Although Yun Ran has ambitions, she also knows that she is a newcomer, there should be some rules, and she should not be too sharp.

She is the noble daughter of the Yun family in the palm of her hand, and her parents gave her the best, just hoping that one day she can enter the palace to serve the king and honor the lintel for the Yun family.

When she saw the various sisters in Yonghua Palace, she had a solid feeling that she had indeed entered the palace, and this feeling was very wonderful.

Qin Zhao delivered the person and spoke some Mandarin again, which was nothing more than a scene where everyone should love each other and support each other.

"I'm here for the first time, and I hope my elder sister and younger sister will take care of me." Yun Ranluo said generously, her big bright eyes just looked at the crowd, and the light in her eyes made everyone present see it clearly.

Wu Baolin was the first to react. She smiled and said, "Welcome Sister Yun."

Others also agreed insincerely, and the Yonghua Palace was bustling for a while...

After Qin Zhao sent Yun Ran to Yonghua Palace, he left, and the event of the draft was over. As for the fate of these beautiful girls who entered the palace today, it is not in her control.

Qin Zhao was so busy these days that she suddenly finished everything, she was suddenly a little empty and at a loss.

At this moment, she also felt that she was happier than most women in this palace. Even without Xiao Ce's special favor, there is not much in the harem that is worthy of her nostalgia. She still has the responsibility of taking charge of the harem, and she has things to do every day.

But most of the women in this harem are looking forward to seeing Xiao Ce every day, to have the opportunity to serve in the bed, and to compete with other harem concubines and concubines.

What do you hope for in such a life?

So year after year, day after day, until the end of life.

She is the last person in this harem who should not blame others.

"Is mother unhappy?" Xiao Yuan's voice sounded beside Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao turned around and picked up the child, smiling warmly at the child: "Our little atom is sinking again. Mother is not unhappy, because mother has you."

The child is talking more and more like an adult. In fact, this child is only one year and two months old, but his temperament is more and more like Xiao Ce.

Her biggest wish in her life is to watch her child grow up safely.

When she passed away in the previous life, the child was not yet ten years old.

Baozhu felt very warm when she saw Qin Zhao and Xiao Yuan talking from a distance. Only when facing the little highness, the empress will be so gentle, this is the side that the emperor can't see, right?

It is night, the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

As soon as the hour came, Yun Ran was carried to the dragon bed.

She has a flamboyant personality since she was a child. She is confident, beautiful, and young. She thinks that the emperor will be satisfied with her body.

There is no one more beautiful than her in this harem. Even a beauty like Qin Guifei is inferior to her by three points. After all, she is several years older than her and has given birth to children.

I heard that women who have given birth are far less attractive than young girls. In this regard, she has a better chance of winning than Qin Zhao.

In the passage of time, Yun Ran imagined many beautiful pictures, but after an hour, she began to be less sure because Xiao Ce had not yet appeared.

She told herself that there was no need to panic. The emperor was diligent in politics and caring for the people. I heard that he was often busy late, so he must be busy with government affairs tonight.

Xiao Ce was busy for a long time, and his neck was a little sore. Zhang Jixiang hurriedly stepped forward to massage, and then reminded: "Yunmei is still waiting for the emperor..."

Xiao Ce was stunned for a while, but for a while he didn't remember who Yun Meiren was.

"It's the beautiful girl who only entered the palace today, and the beauty who was rewarded by the empress dowager. Yun Meiren is the best of all the beautiful girls." Zhang Jixiang said a few words in a rare way.

Even when he saw him, he felt that Yun Ran was indeed charming and charming, not worse than Qin Zhao in appearance, and even more flamboyant than Qin Zhao.

A beautiful face flashed in front of Xiao Ce's eyes. He remembered Yun Ran, who seemed to be more beautiful.

When Zhang Jixiang saw Xiao Ce get up and go to the apse, he secretly rejoiced in his heart and hurriedly followed.

It was not until he saw Xiao Ce enter the bedroom that he winked at everyone. Everyone had a tacit understanding, and they all exited the room.

Yun Ran heard Xiao Ce's footsteps and looked at Xiao Ce shyly.

She rolled up the quilt and bowed to Xiao Ce, but accidentally let the quilt slide down a few inches, her beautiful body almost half exposed in Xiao Ce's eyes.

However, Xiao Ce's gaze was only fixed on the top of Yun Ran's head, his eyes were a little empty, as if the beauty in front of him was nothing but nothing.

Yun Ran didn't expect Xiao Ce's reaction to be so indifferent. Her slightly sagging body and the scenery on her chest were still half exposed. Couldn't Xiao Ce be moved by this?

how is this possible?

"Let the concubine wait for the emperor to go to bed?" Yun Ran was not reconciled, and his voice was bewitching.

Xiao Ce was like petrification, and there were many pictures of Qin Zhao arguing and being jealous. She asked him loudly why there were always so many women around him. She said that she had had enough of this kind of jealousy, and he even flashed her smile in front of him. The picture that rushed towards him.

But when her hand was about to touch him, all the illusions suddenly disappeared, and the woman standing in front of him became Yun Ran.

The moment Yun Ran pounced on him, he took a few steps back, raised his lips and said, "Come on, bring Yun Meiren back!"

The red cloud on Yun Ran's face disappeared in an instant, her face became pale, and she couldn't believe what Xiao Ce said just now.

On the first day she entered the palace, she had the opportunity to serve as a bedchamber, which was the only favor in the entire harem. How many eyes are on her side at the moment?

If she was carried back this time, she would become the joke of the entire harem.

It is clear that her appearance is the best, her background is not bad, and her demeanor is not faulty, why does Xiao Ce have no pity for her, and want to belittle her like this?

Zhang Jixiang didn't expect the emperor to be so ruthless. If even Yun Ran couldn't sleep, what chance would the other beautiful girls who entered the palace have?

He entered the room according to his words, and was about to take people down, but Yun Ran suddenly knelt on the ground and climbed up to Xiao Ce: "Your Majesty, the concubines cannot be carried out, the emperor is kind, and the concubines beg the emperor. Concubine, let the concubines do whatever they want, Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

The beauty of tears is also a beautiful scene, especially beautiful, but also extremely pitiful.

What Xiao Ce could remember was Qin Zhao's tearful eyes, and he didn't know why Qin Zhao, who only appeared in his dream, suddenly stood in front of him alive.

Did he just have an illusion?

Xiao Ce waved his hand, and Zhang Jixiang knew that his master was not soft-hearted. He followed his words and took Yun Meiren, who couldn't stop crying, until the room was dead silent.

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