"Yes, I retire!" Zhao Yu lowered his eyes and stepped back.

When Zhao Yu was far away, Xiao Ce opened his lips coldly: "Zhang Jixiang, you are so brave!!"

Zhang Jixiang was drenched in cold sweat. He only said that the emperor did not remember many things before, and there was no need to mention some unpleasant things, but today...

"The emperor enters with the servants first, and then the servants slowly report the matter to the emperor." Zhang Jixiang glanced around.

There were many people waiting nearby, Xiao Ce regained his sanity and entered first.

When there was no one else, Zhang Jixiang knelt down in front of Xiao Ce, and explained Wu Xiyu's return to Zhao's residence after entering the East Palace.

Knowing that Wu Xiyu was his good Yuan, was sent out of the East Palace by him, and even made Wu Xiyu and Zhao Yu become a relative, Xiao Ce himself scolded after hearing it: "absurd."

However, knowing that Wu Xiyu's heart is in Zhao Yu, he did not take Wu Xiyu's life, but fulfilled Wu Xiyu and Zhao Yu, which is also in line with his temperament.

Since it is the woman he abandoned, and he can win over his courtiers, it also has her use value, which is more meaningful than execution.

Zhang Jixiang knelt on the ground and also thought this was absurd.

In fact, there was one more thing he didn't dare to say, and that was the fact that Yueqing was a substitute for the imperial concubine. It was precisely because of this incident that the emperor was very unhappy, and he had a quarrel with the imperial concubine.

Later, things got out of hand, the imperial concubine actually hit the emperor with a palm, and the emperor forgot many things after being injured.

But if he didn't say it, he would have committed the crime of deceiving the king.

After hesitating again and again, he decided to say it: "Your Majesty, there is one more thing..."

"What are you hiding from me?!" Seeing Zhang Jixiang's hesitant appearance, Xiao Ce knew that the matter would not be trivial.

"Yes, it's about the imperial concubine. The emperor had a dispute with the imperial concubine before he was injured. This, in fact, has something to do with Master Zhao..." Zhang Jixiang sighed, not forgetting to look at Xiao Ce's expression.

Xiao Ce's face changed slightly, his eyes were cold, and a word came out from between his teeth: "Speak!"

"At that time, there was a rumor that said that Master Zhao's concubine was slightly similar to that of the imperial concubine..." After Zhang Jixiang said hesitantly, he felt that the room was so quiet that he could hear his heart beating like a drum.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and stammered again: "The servant thinks there may be some misunderstanding in this, because the noble concubine was completely neglected by Master Zhao before the reconciliation, and that is the case, Master Zhao again How could there be such an unruly idea. It was precisely because the emperor asked the concubine to question the concubine that it broke the heart of the concubine, and the concubine started quarreling with the emperor..."

He was afraid that something like that would happen again, so he was busy interceding with Qin Zhao.

Xiao Ce didn't speak for a while, Zhang Jixiang looked up and met Xiao Ce's cold eyes.

Zhang Jixiang has served Xiao Ce for so many years, but he has never seen such a scary side of Xiao Ce. His eyes seem to come from Shura from hell, which is three points colder than the ice and snow in the cold winter.

Zhang Jixiang didn't dare to look at his master anymore, he just crawled on the ground, trying to avoid Xiao Ce's anger.

"You are so courageous, how dare you deceive me!" Xiao Ce kicked Zhang Jixiang with one kick.

Of course, Zhang Jixiang didn't avoid it, and he took the kick abruptly.

When he reacted, the figure of his master was no longer in front of him.

He was only in a trance for a moment, and then he realized that Xiao Ce was in trouble to find the noble concubine.


He hurriedly got up and quickly chased out...

Qin Zhao has been a little restless since he met Zhao Yu in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Although she and Zhao Yu have nothing to hide, but every time she meets Zhao Yu, something bad will happen. This time her eyes keep jumping, which is obviously an ominous omen.

Sometimes, her intuition is damn accurate. Could it be that she will be implicated by Zhao Yu again today?

When she heard Xiao Ce's swift footsteps coming towards the main hall, she knew that her damn hunch was accurate again.

As for Zhao Yu's ex-husband, nothing good will happen. From Xiao Ce's angry footsteps, she knew that she was going to suffer.

She paced back and forth in the room, making Baozhu a little puzzled.

"Bengong goes to the study, don't follow me." Qin Zhao was only flustered for a moment, then calmed down.

Anyway, she has no personal relationship with Zhao Yu, so she is not afraid of Xiao Ce coming to trouble her. It's just that it's about Zhao Yu's ex-husband, it's not a good thing, so everyone has to back away three feet, lest Xiao Ce get angry and use the people around her to open the knife.

Xiao Cesheng came in anger, so maybe she could only overcome the rigid with softness?

After all, Xiao Ce seems to eat this one.

With a plan, her heartbeat was still very fast, and her palms were sweaty, just afraid that something uncontrollable would happen later. But no matter how bad the result is, it's impossible to tear up with Xiao Ce like the last time, right?

This time, I couldn't be more rude!

When Xiao Ce angrily found the study, he heard the melodious sound of the piano.

His hurried footsteps slowed down, and the anger that had just been soaring seemed to have eased. When he stood in front of the study and saw Qin Zhao sitting beside the qin with his fingers flying, he paused.

Today, Qin Zhao is wearing a lake blue dress with a collar and no makeup, but her jade skin is better than ice and snow. Her blue silk is like a waterfall, her jade fingers are slender, and her sandalwood mouth is slightly pursed, which is an attractive red.

Even though he has seen Qin Zhao countless times, seeing Qin Zhao this time will still make Xiao Ce feel astonished.

Qin Zhao seemed to have only seen him at this moment, and bowed to him Ying Ying, the slender waist that was not grasped by Ying folded into a seductive curve, Xiao Ce's eyes became hot at this moment, and his breathing quickened.

"My concubine sees the emperor, and I respectfully invite the emperor Jin An." Qin Zhao's voice was like a kingfisher, because he deliberately softened his voice, it seemed to be a little soft.

She only hoped that the young emperor would reduce his anger and not find her bad luck as soon as he came in.

She couldn't wait for Xiao Ce to forgive her for a long time. She looked suspiciously, and met Xiao Ce's deep, ink-like eyes, and there was an undercurrent in it, a turbulence that she couldn't see through.

The next moment, Xiao Ce stepped inside with heavy steps, and the study door was instantly slammed by him. The sound of "bang" made Qin Zhao's heart skip a beat.

Qin Zhao reluctantly maintained a decent smile until Xiao Ce's long legs were in front of her. She was about to speak, but Xiao Ce pinched her chin with such force that it caused her pain.

She was flustered, but she looked back calmly.

"In the past, I didn't know that Concubine Ai's appearance was so outstanding." Xiao Ce said a word, not knowing whether it was Gong Wei or sarcasm, and let go of Qin Zhao's pitiful chin.

Qin Zhaoqiang calmed himself: "The emperor is wrong. In terms of appearance, the emperor's dragon and phoenix postures, the ministers and concubines are not as good as the emperor."

I don't know if putting a tall hat on Xiao Ce will calm him down.

Although she didn't know that Xiao Ce came to trouble her specially, if it was because of Zhao Yu.

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