After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 1115 Flip over the imperial concubine's brand

"It takes about an hour and a half for the concubine to return to the palace from Mingyuan. If the news that the concubine will return to the palace first, it should take about half an hour to pass on the book. That is to say, the other party only has one hour to plan things. Zhang Zi took less than half an hour. It was impossible for the other party to temporarily find a little Zhang Zi to deal with his concubine and Princess Yongchun. So there is only one possibility. Little Zhang Zi has already been bought by the people behind the rumors. The host also decided to sacrifice Xiao Zhangzi to deal with the concubine and Princess Yongchun. It can be seen from this that the behind-the-scenes person is not small, and he buried the line of Xiao Zhangzi in Yongchunzhai as early as possible. The concubine has just found out. , Xiao Zhangzi entered Yongchunzhai on duty when the concubine became a good concubine, and it has been four years since now. The concubine was thinking, that person had already planned the layout four years ago, so scheming, the concubine Out of sight…”

Qin Zhao finished speaking in one breath, and looked at Xiao Ce with a magnanimous expression: "Every sentence of the courtier and concubine is true, and I dare not make a half-truth."

"Listen to what you mean, the chess piece that that person buried four years ago, to use this piece against you today, your ability is not small." Xiao Ce sarcastically hooked his lips.

"There's no way, who made the concubine look beautiful, took charge of the management of the harem, and gave birth to a cute little prince like Xiao Yuan, no one in this harem is not jealous of the concubine. That person deliberately released the concubine and Zhao. The news that the old love of the adults is not over is just to make the emperor hate the concubine. Now pouring dirty water on the concubine is nothing more than to make the emperor think that the concubine is a poisonous woman and avoid me. As for the long princess of Yongchun, it is just a subject. The concubine is implicated." Qin Zhao explained the mystery in a few words.

You know, she doesn't care how Xiao Ce feels about her now, she just wants to find out the person behind the plan.

But that person is seasoned and careful, and is the most formidable opponent she has ever met in her two lifetimes.

"Concubine Ai really knows how to put gold on her face." Xiao Ce snorted coldly.

Qin Zhao raised his chin lightly, only taking Xiao Ce's compliment: "The concubine is indeed beautiful, she is indeed in charge of the harem, and she is indeed the first person in the harem. The emperor cannot deny these facts."

"Alright, alright, shut up."

Xiao Ce looked at Princess Yongchun who was still kneeling on the ground stupidly: "Get up. I asked you just now, but you can't say a word. If you have the sharp teeth of a noble concubine, you won't be bullied by your in-laws when you marry someone in the future. "

Princess Yongchun's expression was slightly embarrassed: "My sister doesn't want to get married."

Qin Zhao and the emperor were both right. If she was married like this, if she was framed by her husband's family, she would not know how she would die.

"My daughter's family will get married sooner or later. When Yong Ning is married off, you will be the next one." Xiao Ce felt that Yong Ning had indeed reached the age to discuss marriage.

Yongning did not marry, and Yongchun's marriage also dragged on, which was always bad.

"Brother, do you believe Qin Zhao's words?" Princess Yongchun said uneasily.

The emperor was still thinking of helping her arrange the marriage, so he should have believed Qin Zhao's words.

"I don't believe in the noble concubine, but this person is too eager to act. I'm like a mindless monarch who is easily led by the nose?!" Xiao Ce opened his lips indifferently.

It was only said that Qin Zhao had just returned to the palace from Mingyuan, and the news that Zhao Yu and Qin Zhao's old relationship was over came from the palace. Xiao Zhangzi died, not only in the harem rumored that Qin Zhao was killed, but also rumored about it.

The news wouldn't have spread so quickly if someone hadn't deliberately spread the rumors.

"That is, the emperor is a wise man of the ages, how can you believe these unwarranted rumors?!" Qin Zhao heartily agreed.

At this point, she believed in Xiao Ce.

It can only be said that no matter how careful the other party's plan is, it can be considered that Xiao Ce's personality has been missed.

No matter how unloved she is, no matter how Xiao Ce dislikes her, it is impossible for him to be counted by the person behind her.

"Smooth and smooth!" Xiao Ce lightly hooked the corners of his lips.

His four words are exactly the same as when he evaluated Qin Zhao before.

Princess Yongchun looked at Xiao Ce, then looked at Qin Zhao, and suddenly said: "Since that person tried so hard to make the emperor and Qin Zhao turn against each other, it would be better for the two of you to be sweet, so you can't be mad at the design behind it. The person who framed it?"

Originally, she just came up with an idea casually, but when she saw the emperor's brother looking at him with a dim light in his eyes, she laughed dryly and said, "My sister is just making a random opinion, the emperor's brother should not take it seriously."

However, Xiao Ce shook his head: "It can only be said that the two of you are useless. You can't find the real culprit after being calculated. You are my imperial sister, how could anyone be able to plan and frame them?"

Yongchun hasn't married yet, but his reputation has been ruined by that person. If you let him know who is behind the design and frame, he will definitely not forgive him lightly!

"It's useless to be a minister and sister." Princess Yongchun naively said.

It's just that the enemy is in the dark, and they are in the light. How to guard against it?

And that man's scheming is really powerful, she can't be the enemy.

"You can try this method." At this moment, Xiao Ce suddenly said.

Qin Zhao and Princess Yongchun didn't understand the meaning of Xiao Ce's words. Qin Zhao asked in confusion, "What method can I try?"

"I have my own opinion." Xiao Ce did not answer directly.

Qin Zhao and Princess Yongchun looked at each other, wondering what kind of riddle Xiao Ce was playing.

It was night, and Zhang Jixiang brought the green head card as usual. As usual, he still did not put Qin Zhao's green head card.

Xiao Ce looked at the green head card, but did not move.

Zhang Jixiang didn't know what Xiao Ce meant: "Your Majesty, please turn over the brand."

Xiao Ce glanced at Zhang Jixiang lightly: "Zhang Jixiang, you are getting more and more presumptuous!"

Zhang Jixiang didn't know what he had done wrong: "Please express the emperor."

"You actually hid your concubine's green head card, who gave you the courage?!" Xiao Ce sneered and hooked his lips.

Zhang Jixiang thought to himself that he didn't put the green head card of the concubine before, the emperor didn't say anything before.

"Slave should be damned." Zhang Jixiang slapped himself and quickly placed Qin Zhao's green head card in the most eye-catching position.

Today, a noble concubine has made such a big incident. Although the emperor feels that there is another article in it, it is impossible to flip the brand of the noble concubine at this time, right?

To be precise, it was too difficult for the imperial concubine to serve her in bed.

Anyway, it's just going through the motions, and the emperor will probably not flip the brand tonight.

"Your Majesty, please turn over the card." Zhang Jixiang then brought the green head card to Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ce didn't even look at the green head card, but he turned to Qin Zhao's card without any mistake.

Zhang Jixiang was quite frightened, he looked at Xiao Ce, but Xiao Ce didn't look at him.

After a while, he slowed down and stepped aside with the green head card. At this moment, he was sure of one thing. The emperor turned over the sign of the imperial concubine!

It's just so creepy.

In the Jinyang Palace, Qin Zhao was planning to have dinner when Zhang Jixiang suddenly came and read out the decree.

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