Xu Shi didn't expect that Qin Zhao was not only not angry, but also spoke so calmly, and was a little surprised for a while.

She breathed a sigh of relief and decided to back off.

Qin Zhao stopped her and said, "Bengong has something to ask you, you can just tell the truth."

Xu Shi hurriedly responded.

"Have you ever seen your mother's body?" Qin Zhao asked the first question.

Xu shi shook his head: "Never."

"Then how did you know that your mother died?" Qin Zhao asked again.

Xu Shi didn't expect Qin Zhao to ask such a question, so she was stunned for a moment before she said: "The woman remembered that the lady suddenly left home that year, and the master chased after him. About half a month later, the master came back and only brought back the wife. The tablet. Master said, Madam is gone."

As for why Madam died, she didn't know, and the master never told her.

For her, the death of his wife meant her chance to rise to power, and she was so excited that she didn't sleep well for several nights.

Qin Zhao was silent.

Mrs. Xu thought she didn't believe it, and added, "Minwomen really don't know why Mrs. suddenly left home."

"What did my mother say to you before she left?" Qin Zhao asked again.

After thinking about it carefully, Mrs. Xu said, "The madam called the woman over there on purpose and explained a few words. It was nothing more than to take good care of the master in the future. The madam also said that you can't treat the concubine Bo..."

Her voice was getting lower and lower.

After the wife left, she still treated Qin Zhao slightly, because Qin Zhao's existence always reminded her that she used to be just a concubine, and her superior was just a position that the wife gave up.

She finally replaced Zhou and became Qin Shaowen's successor. After all these years, Qin Zhao still overtook Qin Shuang and became the most honorable concubine of the dynasty.

Even if Qin Zhao wanted to trouble her today, she had nothing to say.

"Without my mother's success, how could you be in the position of Xu's family?" Qin Zhao sarcastically hooked his lips.

Xu shi bowed her head and knelt down on the ground: "It's the fault of the woman, the lady has resentment, come to the woman, Shuang'er is innocent..."

"Qin Shuang is not necessarily innocent. Your mother and daughter just didn't expect that the Japanese palace could become a noble concubine one day. Times have changed, since your mother was tolerant to you, this palace will not criticize you any more. You can serve your father well in the future. Get up. "Qin Zhao opened his lips indifferently.

If you really want to investigate it, she is the real murderer who caused her mother's untimely death. Xu's mother and daughter have to rank behind her. What face does she have to blame Xu's mother and daughter?

After Xu left the ancestral hall, Qin Zhao looked at Qin Shaowen from a distance.

If he wants to unlock Qin Shaowen's seal, his hope is still pinned on Ding Lian. Only by unlocking the blocked memories of Qin Shaowen, will she know where her mother was buried after her death.

I hope that in her lifetime, she will have the opportunity to go to her mother's grave to worship.

Qin Zhao himself knew that her appearance would not help Qin Shaowen's condition, but when she appeared, it would aggravate Qin Shaowen's condition.

When she left Qin Mansion the next day, she did not see Mother Chen.

But Qin Shuang burst into tears the moment he walked out of Qin Mansion, and Xu Shi also burst into tears.

As a bystander, Qin Zhao could not understand the grief of their mother and daughter when they parted, but he was moved by this scene.

The carriage was far away, and Qin Shuang lifted the curtain and looked at Mrs Xu who was standing in front of Qin's house intently.

Qin Zhao thought that if her mother was still there, her mother would be reluctant to part with her when she returned home.

At this moment, she even envied Qin Shuang for being a child with a mother.

It wasn't until after walking through the most prosperous street in Kyoto that Qin's house was no longer in sight, Qin Shuang was willing to put down the curtain and sit aside, as if he had lost his soul.

The way back to the palace was unobstructed all the way, until entering Jinyang Palace, Qin Zhao actually felt a sense of steadfastness at home.

Xiao Yuan arrived in Qin Zhao's arms as early as the first time, and seemed to see that she was a little tired, and the child sat in her arms and played Jiu Lianhuan obediently.

Qin Zhao thought she was not smart, but because of her strong memory, after Xiao Atom finished dismantling the nine chains, she put them back together.

Xiao Yuan couldn't help but clapped her palms and cheered: "Mother concubine is really amazing."

Qin Zhao pinched the child's face, knowing that the child was making her happy. She handed the little atom to Baozhu, "Bengong is a little tired, go and rest for a while."

Xiao Yuan watched Qin Zhao enter the bedroom: "What's wrong with the concubine?"

Baozhu remembered how depressed Qin Zhao had been since she talked to Chen's mother: "The imperial concubine has something on her mind, and once you figure it out, the imperial concubine will not be sad anymore."

Little Atom didn't ask any more questions after that, and he played Jiulian again on his own.

Baozhu looked at it and was speechless. She thought that His Highness had dismantled the nine-chain ring before, but it was just a slap in the face. This time, when Xiaodian dismantled the nine-chain ring step by step, she knew that it was not a coincidence.

When Xiao Ce came over, Baozhu was playing with Xiao Yuan, and Qin Zhao was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is the imperial concubine?" Xiao Ce didn't look at the child, and the first person to ask was Qin Zhao.

"The imperial concubine didn't rest well last night, and she is resting at the moment." Baozhu's meaning was that she hoped that the emperor would not disturb the imperial concubine's rest.

As a result, the emperor strode past them and went to the bedroom.

Xiao Ce went to the bed and saw that Qin Zhao was really sleeping, but she was asleep, and her brows were wrinkled into the word "Chuan", as if she had a lot of thoughts on her mind.

He sat quietly for a while before leaving the dormitory and called Baozhu to him for questioning.

"Is your concubine unhappy at the Qin family?" Xiao Ce asked directly.

Baozhu said: "Maybe it's because the master's condition is getting worse, and the empress misses the madam, the mood of the imperial concubine is a little low?"

She couldn't tell the emperor about the conversation between the concubine and mother Chen.

Fortunately, Xiao Ce did not ask any further questions, and then left Jinyang Palace.

It was night, and Qin Zhao was flipped over.

In the past, Qin Zhao could return to normal after a sleep, but this time he was still sullen and could not lift himself up.

The moment Xiao Ce saw Qin Zhao, he knew that she was in a low mood. After dinner, he was rarely interested, so he brought Qin Zhao to digest.

"Listen to Baozhu, your father's condition is getting worse? Do you want me to send an imperial doctor to see a doctor?" Xiao Ce rarely took the initiative.

Qin Zhao slowed down, "My concubine has asked Miss Luo to see my father's illness. There is no cure for my father's disease. Luo Qing told my concubine that I will visit my father from time to time, thank the emperor for his concern."

Xiao Ce nodded slightly and chatted, "What kind of person is your mother?"

He only knew that the Queen Mother Guo was gloomy, and the Queen Mother was his biological mother. The mother who can be remembered by Qin Zhao must be a very gentle woman, right?

Qin Zhao remembered Zhou she had seen in her dream, and all her memories of Zhou came from dreams.

"Concubine Chen remembered that her mother spoke very softly and she was beautiful, but those were all memories of Concubine Chen when she was a child, and it was a little fuzzy." Qin Zhao said and smiled: "Concubine Chen's mother is a very good person. "

A mother who is willing to protect her with her life.

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