Empress Dowager Guo had a headache when she saw the dense list, but in this case, she could only bite the bullet and read on.

After a while, her eyes couldn't take it anymore, and the headache became more and more intense. In desperation, she handed over the roster to Nianyun, "You help Aijia take a closer look."

Nianyun Yiyan took over the roster, and after reading all the names in the roster, Fang whispered to the Queen Mother Guo: "There is no one the Queen Mother is looking for."

The next moment, Empress Dowager Guo threw out the draft roster.

She consciously threw the roster at Qin Zhao, but Qin Zhao was quick-witted, and turned to one side to avoid the roster of beautiful girls thrown over by Empress Dowager Guo.

"The empress dowager's phoenix body violates the harmony. You still have to be calm and don't get angry. Otherwise, no matter how good a doctor is, the empress dowager can't be cured." Qin Zhao reminded warmly.

"Are you cursing Ai's family?!" The Queen Mother Guo swept her eyes sharply: "How dare you remove Xiu Nv from the roster without authorization? If Yongning hadn't come to tell Ai's family about this, Ai's family would have been deceived by you. In the drum! Concubine, you are so bold!"

If Empress Dowager Guo was healthy, Empress Dowager Guo might still be a little dignified, but after yelling at Qin Zhao at this moment, Empress Dowager Guo was still a little out of breath, and it seemed that the momentum was not enough.

Qin Zhao raised his eyebrows lightly and said to Baozhu, "Go and pour a cup of tea for the Empress Dowager. Don't let the Empress Dowager get upset."

Her words were tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, and the Empress Dowager Guo trembled with anger: "Concubine..."

"The empress dowager calms down and asks Rong Chen's concubine to talk about this matter. Cheng Xiu's name will be washed down from the list of beautiful girls. Chen and concubine made the decision after careful consideration-"

Qin Zhao just opened his mouth, and the Queen Mother Guo suddenly stood up: "Don't think that Aijia doesn't know your selfishness, you just want all young and beautiful girls to be washed down, so that no one will enter the palace to compete with you. Aijia's words are left here. Now, I will go and take Cheng Xiu into the palace today."

"The Queen Mother, this is impossible." Qin Zhao did not expect that the Queen Mother Guo was so unreasonable, and was a little anxious.

Empress Dowager Guo just ignored it. When will she listen to Qin Zhao's words to deal with things?

She turned to Nianyun and instructed: "You go out of the palace in person to pick up Cheng Xiu into the palace, and tell Yongchang Hou that Aijia likes that child, so let her live in the palace for a few days first. You don't even need a draft to be able to do it. Become one of the concubines in the harem."

Nianyun answered in a low voice, and then instructed others to take care of the Queen Mother Guo.

Empress Dowager Guo walked to Qin Zhao's side and sneered: "Qin, if you want to fight with Aijia, you are still a little more tender!"

Since Qin Zhao wants to rub off on Cheng Xiu, she will make Cheng Xiu enter the palace a fact.

Qin Zhao looked at the Empress Dowager Guo coldly, and said every word: "The Empress Dowager should be confused."

Empress Dowager Guo didn't expect Qin Zhao to be so bold, she trembled with anger, but Qin Zhao didn't bother to pay attention to Empress Dowager Guo, and planned to go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to face the Holy Spirit and report the matter.

Empress Dowager Guo saw that Qin Zhao wanted to find Xiao Ce, so she also sat on the chariot and went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When Xiao Ce was almost done with government affairs, he heard that Qin Zhao was coming. Not only that, but also the Queen Mother Guo.

These two are women who give him headaches, and it will not be a good thing to come to the Hall of Mental Cultivation together.

In fact, his guess was correct. Before Qin Zhao spoke, the Queen Mother Guo was telling Qin Zhao's "evil deeds".

"The imperial concubine abused her power and scolded the beautiful girl without authorization. The emperor must punish her severely. If the Aijia was not in a bad health, she would not have handed over the draft to the imperial concubine. Facts have proved that the imperial concubine is a mud that can't support the wall." Guo After the queen mother shouted, her voice was a little panting.

Xiao Ce heard the words and looked at Qin Zhao: "Is there something wrong with your concubine?"

"The concubine did remove Cheng Xiu from the draft list, but the concubine did this for the sake of the royal family and the emperor's position..."

Before Qin Zhao could finish her words, Empress Dowager Guo interrupted her: "Absurd! It's clearly your own selfishness that you wrote Chen Xiu's name!"

"Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager is old and her health is not good, should the Empress Dowager sit down and rest for a while?" Qin Zhao expressed concern and suggested to Xiao Ce.

Compared with Empress Dowager Guo's arrogance, Xiao Ce prefers Qin Zhao's calmness and generosity.

Zhang Jixiang immediately moved a comfortable chair for Queen Mother Guo to sit on.

Qin Zhao then said calmly, "Neither the Marquis of Yongchang nor the Marquis of Yongchang are reluctant to send Cheng Xiu into the palace. Cheng Xiu himself does not want to enter the palace to serve the king, and Cheng Shizi is also reluctant to send Yaomei into the palace. In addition, the emperor wanted to let Cheng Shizi still be the princess, and the concubines were thinking that they must give the Yongchang Houfu a grace at this time, so that they could remember the emperor's kindness and generosity, and let them see the magnanimity of the emperor's grace clearly. I thought that a Chengxiu was far less valuable than an eldest princess. The concubine gave the Cheng family this grace, and in the future, the Yongchang Houfu will definitely remember the kindness of the royal family, and the concubines thought they did the right thing. Famous ladies will enter the palace for drafts, and the emperor is not bad for this beautiful girl, isn't he?"

Xiao Ce felt that Qin Zhao's words were not a big problem, but the Queen Mother Guo had a question: "Cheng Xiu has the opportunity to enter the palace to serve the king, but the concubine said that Chen Xiu was not happy. Is this just an excuse made by the concubine?"

"Not every woman wants to enter the palace, some people like a simpler life, and Chen Xiu is one of them. In fact, this matter was asked by Princess Yongchun to ask for a concubine, because the royal family was discussing marriage with the Marquis of Yongchang. At this juncture, the concubine did not ask the emperor and took Chen Xiu out of the draft list without authorization. The concubine did something wrong, and the concubine should be punished." Qin Zhao said this, and then said: " On the other hand, because Cheng Shizi didn't choose her, Princess Yongning ignored the empress dowager's violation of her phoenix body, and went to the Empress Dowager to provoke right and wrong, making the royal family restless, and Princess Yongning should also be punished."

"What else?!" Xiao Ce lowered his face.

Qin Zhao knew that Xiao Ce would not do anything to the Queen Mother Guo, and always wanted to give Xiao Ce a step down, so he pushed Princess Yongning out.

As it turns out, she was right.

Xiao Ce found a reason to vent and ordered Princess Yongning to be brought into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Princess Yongning didn't expect that the fire would burn on her head. She thought that with the Queen Mother Guo disrupting the situation, Cheng Xiu still couldn't change the fate of entering the palace, but she knew that she was also brought into the circle of right and wrong by Qin Zhao.

"Is it because you are chewing your tongue in front of your mother, provoking right and wrong, and trying to provoke the Cheng family's hatred of the royal family?!"

Xiao Ce slapped his palm on the desk, causing Princess Yongning to fall to her knees immediately.

Princess Yongning stammered and defended: "The minister and the minister and sister are not malicious, but they are afraid that the imperial concubine will do something wrong because of her selfishness. Originally, the draft was in charge of the mother, and the mother of course had the right to know, and the minister and sister also had good intentions... …”


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, babies

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