Darkness was about a hundred meters away from Cocytus.

But she could still clearly feel the terrifying sense of oppression!

Is she still the same Cocytus?

If it weren't for the weapon in the other party's hand, Darkness would remember everything.

Otherwise, she would have every reason to believe that the monster was not Cocytus!

And there were also skeleton troops like a tide!

The number was at least over ten thousand!

And each one was wearing complete equipment!

Those equipments had extraordinary power, and were basically magnificent!

If the empire were to organize such a team.

Even if the treasury was exhausted, at most a thousand people could be built.

It was far less than the current number of tens of thousands of skeleton soldiers!

Darkness looked at the skeleton troops in amazement. When they attacked the Great Tomb of Nazarick, the quality of the skeleton soldiers was at most half of what it is now! Celia glanced at Darkness's reaction, smiled and said,"If you admit defeat now, you don't have to face him."

"Su Heng once told me that being a deserter in order to survive is not shameful."

However, Celia's words were useless to Darkness.

Instead, they made the fire of war in her eyes even stronger:"I will never surrender!"

Celia did not continue to persuade her, but patted her shoulder and said:

"I have given you permission to leave the Ruby City, you can go out now."

Darkness walked out of the outer gate of the city wall with a resolute step.

Instantly, she felt a thousand-pound boulder pressing on her shoulders!

It was the pure oppression from Cocytus!

Darkness was afraid.

However, she was not afraid of dying at the hands of Cocytus. She was afraid that her father's words would come true!

If everything was true..........

Darkness would feel the greatest regret in her life for killing Su Heng!

That was the thing Darkness could not accept the most.

From childhood to adulthood, the education Darkness received, the ideas instilled in her, and even everything she experienced, her life.........

All of them are based on the fact that the Demon King must die! Even though she already knows that everything she does is meaningless.........

Knowing the truth was even more devastating.

Because it denied her motivation to live!

Darkness tightly grasped the hilt of the sword at her waist.

This was a battle where she was risking her life, and she must not give up!

""Knight, why are you on the side of the Ruby City?"

Cocytus recognized Darkness in the distance.

Although he deliberately let Darkness win in the battle with Darkness, he still recognized Darkness!

After all, after being defeated by Darkness, the other party did not laugh at him, but gave him a high recognition!

The recognition between a knight and a warrior!

In the eyes of Cocytus, Darkness is not only a qualified knight, but also a qualified hero.

He should not be in cahoots with the Ruby City!

Cocytus questioned Darkness:"Do you know that the Ruby City is the property of the Demon King!"

Darkness said seriously with a sense of oppression from Cocytus:

"I am not on the side of the Ruby City, I need to know the truth of everything!"

Cosette paused and exhaled a breath of cold air:"Knight, you are beginning to get in touch with the truth"

"It's a pity that I came here with the will of my Lord, and I can't fight you at the same level as you."

"Next I will fight you with my true strength!"


While Cocytus was talking, a skeleton soldier walked forward.

Cocytus continued,"This is a level 120 skeleton soldier wearing gold-level equipment. You can only fight me if you can beat him!"

"I don't have the habit of bullying the weak!"

Level 120........


Darkness swallowed a mouthful of foam.

A skeleton soldier is already level 120, surpassing most human soldiers!

And wearing gold-level equipment!

Just such a skeleton soldier can easily deal with an army of thousands of people!

It is also the elite army of the empire!

Then, the foot of the skeleton soldier raised a cloud of dust.

Seeing this, Darkness immediately drew his sword.


The collision of the blades caused sparks, and the powerful force made Darkness slide back a few centimeters from where he was standing!

So strong!

How could the skeleton soldiers he faced at the beginning have the strength they have now?

Darkness pushed away the attack of the skeleton soldier.

After all, the level of the skeleton soldier is only level 120. Even with the blessing of equipment, he will not be Darkness's opponent in terms of strength.

The skeleton soldier was pushed far away and staggered a few steps.

Darkness found the right opportunity, exerted force on his hind legs, raised a lot of dust under his feet, and attacked the skeleton soldier.

It was just a moment.

The head of the skeleton soldier fell to the ground!

Darkness looked at Cocytus confidently:"Now I am qualified to fight you, Cocytus~."

