After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 1199 Disrupt the palace, kill without mercy!

Seeing Qin Zhao, Empress Dowager Guo committed suicide, but suddenly shook off the control of the two maids, her face changed slightly, and she shouted in a deep voice: "Take the imperial concubine, and make a quick decision!"

She didn't expect Qin Zhao to be able to resist in front of such a powerful ecstasy.

Knowing this, she should have doubled the amount.

It's just that Empress Dowager Guo regretted it was too late.

The box of Baozhu rushed in with the little atom. After a while, Xiao Ce also rushed over. When he saw the white edge hanging high on the beam, his heartbeat slowed for half a beat.

Qin Zhao's head was still a little dizzy. She shook her head and looked at the child who was rushing towards her, almost losing her footing.

"Be careful, madam." Baozhu supported Qin Zhao in time.

Qin Zhao shook his head weakly: "I, I'm fine..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, bloodshot slipped from her mouth, and the sharp tingling sensation on the tip of her tongue also reminded her that she had used a lot of force to bite the mouth.

The next moment, her eyes were full of flowers, and Xiao Ce came to her, "Zhaozhao, you..."

Qin Zhao looked at Xiao Ce dazedly and met his concerned eyes. He just called her... "Zhao Zhao"?

"Your Majesty, your concubines are fine."

As soon as Qin Zhao finished speaking, he saw Xiao Ce wipe the corners of her lips with a dragon sleeve.

Qin Zhao wanted to stop it before it was too late, only to see her blood stained on the dragon sleeve, which looked very disobedient.

After Xiao Ce was sure that Qin Zhao was really okay, he looked at the Empress Dowager Guo and asked, "Why?"

Why do you want to deal with Qin Zhao with this cheap move? What did this woman do wrong?

"This kind of demon concubine is causing chaos in the palace and should be killed without mercy!!" Empress Dowager Guo didn't feel that she had done anything wrong.

She only hated that she was too slow, Xiao Ce actually rushed over. What surprised her even more was that Qin Zhao actually rescued herself from the ecstasy. She underestimated Qin Zhao once again, and she was defeated.

Xiao Ce looked directly at the Empress Dowager Guo, and her eyes became colder: "From now on, the Empress Dowager will be recuperating in the Cihe Palace, don't step out of the Cihe Palace again..."

Empress Dowager Guo's face changed slightly, and her body swayed for a while, "What does the emperor mean?"

"Luo Qing doesn't have to go to the palace to see the emperor again from today." Xiao Ce said to himself.

Empress Dowager Guo looked at Xiao Ce in disbelief: "The emperor wants to put Aijia under house arrest?!"

This is her own son, her body has been ruined like this, how can Xiao Ce treat her so cruelly?

Xiao Ce looked at the Queen Mother Guo with no warmth in her eyes, "Nianyun, you are the valet by the Queen Mother's side. Serve the Queen Mother well in the Cihe Palace."

Nianyun's face was pale, she knelt on the ground: "Slave follow the order!"

After that, Xiao Ce left and took away the noise of the room.

Nianyun was still kneeling on the ground.

She had expected that Empress Dowager Guo would not be able to get rid of Qin Zhao, but as she expected, Empress Dowager Guo failed again, and she also lost herself.

Empress Dowager Guo is under house arrest, which means that she is under house arrest here. When Empress Dowager Guo dies, she may be buried with her?

Thinking of this, a sharp edge flashed in her eyes.

She still has unfulfilled wishes, and she cannot end up like this.

The only person who saved her was Qin Zhao.

This matter started because of Qin Zhao, and Qin Zhao was the only person who could help her out of the predicament.

But she and Qin Zhao forged a son, Qin Zhao could not help her unless...

After Qin Zhao was brought back to Jinyang Palace by Xiao Ce, Xiao Ce didn't say a word for a long time.

