Qin Shuang was both surprised and delighted, and it took a while before she said, "Can I go out of the palace too?"

"Try it in this palace." Qin Zhao smiled.

Qin Shuang nodded vigorously, feeling hopeful for the first time.

When Qin Shuang left Jinyang Palace, the smile on Qin Zhao's face gradually faded.

How many women squeeze their heads and want to enter the palace, but how many regret it when they enter the palace?

This place is not as glamorous as outsiders think. She is an exception. She has become a noble concubine. She can occasionally meet Xiao Ce and have the opportunity to serve in the bed, but other concubines can only keep the empty boudoir.

Qin Zhao thought about this, and his eyes were slightly cold.

It turned out that she thought that she would not see Xiao Ce in the next days. After all, serving Xiao Ce is a very tiring thing, but what Qin Shuang said should not be delayed.

So, in the evening of this day, she decided to go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and took the initiative to send herself to Xiao Ce.

Because of what she wanted, she also put on light makeup and dressed a little bit brighter.

The moment Xiao Ce saw Qin Zhao, he stared at her bright red lips for a long time.

Look, her beauty trick is really useful, Xiao Ce made no secret of his love for her. He used to be a man without desires, but now he is just the opposite.

It has to be said that Qin Zhao was meeting Xiao Ce's dark eyes, and her legs were trembling unconsciously.

In the past, she was not afraid of the sky and earth, that is, afraid of death, but now she is particularly afraid of seeing Xiao Ce.

How could Xiao Ce know what Qin Zhao was thinking, as soon as he saw Qin Zhao, his eyes lit up. When she doesn't take care of herself, she is already beautiful, and she is so beautiful with a little make-up...

"My concubine has received a lot of rewards today, and I like it very much. I came here to thank the Emperor Longen." Qin Zhao lowered his head and skillfully avoided Xiao Ce's straightforward eyes.

Who knows that when she bowed her head, she revealed a small section of white and tender neck, which was as white as jade, elegant as a swan, and Xiao Ce's eyes were hot.

"I like Concubine Ai, and I will reward you tomorrow." Xiao Ce opened his mouth, his voice a little hoarse.

Qin Zhao nodded slightly shyly, "As long as it is rewarded by the emperor, the courtiers and concubines will like it."

Xiao Ce has seen many faces of Qin Zhao, but he has never seen Qin Zhao shy.

He felt novel for a while, and looked at Qin Zhao a few more times. I have to say that beauty has thousands of postures, but the shy appearance is the most rare for men.

Qin Zhao had other plans, and was thinking about how to get Xiao Ce to promise her to go back to Qin's house for two days, and she would also bring Qin Shuang with her.

Xiao Ce is the most disciplined person. As Qin Shuang, how easy is it to go back to the Qin family?

"Concubine Ai has something on her mind?" Xiao Ce saw that Qin Zhao was counting rice grains while eating, and saw that something was wrong with Qin Zhao.

Seeing Xiao Ce take the initiative to ask, Qin Zhao followed the trend: "If you go back to the emperor, it's because the concubine's father is sick, and the concubine wants to go home for a few days. Qin Meiren is the sister of the concubine, and the concubine wants to go home with the concubine Qin. visit my father."

Xiao Ce's expression was indifferent, but he didn't answer, which made Qin Zhao's heart beat.

"According to the rules, Qin Meiren cannot leave the palace..."

"But this is a special situation. It's been a while since Qin Meiren entered the palace, and she never leaves the palace gate on weekdays. This time, her father was ill, so the concubine wanted to bring Qin Meiren home to visit her father." Qin Zhao did not care about his respect. Humble, interrupting Xiao Ce's words.

Xiao Ce is facing Qin Zhao's anxious eyes.

This time, it was obvious that this woman came here specially dressed up today, and she was using a beauty trick on him.

When she asked for him, she would deliberately please him.

"Dinner." Xiao Ce opened his lips indifferently.

Qin Zhao sighed in her heart, and knew that this matter could not be rushed, so she had to bury her head to eat, but she really had no appetite.

"You don't need to eat, how can you have the strength to serve me later?" Xiao Ce's voice sounded.

Qin Zhao was stunned for a moment. Thinking of what happened during the day, she didn't dare to neglect. She ate two bowls of rice before putting down the bowls and chopsticks.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ce looked like he was not smiling.

In fact, just as Qin Zhao was afraid, Xiao Ce was no longer an ice cube when he was sleeping.

If Xiao Ce didn't agree to let her and Qin Shuang go home, wouldn't she lose her wife and lose her army?

Thinking this way, she felt that it was not worth it, and took the opportunity to grab two hands on Xiao Ce to vent her anger.

Xiao Ce didn't expect her to dare to do it, and for a while she couldn't believe that she was so bold.

Qin Zhao regretted everything that happened later. He knew that Xiao Ce was not a loser. Why did she arrest him? In the end, it was not her who suffered.

At this time, Qin Zhao realized that there is nothing good about beauty tricks, and if it is not a last resort, such beauty tricks are useless.

"Didn't you know how to talk before?" Xiao Ce satirized Qin Zhao as he pretended to be dead.

Qin Zhao didn't dare to provoke Xiao Ce again. After all, men have an innate advantage over women. If she can't fight against him, she must have self-knowledge.

Seeing Qin Zhao's anger, Xiao Ce couldn't help bending the corners of his lips, and a clear smile flashed in his eyes.

Qin Zhao couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw this detail.

Xiao Ce in the previous life was an ice cube. She had never seen him smile. I'm afraid the sun came out from the west today?

Does this also mean that he is in a good mood now?

"I don't think you are smart either," Xiao Ce said again.

Qin Zhao didn't understand what he meant for a while, she looked at Xiao Ce with a dazed expression, Xiao Ce looked at her stupid appearance, and the corners of her lips curved again.

"Isn't Concubine Ai using a beauty trick against me? While I'm happy, I can satisfy Concubine Ai for any request." Xiao Ce shook his head.

The woman in front of her has nothing to do with the shrewd and capable imperial concubine.

Qin Zhao finally understood what Xiao Ce meant at this time, "Is the emperor's concubine and Qin Meiren going out of the palace to visit relatives?!"

Xiao Ce snorted softly: "This is for the sake of Concubine Ai's merit in serving the bed, so I have fulfilled Concubine Ai's wish..."

Before he could finish speaking, the woman who was still cheating the corpse suddenly gave him two hard kisses on the face: "The emperor is so kind!"

Qin Zhao is now strong, and after kissing Xiao Ce, she wants to go back to Jinyang Palace.

Xiao Ce got angry when he saw her like this. Is this to achieve the goal and leave him behind?

Qin Zhao was about to pat his ass and leave, but he felt a sharp gaze behind him.

She was fine just now, promised to let her out of the palace, and suddenly looked at her with murderous eyes, is this?

She quickly wanted to understand the twists and turns, looked back at Xiao Ce, and said softly, "I am a little tired, can I rest in the Hall of Mental Cultivation tonight?"

Xiao Ce stretched out his arms and pulled her back.

Qin Zhao leaned into Xiao Ce's arms and smiled contentedly: "It's so good for the emperor to treat his concubines."

It's not bad that she used this beauty trick, and she was exhausted to death, but she finally achieved her goal.

Before Qin Zhao was happy, she heard Xiao Ce say, "You can only stay at Qin's house for one night."

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