"Princess Alice?!"

Darkness came back from her stupor and couldn't believe that Alice would show up.

"Ah ha ha....."

Alice forced a few smiles and said,"The word princess doesn't suit me anymore. Just call me Alice."

Darkness said firmly,"No, you will always be the princess of the ancient kingdom of Belzer. No one can change that."

Darkness stepped forward and grabbed the iron bars of the cell. Through the faint light of the magic stone on the wall, he looked directly into the other's eyes.

The emerald green eyes were still the same as when they first met more than ten years ago.

At that time, the ancient kingdom of Belzer held a grand welcome ceremony to celebrate the birth of Alice.

The people of the entire capital were happy. As a noble, Darkness was brought into the palace by his father. It was the first time he saw Princess Alice as a baby! The emerald green eyes were the same as now.

The cute face made Darkness want to protect her more.

So Darkness aspired to become a knight!

To protect the ancient kingdom of Belzer.

To protect the people of the territory.

To stand in front of Princess Alice!

In the following time, when Darkness heard that her father was going to the palace, she would also go with him in a temper!

It can be said that Alice grew up under Darkness's watch.

Darkness will never forget the girl in front of him!

Even if ten years have passed!

"You look like someone I'm familiar with."

Alice looked at Darkness's serious expression and a smile appeared on her face.

She continued,"I heard that you wanted to take me away from the Ruby City."

Before entering the dungeon, Aisi heard these things from Celie.

But she was not angry.

Instead, she blamed herself for not explaining things clearly in advance!

If Darkness knew what a half-demon was, he would definitely not do this.

After all...

Ignorance is not a crime.

Even if she had the right to be angry, she could have used her identity as a victim to petition for the death of Darkness.

But she didn't do that!

Growing up in the Ruby City, she had a lot more pure kindness in her heart. She no longer had the arrogance and willfulness of the royal family.

What's more,

Alice was speaking from Darkness's perspective.

If she was a survivor of the ancient kingdom of Belzer, she would have done the same thing after seeing her princess in the Demon King's power.

It proved that the other party was kind-hearted.

But what he did was actually hurting others.

That's why Alice was willing to come to the dungeon to visit Darkness.

She wanted Darkness to know that the Demon King was not what Darkness imagined!

Darkness said regretfully,"I'm sorry, Princess Alice."

"I didn’t take you away from the Ruby City!" Darkness had to work hard to not believe the half-demon’s words.......

Before seeing the truth.

Everything was just a lie created by the Demon King's army to destroy their beliefs.

Alice shook her head gently:"No, you should be glad that you didn't take me away from the Ruby City."

This made Darkness tightly grip the iron bars of the cell:"Do you also believe the half-demon's words?"

She blamed herself for not knowing earlier that Alice was in the Ruby City, and now she has been tortured into this state.

Darkness lowered her head, her eyes red:"Am I still a Crusader?"

"He can't even protect the princess of his own country!"

"As a result, she was brainwashed by the devil!"

"I'm not brainwashed~"

Alice turned her back to Darkness and lifted her long golden hair.

Two areas with white feathers appeared in front of Darkness.

Alice continued:"I am a half-demon. If I leave the Ruby City, I will become a demon."

"This is my characteristic as a half-demon!"

Darkness raised her head and was stunned.......

Is it true?

The reason that had been rebuilt was once again cracked.

"You can touch it."

Alice saw what Darkness was thinking and allowed him to touch the demonized area.

After getting permission, Darkness reached out of the cell with trembling hands.

Touch the part that looks like a demon!

The white down feels very comfortable to the touch, and it seems that they have put a lot of effort into daily care.

When Darkness touched it, Alice's body trembled.

She immediately explained:"It's a little itchy, but it doesn't matter."


Darkness became cautious.

Alice was only 11 or 12 years old, and her skin was as soft as tofu.

She was worried that she would lose control of her strength and hurt her!

The down felt like it was growing on Alice's skin.

It didn't look fake.

"this......Is this the characteristic of a half-demon?"

Darkness' throat kept trembling, and she wished she could tear off two pieces of flesh from Alice's back.

This would prove that the demonized part had never grown on her body!

