After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 1185 He Can't Resist Qin Zhao

"I haven't married Xiao Yu'er yet, so it's towards her?" Cheng Xiu joked when the uncivilized elder brother suddenly knew about the guardian.

"You can figure it out for yourself, if it wasn't for Xiao Yu'er, you might already be a beautiful girl and want to enter the palace to serve the emperor." Cheng Jin retorted.

Cheng Xiu snorted lightly: "I heard that today's holy man, Yushu, is a rare and beautiful man. It's not a loss to the emperor, right?"

"You really want to see the emperor, maybe you will be scared and cry..."

The Cheng family brothers and sisters walked while talking, and soon left the palace gate.

In Yongning Zhai, because the servant did not invite Cheng Jin, the eldest princess of Yongning lost her temper.

If she hadn't thought about it behind closed doors, she would have been able to see Cheng Jin in person, and she wouldn't be as passive as she is now.

Cheng Jin is also true, she has sent someone to invite him, why doesn't he come to see her?

Thinking of Cheng Jin, the eldest Princess Yongning loves and hates, but she was trapped in Yongning Zhai and could not go out. She expressed her sincere feelings to Cheng Jin...

In Jinyang Palace, Qin Zhao was very busy.

But this time, the draft was put on hold for the time being. She specifically asked Xiao Ce whether to hold the draft first or Xiao Yu's marriage first.

Xiao Ce thinks that Xiao Yu is not too young, and she is too old to talk about marriage. Take advantage of the fact that an outstanding young man like Cheng Jin is coming to her door.

Xiao Ce's implication was that Xiao Yu's marriage should be done first, so she had to pick a good day and auspicious day in a short period of time, so she was looking at the almanac and chose a good day and auspicious day to marry Xiao Yu.

When Princess Yonghe got married, she was only Liang Di. At that time, the Empress Dowager was in charge, and she had nothing to do with her.

Now that she is in charge of the Sixth Palace, the Empress Dowager Guo, who was supposed to be in charge, is unwell, and this important matter falls on her.

In order not to affect Xiao Ce's draft, Qin Zhao carefully checked the almanac. Finally, I picked a good day. That day is the third day of September. It is suitable for marriage. There is no better day in the near future than the third day of September.

Xiao Yu's wedding date was decided, Qin Zhao let Xiao Ce look over it at the first time.

Xiao Ce is not good at these things. Since the Mid-Autumn Festival, he has believed in Qin Zhao's ability to handle affairs, and let Qin Zhao have full control over Xiao Yu and Cheng Jin's marriage.

Xiao Ce nodded, and Qin Zhao planned to tell the two parties the news.

She turned around and was about to leave, but Xiao Ce suddenly stopped her and asked, "Is Concubine Ai busy recently?"

Except for the last time he came to him with Empress Dowager Guo, Qin Zhao never showed his face again.

I remember that he had been to Jinyang Palace before. At that time, Qin Zhao was dealing with the draft, and she couldn't even ignore him.

He felt bored and left after sitting for a while. Qin Zhao didn't say a word to him that time.

This time Qin Zhao took the initiative to come to him because of Yongchun's marriage. Otherwise, she would not take the initiative to come to Yangxin Hall to find him.

Such Qin Zhao was completely different from the Qin Zhao who stalked him in his dreams.

"The wedding of the eldest princess and the audition are held in the near future. The time is very fast. The concubine is indeed a little busy. Does the emperor have anything to do with the concubine?" Qin Zhao asked.

Xiao Ce didn't know what to say for a while.

After a moment of silence, he waved his hand: "Concubine Ai, go back to work."

"Yes, the concubine retire." Qin Zhao quickly walked away.

As soon as Qin Zhao left, the room became quiet again.

Xiao Ce stared at the direction Qin Zhao was leaving in a daze, and for the first time felt that the room was very quiet.

Qin Zhao didn't want to haunt him like he dreamed, and his ability to handle affairs was so strong. The whole harem was handed over to Qin Zhao, and Qin Zhao could manage it in an orderly manner, so that he had no worries, which was a good thing.

But he somehow felt that Qin Zhao shouldn't be like this. She should be most concerned about him, not these chores...

Zhang Jixiang found that his master was distracted again. He was busy with government affairs before, and the emperor had no time to distract himself. This time is over, and the emperor seems to have a lot of things on his mind.

It seems that after the imperial concubine came, the emperor was not so focused.

Speaking of which, the emperor has not flipped the brand of the imperial concubine for a while...

In the evening, Zhang Jixiang specially brought the green head card and sent it to Xiao Ce: "Your Majesty, please turn over the card."

There is no need to do it specially, Qin Zhao's green head card is placed in the most obvious position, and it is difficult to see it.

Xiao Ce's eyes were fixed on Qin Zhao's green head card, and he didn't know what he was thinking, as if he had no focus.

Zhang Jixiang didn't dare to say a word, and waited for Xiao Ce to make a decision, until Xiao Ce turned over Qin Zhao's sign, and Zhang Jixiang's hanging heart was relieved.

It seems that the imperial concubine is still different from others.

The emperor sometimes resisted the imperial concubine, but sometimes he could not resist the imperial concubine.

Qin Zhao didn't take a nap that day, and only took a nap in the evening. At this time, she heard Zhang Jixiang's footsteps and woke up from her light sleep.

When Zhang Jixiang announced that she was sleeping, she was not too surprised. As a noble concubine, it seems her duty and responsibility to serve the bed.

"Congratulations Niangniang, Hexi Niangniang." Zhang Jixiang was full of joy, and those who didn't know thought it was him who was sleeping.

Qin Zhao didn't understand why Zhang Jixiang was so happy, and it was not a big deal to stay in bed.

After going to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhang Jixiang added: "The emperor has seen that the empress is too busy recently, so he didn't turn over the empress's sign, but the emperor has been thinking about the empress."

"The emperor has a heart." Qin Zhao replied with a smile.

Zhang Jixiang thought that Qin Zhao had heard it, so he was relieved.

When Qin Zhao went to the apse, Xiao Ce was reading a book and looked relaxed.

She greeted Xiao Ce, Xiao Ce extended his hand to her, and she put her hand on Xiao Ce's palm.

"Concubine Ai has lost weight recently." Xiao Ce realized this as soon as he took Qin Zhao's hand.

Qin Zhao often heard Baozhu talk about not getting enough rest. Not only did he lose some weight, but his face was not very good-looking.

"When the concubine is busy for a while, she will make herself fat." Qin Zhao felt that this was not a big deal.

Having experienced the weakest, she certainly hoped that she would no longer faint. When you have a strong body, you have the spirit to do what you want to do.

"Concubine Ai is very sensible, so I don't need to worry about it." Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao vaguely.

Qin Zhao didn't know whether he was complimenting or mocking. She organized the language before answering cautiously: "The emperor is in charge of everything. If the concubine is not sensible and bothers the emperor with everything, the emperor will definitely not like the concubine."

Because she knew that Xiao Ce wouldn't like women who were too weak, and now Xiao Ce was also moody, she could only do her best not to anger him, or not to make him hate her.

"Is Concubine Ai so considerate before?" Xiao Ce was suddenly curious.

He had seen the notes Qin Zhao had written before, the intimacy between the lines was completely different from the alienation now, but he had no memory of her before.

The impressions from Qin Zhao all came from his dreams, and he couldn't tell whether the Qin Zhao in front of him was real or whether the Qin Zhao in the dream was more real.

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