Cocytus exhaled a white mist and said,"Knight, your strength has improved a lot."

"But you better be careful next time!"

"Now I don't need to make any concessions to you, I will only show my true strength"

"I hope you can hold on to my move!"

Cocytus inherited the character of the Creator and did not mock Darkness in words.

Instead, he showed her the greatest respect!

Darkness tightly grasped the sword in his hand, his eyes firm and indestructible:"Come on!"

After all........

This is her battle to find the meaning of life, and Darkness will never waver in her determination!

Even if she vaguely realizes that Cocytus's strength is beyond her imagination, she still remains firm in her heart!


This is the last chance. This is the last chance to prove that killing the Demon King is the right thing to do!

Cocytus holds four weapons and gives Darkness a final warning:"Be careful, the knight I recognize"

"Come despite........"

Before Darkness finished speaking, she saw Cocytus disappear suddenly.

When she reacted, the insect king had already arrived.

Darkness immediately realized a reality.

The demons she had defeated before were much stronger than she was!

Cocytus could easily destroy any city with just his hard power!



Cocytus swung the giant axe in her hand and chopped it diagonally at the opponent.

Not to mention resisting, Darkness didn't even have a chance to react!

She didn't even see Cocytus's movements clearly.

Her body flew far away as if hit by a thousand-pound meteorite!

When Darkness was in the air, a picture flashed through her mind.

It was a revolving lantern!

Darkness saw that some time ago, she and her companions released their own magic power and shattered the magic tools obtained from the cadres of the Demon King's army.

The power of the explosive magic cast by Huihui increased a hundred times!

I am so naive........

I should have thought of it at that time. How could the magic tool dropped by the Demon King's army be broken at that time? It also happened to strengthen Huihui's explosion magic!......

We are just pawns of others.

The moment the magic attack hit Su Heng, the revolving lantern stopped.

Darkness walked in the frozen picture of the revolving lantern.

He came to the stairs leading to the Demon King's throne and looked up at the Demon King sitting on the throne.

The other side was shrouded in black fog, and Darkness could not see the Demon King's true body.

"Is that the most powerful demon king of all time, Su Heng?"

"What will he look like? ?"

Darkness walked up the stairs with curiosity.

Step by step, she finally arrived next to the Demon King's throne.

"Is there another world down there?"

Darkness reached out to get closer to the Demon King's throne, and inexplicable mutterings gradually appeared in her ears.

It was an unrecognizable language!

To be precise, was this really a language?

It was not someone talking nonsense.

When Darkness was about to touch the throne, the figure of the Demon King moved.

An arm stretched out from the black fog and grabbed her hand!

Darkness knew very well that she was in a revolving lantern.

Why would the Demon King in the revolving lantern stop her from touching the Demon King's throne!

Darkness wanted to ask.

But in the shadows, she saw a familiar figure that looked like a human.

That person put the index finger of his other hand to his ear:"Don't ask, don't listen, don't look."

What a familiar voice!

Just when she wanted to ask more, the Demon King spoke again.

"This is not your world."

Darkness saw the hand that was tightly holding her suddenly loosen, and then gently pushed herself.

The force was light, but Darkness's body was pushed out!

Darkness's consciousness returned to her body.

Before she could react, her body hit the wall of the Ruby City heavily!

Even with the mithril protection���(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Darkness still felt that all the bones in his body were shattered by the strong impact!

His body fell to the ground under the influence of gravity.


Darkness spat out a large mouthful of blood and finally fell into a coma.

Despite this, Cocytus had no intention of letting her go!

His huge figure disappeared from the spot. He moved hundreds of meters in an instant and came to Darkness, raising the samurai sword in his hand:"Knight, I give you the highest respect. I will use my strongest weapon to cut off your head!"

A cold light flashed, and the blade in Cocytus's hand, at the moment it touched Darkness's neck, his body was fixed by an unknown force!

Celia, who was watching the show on the side, walked out of the outer gate of the Ruby City.

There was a faint smile on her lips.

Celia said to Cocytus:"I'm sorry, the Great Tomb of Nazarick does not belong to the Demon King's Army now, and you have no right to execute the murderer who killed the Demon King."

Cocytus recognized Celia, the elf who existed longer than the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

The living history book of years.


