After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 1229 Absurd, ridiculous!

Wu Xirou, who had been completely ignored, saw this scene and Yun Ran's expression changed at the same time.

Especially Yun Ran, when the rumors spread, she only exaggerated, Xiao Ce is always cold, how could she hug and hug Qin Zhao in public?

In the scene where she was born just now, Xiao Ce really did something to Qin Zhao, which reminded her of Qin Zhao's strange expression when she was talking to Qin Zhao before.

This is clearly hitting her in the face.

Qin Zhao finally slowed down at this time, she tried her best to maintain a decent smile, and let Baozhu serve tea.

After being seated, Xiao Ce finally let go of her hand.

"Is the emperor not busy today?" Wu Xirou's voice sounded, breaking the strange silence in the room.

Xiao Ce seemed to remember that there were still outsiders, and his expression was light: "Concubine Xian and Yun Meiren retreat."

Yun Ran forced a smile: "Yes, the concubine retire."

Wu Xirou glanced at Xiao Ce, then at the silent Qin Zhao, got up according to her words, followed Yun Ran, and left the main hall.

"Why is the emperor here?" Qin Zhao broke the silence as soon as the others left.

He only came to the front in the morning, and this time is just the time to go to the rear. Although Daqi is peaceful and peaceful, he is a good emperor who is diligent in government and loves the people. He usually spends his time and energy on government affairs, and he never cares about people and affairs in the harem.

When an emperor like Xiao Ce suddenly left government affairs and came to accompany her, the concubine of the harem, she vaguely felt that this situation was abnormal.

"Come and see Concubine Ai." Seeing her dark hair and snow skin, Xiao Ce's eyes were as bright as Xingzi, and his heart moved again.

Qin Zhao was sitting quietly when he suddenly saw Xiao Ce stretched out his long arm and scratched lightly between her nose, her expression instantly became stiff...

Xiao Ce also found that his move was a bit abrupt, so he withdrew his hand, but her smooth skin made him still not satisfied.

When he went to court, he was still thinking, if the dream was so real, would it be a harbinger of the future. If in the future he wants to go on a personal expedition, but can no longer return to their mother and son, what will their orphans and widow mothers do?

Qin Zhao found that Xiao Ce was distracted, with such a serious expression, she put aside her previous strange feelings, and asked carefully: "Does the emperor have something on his mind?"

Xiao Ce met her Wu Zhanzhan eyes, and felt that she was charming and cute.

The next moment, he no longer restrained, picked her up, and went to the bedroom.

Bao Lan was waiting on the side, and her eyes widened when she saw this scene, unable to believe what she saw.

The emperor has always been prudent and self-sufficient, so how could he do such a sloppy move to the noble concubine in broad daylight.

Zhang Jixiang was also very nervous when he saw this scene, he raised his voice: "Everyone is waiting here!"

Bao Lan's raised foot had to be put back on the ground. She seemed to hear the imperial concubine asking the emperor to let her down, and then, a strange sound came, until the footsteps disappeared.

Bao Lan stood there, looking back at the dazzling sky. The weather is fine today, there are no clouds, it is already winter, the sun is so dazzlingly white that she can't open her eyes.

Baohong came over from the small kitchen at this time and brought two trays of freshly baked dim sum.

"Where is Empress?!" Baohong asked, not knowing what was going on.

Baozhu stepped forward to take the master, and opened her lips indifferently: "The niangniang is going to rest, you go and do your work."

Baolu couldn't help laughing when she heard this, which made Baohong inexplicable: "Did something happen?"

Why does she think everyone's expressions are weird?

"It's okay." The corner of Baozhu's eyes swept across Baolan's face.

Although Baolan just now didn't lose his temper, she felt Baolan's absent-mindedness. Not to mention that the concubine was curious about what kind of identity Baolan really was, she was also extremely curious about the origin of Baolan.

It's just that although they were secretly watching Baolan's actions, Baolan had never had anything strange happen.

Qin Zhao in that compartment watched Xiao Ce organize his clothes, and soon he was well-dressed again.

She was still stunned until Xiao Ce's face enlarged in front of her, and he kissed her gently on the lips, very tender and lingering...

When she opened her eyes and met his smiling eyes, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"I will come to see Concubine Ai tonight." Xiao Ce touched Qin Zhao's hair.

The moment he turned around, he suddenly understood why there was a drowsy monarch who subjugated the country for the sake of beauty. At that moment, he also felt that if he could be with her all the time, without paying attention to worldly affairs, it would be the most beautiful time in his life.

Absurd, absurd!

Qin Zhao was originally sullen, but Xiao Ce suddenly turned to look at her, his eyes cold.

She gave him a harmless smile almost subconsciously: "Respectfully send the emperor."

Although her smile is fake, it is better than her beauty. When her teeth are exposed, she is as bright as the morning sun.

Xiao Ce watched for a while, the coldness in his eyes gradually dissipated, but the footsteps were still heavy.

Qin Zhao lay on the bed weakly and sighed, knowing that he had escaped another disaster.

Just now, Xiao Ce was afraid that he also found it inappropriate to hang out with her in the daytime. His eyes contained murderous intent, and he clearly felt that she influenced him to be a good king who loves the country and the people.

It was clear that she didn't do anything. It was he who dreamed of his previous life and came to entangle with her. Can you blame her?

Xiao Ce walked away with heavy footsteps, and Baozhu said to the others: "You are all here, I will serve the maiden."

"Yes, Sister Baozhu." Everyone agreed in unison, watching Baozhu go to the bedroom.

When Baozhu entered the bedroom, Qin Zhao was still lying on the bed, like a dead fish.

Baozhu stepped forward to pick up the clothes scattered on the ground, "The slaves are going to prepare for the bath, the maiden has worked hard."

Qin Zhao sighed softly: "Bengong is really working hard. The emperor was the same for a while, and Igong's life is hard."

She gritted her teeth and tried to struggle to get up, but she was sore, so she stopped struggling and planned to lie down for a while.

After taking a hot bath, Qin Zhao finally recovered.

During this period, Baozhu hesitated more than once, but she saw it clearly and said, "This palace is fine, don't worry."

"Niangniang still has to be careful, the servant just saw Baolan's expression not quite right." Baozhu said in a low voice.

A strange color flashed in Qin Zhao's eyes: "She has always been calm, but this time her face changed because of the emperor's visit?"

"To be honest, the slaves really can't see who can make Baolan move, and her origin is also a mystery." As Baozhu spoke, she took a new set of dresses and helped Qin Zhao dress neatly.

"The emperor is too rude." Baozhu complained carefully when she saw the mark on Qin Zhao's body.

Their mother-in-law is like a flower, with such delicate skin, how could the emperor have such a heavy hand? She looked distressed.

Qin Zhao laughed: "It's because Ben Gong's skin is too squeamish, but the emperor is actually quite gentle..."

At least for today, she still has a spare hand.

Baozhu looked at Qin Zhao's face, and found that Qin Zhao was distracted: "Niangniang is thinking about the emperor?"

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