After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 1188 He won't be caught in the footsteps of women

"Jixiang, do you think the imperial concubine will have another face?" Xiao Ce said to himself.

He always felt that Qin Zhao should like to be jealous as in his dream, instead of being so sensible and considerate as he is now, making it difficult for him to pick out her fault.

Zhang Jixiang hesitated for a moment before answering: "This...forgive the servant to be blunt, the noble concubine has done a good job."

Therefore, the emperor should avoid the trouble of looking for the imperial concubine and the concubine, so as not to really piss off the concubine and the concubine, and ignore the emperor in the future.

Xiao Ce felt that he could not talk to Zhang Jixiang.

He also felt that he had nothing to do and wasted precious time for a woman.

Qin Zhao is just one of his harem concubines, and her biggest credit is giving birth to a small atom. After the draft in the future, there will be many newcomers entering the palace, and Qin Zhao will also be submerged among the newcomers.

He will not be caught in the footsteps of women, and he has seen the most hateful appearance of the Queen Mother, which makes him dread the creatures like women.

After that, Xiao Ce focused on handling government affairs, and Qin Zhao was also left behind by him. Sometimes he also thinks that maybe he is more interested in Qin Zhao's body, so he pays more attention to Qin Zhao than others, that's all...

In Jinyang Palace, Qin Zhao devoted himself to Xiao Yu's marriage and the upcoming draft.

Xiao Yu trusted her, and she naturally wanted Xiao Yu's wedding to be done decently.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it will be the end of August, and in a few days, Xiao Yu will be married.

Xiao Yu, the bride-to-be, was a little nervous and came to Qin Zhao to chat.

She talked a lot, but Qin Zhao didn't reply to her half a word, which made her dissatisfied: "Can't you talk with me for a while?"

"I've never been married before, so naturally I don't know why you are so nervous, it's just a marriage, what about it?" Qin Zhao replied mercifully to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu snorted softly, "Why didn't you get married..."

She stopped talking abruptly.

Yes, Qin Zhao had no name or position when he first entered the palace, and then suddenly became Liang Di. When the emperor's brother ascended the throne, Qin Zhao was still unknown, and if he hadn't been fortunate enough to give birth to a small atom, Qin Zhao would not have become a concubine.

No matter how beautiful Qin Zhao was, she didn't marry into the palace, how could she know what it was like to be a bride?

"What kind of little eyes do you have?" Qin Zhao met Xiao Yu's pitying eyes and couldn't help but want to laugh.

Xiao Yu coughed lightly and said, "I'm just nervous, I'm afraid that I'm married, and my life is not as good as when I was in the palace."

"What's there to worry about. You are the emperor's younger sister, with a distinguished status and a bad life in the Cheng family. You can still live in the Princess Chang's mansion. I have prepared someone for your Princess' mansion. If you are not happy then, you can Go back to the palace to live, or go to the eldest princess' mansion. Actually, I think it's not you who should be worried, but Cheng Jin and the Cheng family." Qin Zhao said in a relaxed manner.

Xiao Yu was dumbfounded when she heard this: "Why?!"

"You are golden branches and jade leaves, and your reputation is so bad. If you are as savage and vicious as the legend, do you think the Cheng family will not be afraid?" Qin Zhao joked.

Xiao Yu couldn't help but be happy when he heard this: "What you said makes sense, it is they who should be afraid, not this palace."

"So, don't worry, you are what you are in the palace, you don't have to hide your true temperament, but the premise is to be filial to the Yongchang Hou couple. Cheng Xiu is your friend, and you don't have to worry about having a sister-in-law behind you. It's bad. Cheng Shizi doesn't look like a person with a good heart. If you treat him well and treat him wholeheartedly, he will naturally feel your sincerity." Qin Zhao patted the back of Xiao Yu's hand: "Don't worry, No matter how bad it is, I and the emperor will support you."

Xiao Yu's eyes reddened at this moment: "This is what you said, I am married and you can't care about my life or death."

Qin Zhao agreed with a smile.

Xiao Yu also remembered that she had married someone, and Qin Zhao had one less person to talk to in the palace. There will be a draft, and many new people will enter the palace.

Qin Zhao's future is worrying.

"Brother Huang's draft, won't you be unhappy?" Xiao Yu asked in a low voice.

With so many women serving as a husband, Qin Zhao's temperament is so unique, there will be no sad times?

"This is a good thing, why should I be unhappy?" Qin Zhao asked back.

"You used to be so good with the emperor, the emperor only favored you. There will be more new people in the future, and I'm afraid that your favor will become less and less." Xiao Yu carefully looked at Qin Zhao's expression.

Qin Zhao's expression was magnanimous: "It's nothing to worry about, and I don't just live by the emperor's favor. There are so many things to do in the harem every day, and I have to raise the little atom. If my heart is on the emperor, then It's too tragic. Women, you still have to have their own world, and you can't always count on men. This is what I said to myself and to you."

Xiao Yu nodded and shook his head again: "I thought the emperor brother was different from other men, different from the father emperor, who knows in the end..."

So Qin Zhao asked her not to focus all her life on Cheng Jin, but to love herself a little more, right?

"The Cheng family has a strict family style. As long as you don't make mistakes, they won't dare to pick your fault. If you are bored in the Cheng family, you can go to the Yongxin clothing store to help. Of course, this matter requires the consent of Cheng Jin. Okay." Qin Zhao said again.

Seeing that Qin Zhao was still thinking about herself, Xiao Yu smiled and said, "I'm not worried about anything now, just take care of yourself."

Qin Zhao smiled, still a little reluctant.

Although she and Xiao Yu were incompatible at first, but later she felt at ease dealing with Xiao Yu.

Take other harem concubines as a comparison, although there are concubines who have a good relationship with her, but she will always maintain a vigilance and dare not fully communicate with her.

Which woman in this harem is not scheming?

If she easily believed the women in the harem, she would only suffer in the end.

The third day of September is coming soon.

It was a sunny day, the sky was as blue as the sea, and it was a very good weather.

A major event like Xiao Yu's marriage is another happy event after Xiao Ce's ascension to the throne.

Xiao Yu got up early in the morning, and Qin Zhao personally helped her put on a phoenix crown and a wedding dress embroidered with intricate patterns.

Qin Zhao looked at Xiao Yu's delicate facial features, and squeezed her face gently: "In the future, try to put on less heavy makeup in front of Cheng Jin. You have a good foundation, and light makeup is beautiful enough. If you are bullied at Cheng's house, go back Gong tell the emperor or me, we will help you vent your anger..."

Xiao Yu's nose was sour and her eyes were red: "I don't want to get married."

What is wrong in the palace, when you leave the palace, get married, and welcome yourself, everything is unknown. She has lived in the palace for nearly twenty years, and has been arrogant and willful for more than ten years.

If the Cheng family disliked her, wouldn't she suffer when she married the Cheng family?

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