Qin Zhao had already changed a piece of clothes, maybe because the effect of the medicine had not gone away, she was still a little drowsy, and she didn't have the mind to pay attention to Xiao Ce for a while.

Later, she was really uncomfortable and went to bed for a while.

This sleep did not wake up until dusk.

Not only did the dizziness disappear, but the pain on the tip of the tongue also miraculously disappeared.

It wasn't until Luo Qing's face appeared in front of her that she knew that Luo Qing had given her medicine, no wonder it didn't hurt at all.

"He De He Neng, the people's daughter, let the noble concubine take the risk of entering the Cihe Palace alone?" Luo Qing was usually a woman with little emotion.

She has never been an important person. Later, with good medical skills and many people begging her, she felt that she was not worthless either.

This is the first time someone is willing to risk their life for her.

"I didn't expect that the Empress Dowager would deliberately want me to die, so you don't have to be blindly moved." Qin Zhao said with a smile.

In fact, she also felt that she just thought she could handle it, and thought that this was in the palace, and the Queen Mother Guo might not be crazy enough to kill her.

She still underestimated the madness of the Queen Mother Guo.

"Today, the sons and daughters are staying in Jinyang Palace. If you need anything, you can tell me." Luo Qing was not good at expressing thanks, so he whispered: "Anyway, thank you for your life-saving grace, the emperor is still outside, I will go out first. already."

Qin Zhao nodded his head when he thought that Xiao Ce was still in Jinyang Palace.

The culprit of her murder this time should be Xiao Ce. If it wasn't for Xiao Ce who suddenly kept her in the Hall of Mental Cultivation for a whole night, the Empress Dowager Guo would suddenly attack her.

The current Xiao Ce is a difficult one...

Xiao Ce was silent when he entered. He sat down on the edge of the bed and didn't say a word for a long time.

The atmosphere in the room was so heavy that it was almost depressing, making Qin Zhao unable to breathe freely.

"Concubine Ai is not omnipotent." Finally, Xiao Ce broke the silence.

Qin Zhao smiled and said, "My concubine is a mediocre person."

If she is omnipotent, she will not be trapped in the palace, unable to do anything.

"Are you afraid?" Xiao Ce asked.

Qin Zhao looked directly at Xiao Ce and shook his head: "At that time, the concubine's mind was dizzy, and she was in an illusion. It didn't matter whether she was afraid or not."

"What kind of fantasy?" Xiao Ce asked.

"I don't remember, it's an illusion, how can I remember?" Of course Qin Zhao couldn't tell the truth.

In fact, she remembered everything in the illusion. It was on a blood-filled battlefield. When Xiao Ce was confused, he said he would take her away. At that moment, she seemed to be bewitched.

If it wasn't for Little Atom's cry that brought her back to her senses, she wouldn't even know if she would have committed suicide.

Xiao Ce held her hand: "I am staying at Jinyang Palace tonight."

"Your Majesty can't..." Qin Zhao's expression changed slightly.

Now there are rumors that she is a demon concubine Toshi.

Today, Xiao Ce also placed the Empress Dowager Guo under house arrest in the Cihe Palace. If Xiao Ce stayed at the Jinyang Palace, these rumors would only intensify.

"Why not?" Xiao Ce asked back.

"The emperor is a monarch, so he should focus on the overall situation. The harem doesn't need a demon concubine, and his concubines don't want to be the demon concubine that people say will bring harm to the country and the people. The concubines have no such ability." Qin Zhao said solemnly.

"I know you're not." Xiao Ce opened his lips coldly: "Why, I stayed in the palace of the harem's concubines for one night, and I still need to see the faces of those long-tongued women?"

Qin Zhao was frustrated: "The emperor is not afraid, but the concubines are afraid. This time, the empress dowager will move the concubines and concubines to kill because, because..."

She couldn't tell what happened last night.

This is just an ordinary matter of love between men and women. When it comes to the emperor, it will always be exaggerated, and Xiao Ce was really absurd last night, she thought it was incredible.

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