After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 1168 The emperor respects her

Qin Zhao saw Xiao Ce looking at the top of her head, and then she remembered that she hadn't sorted her hair after being carried into the carriage by Xiao Ce.

There was no wooden comb beside her, so she simply took the materials on the spot, pulled up a simple bun, and tied it with a hosta, and people immediately became more energetic.

Xiao Ce watched intently, but did not expect that such a small thing as a woman pulling her bun could make Qin Zhao do such a pleasing task.

Maybe it's because Qin Zhao is beautiful that she can look good in everything.

"Shang Ke." Xiao Ce had to admit at this moment that Qin Zhao was a beautiful woman that matched his eyes.

When Qin Zhao heard Xiao Ce's answer, he no longer bothered about dressing.

Anyway, she is not the protagonist today. She is just a worker. As long as the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet does not go wrong, her task will be successfully completed.

Soon the carriage went to the front of the Hall of Preserving Harmony.

Xiao Ce got out of the carriage first, and Qin Zhao got out of the carriage with the help of Baozhu.

The civil and military officials have also arrived. Seeing Xiao Ce and Qin Zhao get off the carriage together, everyone has different expressions.

Everyone has heard the news about the harem. Everyone said that Xiao Ce was at odds with Qin Zhao, and the era when Qin Zhao favored the harem was gone forever.

Now the most favored is Cui Jieyu, Qin Zhao is nothing.

On a big day like the Mid-autumn Festival, Xiao Ce and Qin Zhao appeared in everyone's sight in the same carriage, which was not the same as the legend.

Everyone was confused in their hearts, but they didn't dare to show it on their faces.

The altar was already ready, and as soon as Xiao Ce came, he led the officials to visit first.

After the pilgrimage was over, the silk and bamboo vocal music sounded, and the Mid-Autumn Banquet officially began.

This time, Qin Zhao specially asked Baoyu to make a big moon cake nearly two feet long.

When the eight chamberlains carried the big moon cake in, everyone settled their gazes.

In the past, the moon cakes prepared for the Mid-Autumn Festival in the palace were also big, but they were only one foot in size, but this time the moon cakes were much larger than the previous ones.

This big moon cake is also engraved with intricate and delicate totems, and there is a cute little moon rabbit next to it, which is quite interesting.

But this is not the most surprising thing, this time the moon cake is actually translucent, and you can even see the fruits and various nuts inside.

In fact, everyone doesn't like to eat Mid-Autumn moon cakes, but if the saints give them a reward, it will be the honor of the whole family. Even if the taste is ordinary, everyone thinks that this is the grace of the royal family.

Seeing such a strange moon cake this time, the bright colors make people feel happy.

When Xiao Ce saw the big moon cakes carried by the servants, he asked in surprise, "Is this a moon cake made by Baoyu?"

"Exactly. Baoyu Tian was making this moon cake before dawn today, and the concubines also participated." Qin Zhao said with honor.

Last year, she was not in charge of the sixth palace, and she would not interfere in the harem.

But now that she is in charge of the Six Palaces, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is also in her hands, she naturally wants to hold the banquet beautifully.

This time, not only the civil and military officials of Daqi, but also envoys from other countries came to pay tribute. The Mid-Autumn Festival was well organized and it also made Daqi shine.

Xiao Ce gave her a deep look, and Qin Zhao's work this time won his heart. With Baoyu's shot, he knew that the mooncake tasted good before he even tasted it.

Qin Zhao smiled at Xiao Ce and said, "The emperor himself cut the moon cakes?"

Xiao Ce stepped forward and, with Qin Zhao's help, cut the moon cake apart.

Qin Zhao immediately took a piece of moon cake and handed it to the Empress Dowager: "Eat the lady first."

The Empress Dowager was eager to try, she lowered her head and took a bite, full of praise: "Excellent!"

This is the most delicious moon cake she has ever eaten. It is not as sweet and greasy as traditional moon cakes. The taste is a bit similar to the desserts she has eaten before, but it is more flexible.

After that, Xiao Ce also brought a piece and handed it to the Queen Mother Guo. The Queen Mother Guo glanced at the moon cake and secretly thought that it was just a small trick, and Qin Zhao would also know this little trick.

But seeing the bright color, which she had never seen before, she still lowered her head and took a bite. At this moment, she had to admit that the taste was indeed quite special, different from any moon cakes she had ever eaten before.

It's just that no matter how good the taste is, thinking that this is from Qin Zhao's handwriting, she loses her appetite...

After that, the envoys of various countries also ate the moon cakes and praised them, which made Xiao Ce very proud.

Although Qin Zhao specially made a big moon cake, a large number of people still didn't get a moon cake.

Wu Xirou was fortunate enough to taste a small piece. After she tried it, she was secretly shocked and her mood was extremely complicated.

As far as Qin Zhao's exquisite mind is concerned, she is absolutely incomparable. This time, Qin Zhao made the envoys of various countries a feast for the eyes, which should not make Xiao Ce even more pleased with Qin Zhao?

Thinking of this, she felt a little heavy.

On the other side, Wu Zhenyu also ate moon cakes. Having fought on the battlefield for many years, he is the least picky about food. But this time he was able to taste such a special moon cake, and he still felt that the trip was worthwhile.

The little Qin Zhao who used to be so cowardly that he didn't dare to look at people grew up very well, but now he is confident and assertive, which is what makes him most sympathetic.

Many people hadn't tasted the big moon cake. Qin Zhao clapped his palm again, and then a palace maid entered in turn and brought another version of the moon cake.

If the previous moon cakes were bigger than ever seen, this time the moon cakes are small and delicate.

There were also several small moon cakes in front of Xiao Ce. He picked up the moon cake and took a closer look, and saw that there were still four words engraved on it: Guotai Minan.

He picked up another moon cake and took a closer look. There were also four characters engraved on it: Great Qi and Prosperity.

He turned to look at Qin Zhao on the side, and saw that she was sitting upright, smiling and enjoying the singing and dancing performance in the venue.

For the first time, he felt that women were not just troublesome animals. A woman with a delicate mind like Qin Zhao made him respect her.

Women can also be broad-minded, just like his concubine.

Qin Zhao was enjoying the singing and dancing when he suddenly remembered something serious, and said to Xiao Ce in a low voice, "There are a lot of noble families here today, do you want them to have a test? By the way, let the two eldest princesses see if there is a suitable husband. Candidates for husband-in-law?"

She doesn't care about Princess Yongning's marriage, but Princess Yongchun's marriage should really be put on the agenda, otherwise, as time goes by, Princess Yongchun is getting older and older, and it will be more difficult to find a husband at that time.

Xiao Ce turned to look at Qin Zhao, and met her expectant eyes: "Concubine Ai really wants the two eldest princesses to marry as soon as possible?"

"After all, you are not young, so you can't delay it indefinitely. Originally, the marriage of the two eldest princesses should be presided over by the empress dowager, but the empress dowager is in poor health and is powerless. Today's Mid-Autumn Festival ministers and concubines think that the opportunity is rare, it is better to let the two The eldest princess chooses her husband by herself, what does the emperor think?" Qin Zhao replied.

In fact, Empress Dowager Guo never thought about not planning for the two eldest princesses at all, because it was not her own responsibility, Empress Dowager Guo never cared about the life and death of the two eldest princesses.

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