Qin Zhaoming clearly knew that Xiao Ce was angering.

Not only did Qin Zhao receive the news, Zhao Yu also received the news from the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

At that time, he went to Bieyuan, where Yueqing lived. Yueqing had lost a lot of weight since she woke up, and her body was also poor. Seeing Zhao Yu coming to see her, she struggled and stood up: "Master..."

Zhao Yu helped her up and found her a pillow behind her, her movements were meticulous and gentle.

Seeing this scene, Yueqing's eyes moistened: "It's the concubine who has implicated the young master. If the concubine is gone, it will be a good thing."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhao Yu stepped forward and embraced Yueqing in his arms.

Yueqing's tears wet the placket on his chest, but his eyes were only cold.

Qin Zhao's words suddenly sounded without warning. The man said that he should take care of Yueqing, and he agreed...

When Wu Xiyu entered Bieyuan, she saw Zhao Yu hugging Yueqing, which hurt her eyes.

In the past few years of marrying Zhao Yu, Zhao Yu's indifference gradually flattened all her pride. She once thought about whether it was because Qin Zhao changed the plot that Zhao Yu's love for her also changed.

She often recalls the sweet time she had with Zhao Yu many years ago, but that time was too short, and she couldn't even compete with a substitute for Qin Zhao.

Yes, she only discovered when the rumor came out that Yueqing really had similarities with Qin Zhao. Zhao Yu knew that Qin Zhao was Xiao Ce's woman, and she was an unattainable existence, so she found a slut and stuffed it into Zhao's house.

It's ridiculous that she was kept in the dark and it took so long to find out.

Yueqing was the first to find out that Wu Xiyu was coming, and the moment she saw Wu Xiyu, she shrank her shoulders.

Zhao Yu looked back and realized that Wu Xiyu was here: "I said, don't step into Lihuayuan again in the future."

Wu Xiyu looked at Yueqing, who was hiding in Zhao Yu's arms, and hooked her lips sarcastically: "I'm a wife, she's a concubine, so what if I hit her?"

If it wasn't for Yueqing occupying Zhao Yu day and night, being an eyesore in front of her, and giving birth to a concubine, how could she tear up her face with Yueqing under extreme anger?

"That matter has passed, you can go." Zhao Yu did not look at Wu Xiyu, and ordered the expulsion.

There was a strange smile on Wu Xiyu's lips: "I suddenly remembered that I haven't been in the palace for a long time, and I also remembered those old people who were in the palace before, such as the noble concubine and the concubine Xian..."

Zhao Yu heard something in Wu Xiyu's words, and he lowered his face: "What do you mean?!"

"Cousin, what do you think?" Wu Xiyu folded her hair like clouds, and Pingping Tingting walked away.

Zhao Yu's face was a little gloomy, and Yueqing felt uneasy when she saw that his expression was wrong: "Young Master..."

"Have a good rest." Zhao Yu was still uneasy after thinking about it, and immediately chased out.

Yueqing bit her lower lip lightly, she got off the bed and wanted to go out with her.

Only then did Wu Xiyu return to Qingyunxuan, and immediately dismissed everyone, waiting for Zhao Yu to come to the door.

Soon she heard Zhao Yu's footsteps approaching. She was not at all surprised by such a result, just because she knew Zhao Yu's shameful thoughts.

Zhao Yu quickly rushed in: "You can't enter the palace! Don't forget that you were once the emperor's good wife, and letting the emperor see you will only arouse the emperor's dissatisfaction with the Zhao family."

"I didn't enter the palace to see the emperor, but to see Qin Zhao. Yes, although there are rumors like that, Qin Zhao probably doesn't know that Yueqing is really her stand-in, right?" Wu Xiyu said, and took off. She took off her coat, revealing her naked body.

She is very beautiful, and her figure is even better.

At this moment, under the reflection of the light, it added a little ambiguous atmosphere.

Facing her stunning beauty, Zhao Yu didn't even look at her. He would rather guard the slut Yueqing every day than stay in her room.

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Zhao Yu scolded angrily.

"I'm talking nonsense, you know. I've dealt with Qin Zhao so much, I know all the gestures of that woman, even if you're not stupid enough to find a substitute with a look similar to Qin Zhao, but Yueqing pondered. The way he looks when he looks down, or his posture when he bows his head, is similar to Qin Zhao..."

Wu Xiyu went to Zhao Yu, hooked his slender hands around his neck, and exhaled like a blue beside his lips: "Unfortunately, you can only use your dark thoughts on Yueqing—"

"The point, what do you want me to do?!" Zhao Yu asked in a deep voice.

"It's very simple, I want a son, I want you and my heir..." Wu Xiyu said word by word.

Before she could finish her sentence, Zhao Yu threw her on the couch...

Yueqing heard the movement from the room, her eyes were empty, and her legs trembled as she walked away.

After finally returning to Lihuayuan, she couldn't help the bitter sweetness in her throat.

When she saw the bloodshot on Juanpa, she smiled sadly.

Is Zhao Yu's favor to her all fake over the years?

She remembered it. Sometimes when she was doing needlework, Zhao Yu liked to be by her side the most.

At some point, he would look at her intently, as if he was looking at someone through her. At that time, she only said that she thought too much.

It turned out that she was just a substitute for the noble concubine in the palace...

Xiaoling was originally opened by Yueqing, but when she re-entered, she found that Yueqing vomited blood and fainted.

She was so frightened that she screamed, and quickly alarmed the entire Zhao family, including Qi's family, including Zhao Yu, who was planning to stay in Qingyunxuan tonight.

The next day, news about Yueqing vomiting blood reached Qin Zhao's ears.

She did let Zhuang Qing keep an eye on the movements of Zhao's house, just because she was afraid that Zhao Yu would do something wrong and do something to Yueqing.

When she saw Zhao Yu yesterday, she said a lot, hoping that Zhao Yu would treat Yueqing kindly. Who would have guessed that on the contrary, Yueqing suddenly vomited blood, and her condition worsened?

Her eyelids kept twitching, and she always felt that Yueqing vomited blood was not easy.

She just burned the letter that Zhuang Qing gave her, when Zhang Jixiang came, knelt down in front of her and wept bitterly: "Please be gracious to the concubine, go see the emperor, the servant is begging you..."

Qin Zhao didn't expect Zhang Jixiang to come out like this suddenly, "What's the matter?"

Even if Xiao Ce was angry, Zhang Jixiang would not be like this.

"In the early morning of today, the emperor suddenly attacked, and Master Zhao is still kneeling in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Originally, the emperor is a Mingjun, and all officials of civil and military are regarded as the same official. Although Zhao Yu is sometimes used for surgery, he has never tried to make Zhao Yu kneel in the Hall of Supreme Harmony like today.

Yesterday, the emperor took out his anger because of the concubine, and today he will attack Zhao Yu. Doesn't this make everyone associate Zhao Yu kneeling with the concubine?

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