Prove that she was just hallucinating!

Alice nodded her head:"Yes, the half-demonized part."

Darkness stared at her with her eyes fixed, her legs became weak, and she collapsed to the ground:"Demon King.....The Demon King must have done something to you!"

Prejudice against the Demon King, this is the last hope in Darkness' heart!

Alice let down her hair, shook her head in front of Darkness, and said with gratitude:"It's not the Demon King's fault."

"If the Demon King hadn't brought me to the Ruby City, I would have become a part of the demon clan ten years ago."

"I was only two years old at that time......"

"But I saw with my own eyes that my loved ones turned into demons right in front of me."

Alice paused and continued,"Anyone in the Ruby City has the right to leave the city, including half-demons."

"As long as it's voluntary, no one will stop it."

"But I didn't leave......"

"Because only the walls of the Ruby City can suppress the demonic factor in the body."

"after all....."

"I don't mind if I'm a demon, but half-demon is contagious."

Every word Alice said was like a needle piercing Darkness' heart.

Ruby Eyes also said these words.......

But she firmly believed that all of them were lies that Ruby Eye could fabricate in order to destroy her faith.

However, Princess Alice further confirmed the truth of those words!

Faith is collapsing......

Reason is destroying......

Everything is true......

Half-demons are not just a scare tactic, they really exist!

Darkness wanted to continue to explain.


She thought of Is again.

That passionate, reckless boy proved that the Ruby City would not stop anyone who wanted to leave.

If Alice really wanted to leave, she would have left long ago!

But she didn't leave because of her identity as a half-demon!

"Yes, the truth is in front of me."

"I'm still defending myself......"

Darkness' head dropped weakly.

At this moment, her mind was blank! She was like an empty shell. Not to mention the motivation to breathe, Darkness didn't even have the motivation to live!

Everything was real.......

"What did I do?"

Darkness used the last bit of strength in her body to raise her hands to cover her face.......

Today she really took Alice away from the Ruby City.

She became a demon.

Then I will live in self-blame forever!


What really destroyed her faith was not the truth of everything........

That cruel demon king was willing to save a little girl who was less than two years old. Is this true?

He even built a city specifically for half-demons to suppress their demonization.......

Is Su Heng really the Demon King?

Wasn't the disaster ten years ago really caused by the Demon King?

The conversation between Alice and Darkness proves that everything the Lord of Ruby City said was not a lie!

Demon King......

Su Heng......

"What on earth did you do?"

Darkness's sanity gradually began to collapse, and she began to giggle.

To outsiders, it was creepy!

Even Alice, who came to visit, was afraid and took a step back.

So Alice chose to change the subject:"By the way, you are from the ancient Kingdom of Belzer, right?"

"I will bring someone with me when the time comes. He is also from the ancient Kingdom of Belzer and is currently one of the administrators of the Ruby City."

"Very amazing person!"

"I think you have heard of his name, Ignis." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Dustinis Ford Ignis"

"Nobles of the ancient Kingdom of Belzer!"

"I think he would love to show you around the Ruby City!"

"Then go meet more survivors of the ancient kingdom of Belzer!"

Darkness, who was in a state of collapse due to the collapse of her faith, completely calmed down after hearing the full name of Ignis! Because... that was her father! Darkness grabbed the bars of the cell with both hands:

���Princess Alice, please tell me the name of that person again!"


Alice felt strange, but still said it out:"Dustinis Ford Ignis."

Alice thought.

Could she be from the Ignis territory?

Alice asked curiously:"Do you know him?"

"Of course I know..."

Darkness smiled bitterly and said,"He is my father."

"My name is Dustinis Ford Latina..."

Ignis' daughter?

A brave man! []

Alice put away the smile on her face.

Although Ignis had never mentioned it to her, she still knew that Ignis' daughter was a member of the team that defeated the Demon King!

The Demon King was defeated by the brave man.

After Alice woke up, she knew this very serious matter.

And the person who defeated the Demon King...

It's the hero!

After learning Darkness's identity, Alice became uncontrollable.

A pair of white wings grew out of the half-demonized part behind her.