Cocytus tried to struggle, but it seemed to be useless.

He still couldn't move!

"Sir Celia, it is unbelievable that you saved her.

Cocytus said while struggling.......

What is even more surprising is[]

Such an original magician actually became a member of the Ruby City

"You are fully capable of competing with my Lord for the throne of the Demon King, so why do you kneel down and serve the Ruby City?"

Celia had a ball of lethality in her hand, and told Cocytus:

"I have no interest in the Devil's Throne"

"What's more......"

""What I want to do is none of your business."

Cocytus closed his eyes, knowing that Celia could easily kill him with this move.

Knowing the outcome, he activated the escape device given to him by Ainz. He crushed the green orb hidden under his tongue with his teeth.

Powerful magic power burst out!

Cocytus, who was originally pinned there by Celia, abandoned tens of thousands of troops and fled from here.

Celia glanced at the ball in her hand:"Su Heng, Su Heng, why is the reading time of the ability you gave me so fast?"

"I'd rather use magic......."

"But since it has already poured out, let's not waste it."

Celiai glanced at the skeleton army not far away, and threw the ball in her hand towards that side.

The ball reached the center of the skeleton army at a very fast speed.

The ball fell to the ground.

It took on a semicircular shape and continued to grow, crushing the skeletons into powder.

Celieai knew that the skeletons would not leave any of them.

So she looked at Darkness:"Without the protection I gave you, you would have been cut in half by Cocytus just now."

"Forget it, you can't hear me."

"Go back."

Celia was about to take Darkness away.

But suddenly she found that black lines were emanating from his body. They were wriggling like tentacles!

Celia frowned:"The power of that space?"

"Did she touch the Demon King's throne?"

"No......Maybe it has something to do with her killing the Demon King."

Celiai didn't think too much and wrapped it with magic.

Let it float in the air and take her into the Ruby City.

In the Demon King's Palace, under the throne.

There is a crack that is big enough to accommodate the entire Ruby City!

And it is still expanding.

That is the entrance to the subspace.

If you get close to the crack, you can hear sounds that humans cannot recognize!

"Failed, failed, Su Heng left a protective device on the throne"

"It's only one step away! Only one step away!"

"As long as that girl can touch the throne, we can invade that world!"

"Don’t worry, the things Su Heng left behind will disappear sooner or later, but we have almost eternal life!"

"How long will that take!"

"By assisting the human gods to return to this world, we can also speed up in advance!"


Four voices echoed in the subspace.

In the impenetrable space, four huge shadows appeared.

(They are larger than stars!

More eternal than the Milky Way!

While they were talking, one of the figures raised his hand.

A galaxy full of life instantly became a place of decay.

This was a sacrifice required to try to break through the restrictions left by Su Heng.

Their laughter gradually died down.

Celie settled Darkness and walked towards the place where the city lord worked.

She opened the door and looked at Ruby Eyes who was still busy and reported:"All the people from the Great Tomb of Nazarick have been driven away."

"By the way, I let that brave man experience what the truth is"

"But the result is a bit painful"

"It won't get better in a short while!"

Ruby City responded softly,"Okay, I understand."

The work at hand still didn't stop!

Celie leaned on the door sill and said,"Hey, Ruby Eye"

"Are you sure you want those heroes to stay in the Ruby City?"

"I suggest that we let them go."

Ruby Eyes raised her eyes and tilted her head:"Why do you want to do this?"

"They will not believe everything in the Ruby City, and after leaving, they will find that they have done something wrong."

"I don't really care whether they realize they did something wrong or not......."

"Those people are all very good potentials, and they also have the title of Demon Killer. When they grow up, they can make the Ruby City exist longer!"


Ruby Eyes considered Celia's proposal seriously, then nodded and said,"That's a very good idea, Dragon!"

She has a strong ability to act! She will do what she says.

Based on the marks left on them, Ruby Eyes locked on this group of people.

Ruby Eyes touched the ring on her hand.

The next second, she came to where the heroes were!

She lifted her skirt elegantly and introduced to everyone:"Good afternoon, heroes, I am the Lord of Ruby City."

"Dear heroes who have killed the Demon King, this is our first meeting. I will give you two choices."

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