

"After all, that is the Demon King's territory. If it is exposed, it may cause great trouble!"

Darkness is not afraid of disputes.

After all, they have the ability to destroy the Demon King and believe in the guards of the Ruby City. There is nothing they can do.

Darkness's proposal was agreed by all the brave team.

After Is fell asleep, the brave team sped up. It would take an hour to arrive.

It was solved in less than half an hour!

When they arrived at the gate of Ruby City, they found that they had underestimated the wall of Ruby City after all! They originally thought that the height was about 50 meters.

But now it seems......

At least a hundred meters!

The huge wall reaches up to the sky. Looking left and right, you can't see where the top of the wall is.

The stones used to build the wall are several meters high! Not only that.

���There were strange lines flickering slightly on the stone, which were the characteristics of the flow of magic power!


Aqua stood at the foot of the city wall and took a breath of cold air:"How many lives did the Demon King sacrifice to build the city wall?"

According to what Su Heng did during his reign, they subconsciously believed that the construction of the city wall must have consumed a lot of manpower and material resources.

The people used for construction must have been the slaves that Su Heng captured when he invaded the human empire!

"Fortunately, the Demon King’s brutal rule has ended, and this kind of thing will never happen again."

Darkness clasped her hands together, bowed her head slightly and prayed.

The Sword Saint beside her did the same.

They were praying to the dead gods for the lives that died while building the wall.

May they live in a happy world in the afterlife!

Huihui approached the wall and took a closer look:"What a cool wall!"

"It is indeed a wall enchanted by the forbidden magic stone!"

Aqua noticed that something was wrong with Fulilian:"Flilian, what's wrong with you?"

Fulilian next to her had dull eyes, without her previous indifferent expression!

She dragged her feet and walked to the wall step by step. Her white hands were placed on the wall, stroking the rough surface!

Fulilian could feel the orderly flow of magic on it. She was more convinced of her point of view.

At the same time, her worldview collapsed.......


This stone is the rare Forbidden Magic Stone!

To be precise, all the stones used to build the city wall are Forbidden Magic Stone!

Her heart was like falling into an ice cave.

The hand that touched the wall was constantly shaking! 4.0

After knowing that the walls of the Ruby City were all made of Forbidden Magic Stone, Fulilian suddenly had a guess in her heart.......

But he quickly shook his head and rejected it.

It's impossible!

I saw the Demon King die under the explosion magic with my own eyes.

He can't be alive!

Aqua saw that Fulilian didn't answer for a long time, so she pulled her away:"Flilian, let's not stay here, let's go find the city wall!"


Fulilian didn't say what was in her mind, but was dragged away without saying a word.

The Ruby City is huge!

Unexpectedly huge.

Even if they followed the city wall to find the city gate, it took Aqua and the others half a day. They finally saw the gate where the guards were stationed!

When the guards saw Aqua and the others, they clenched their weapons:"Stop! Who are you?"

Darkness, holding Is, stepped forward and said with the excuse they had organized before,"We are the caravan escort team looking for the Ruby City, but we encountered danger, and now we are the only ones left."

"Then they met a man who claimed to be from the Ruby City.

The two guards looked at each other.

They stepped forward to check on Iss and used a unique method to detect that he was indeed from the Ruby City.

Then they let him pass!

"Go in, and remember not to cause any trouble inside."

Aqua was stunned for a moment:"You let us in now?"

"What else?"

The brave team thought they would have to spend some time talking, but it turned out to be so easy to do?

They walked into the Ruby City with doubts.

After they left, the two guards chatted

"Is it so easy to let it go?"

"Otherwise? You have just started your job, you must understand what the Demon King said, to promote cultural exchange!"

"What if they cause trouble in the city?"

"This is the Ruby City!"

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