Alice clenched her fists, her eyes turned red, and she could no longer bear the anger. She punched Darkness in the face!

She angrily shouted at Darkness:"Why did you kill the Demon King!"


Darkness covered the side of his face that was hit and said in astonishment,"He......He killed many people.........."

Alice punched the iron bars of the cell again.

The protective magic on it bounced it away.

Alice's petite body hit the wall behind her.

She got up again, ignoring the dust on her body.

She punched the cell again.

"Lalatina, I tell you, if it weren't for the Demon King..."

Alice's voice became choked:"I.....Your father, and other survivors of the ancient kingdom of Belzer......"

"They will all be treated as demons and killed!"

"Don't think I'm kidding or that I've been brainwashed by the devil."

"Only those who have personally experienced the disaster of the ancient Kingdom of Belzer know what kind of crazy people the people of the Central Empire are......."

Darkness fell to the ground, completely speechless.

She had no right to refute Alice! She had no right at all.

Darkness only knew that the ancient Kingdom of Belzer had become a ruin and disappeared from the world.

She had no idea what happened when the disaster occurred.......

She has no right to refute Alice!


There was no strength left.

Alice's eyelids became heavy:"I'm tired, goodbye."

She turned and left the dungeon.

Darkness looked at Alice leaving with the help of the weak light.

For a moment, he didn't know what to think!

For the past ten years, Darkness has always believed that his father died at the hands of the demons.......

That’s why she embarked on a journey to destroy the demon king.

The demon king was destroyed by her and her companions.

She thought she had avenged the murder of her father. But the actual situation was that the demon king she killed with her own hands was actually the benefactor who saved the princess and her father!

"Ah ha ha......"

Darkness’s vision became blurry.���The remaining sanity was disappearing.

She no longer knew.

Was she crazy, or was the world crazy?

Was it the crazy self who entered the normal world, or the normal self who entered the crazy world?......

Darkness couldn't tell the difference anymore! She picked up the habit that someone had persuaded her to stop doing again.

Darkness's hands climbed up her neck.

Then he strangled her!

The feeling of suffocation made her confused mind gradually clear.

However, it was more of an obsession!


Darkness had the same attributes as in the original book.

Especially ten years ago.

After knowing that she had lost everything, she often relieved her inner grief by self-harming.


A black-haired man appeared.

He told her that if she indulged in sadness, she would only become a corpse.

If that happened, the ancient kingdom of Belzer would be destroyed forever!

So Darkness pulled herself together again. She embarked on the road of revenge!

But the truth told her harshly that there was no revenge.

Instead, she was repaying kindness with hatred!

With both faith and reason gone, Darkness picked up her forgotten habit again.

3.8"So comfortable......"

Darkness continued what she had just done, and she was no different from a madman.

She was filled with remorse for killing the Demon King!

If Su Heng was still here, Darkness firmly believed that she would not be so crazy!

At least she would not know the truth of everything!

Inside the hotel.

Frelian, lying on the bed, kept rolling on the bed.

She was worried about Darkness's situation.

When she thought of the other party, she would feel uneasy in her heart.

Frelian stopped rolling, staring at the ceiling, and said dully:"Darkness, what will happen to her?"

The Demon King's army is a representative of terror.

And the Ruby City is the territory of the Demon King's army!

Once the identity of the hero is discovered.

It will be difficult to die!

It is estimated that he will be made into a corpse and stand on the opposite side of them.

That is a picture that Frelian dare not even dream of.

"Still in the Ruby City, looking for some clues about Darkness."

Frilian picked up the clothes on the bedside, changed them a little, and prepared to leave the hotel.

As a result, she opened the door.

A blindfolded woman blocked the door!

That was Frilian's teammate, the one with the title of Sword Saint.

It is said that she has forgotten her name a long time ago.

So she used the title of Sword Saint as her own name!

Frilian asked the Sword Saint coldly:"Why are you not sleeping here?"

Frilian and the Sword Saint did not socialize much in the team. It can't be said that their relationship is particularly good, but it can't be said that it is very bad, but there is also a basic friendship.

Or to say......

In her eyes, everyone in the team is the same......

They will all die before me, so there is no need to invest too much emotion.......Right?

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