When Zhao Yu left the Pear Garden, he suddenly remembered the scene where he saw Xiao Yi when he passed the teahouse on his way back to Zhao Mansion.

Xiao Yi had ambitions for the throne, clearly knowing that he was humiliated in front of the imperial court today, and wanted to take the opportunity to win him over.

But Xiao Ce once regarded him as a confidant. Since Xiao Ce ascended the throne, the state of Qi has been peaceful and peaceful. How could he be able to bring the people of Qi into civil strife and cause turmoil in the court?

Furthermore, his Zhao family is a clean and honest official, loyal to the emperor from generation to generation, how can he be charged with treason?

Even if Xiao Yi succeeds in the future, he may not have Xiao Ce's ability to govern the country, and he will never join forces with Xiao Yi.

However, Yueqing's proposal of taking a concubine is also feasible, but it can't be done too obviously, it needs to be taken slowly.

The next day was just right, Yongchang Houfu.

Because of Qin Zhao's reminder, Xiao Yu didn't dare to relax for a moment, knowing that Yongning lifted the grounding, for fear that Yongning would suddenly use some insidious means to corrupt Cheng Jin.

Jin Yamen had nothing to do on this schedule, and she went home early to the Hou Mansion, and she specifically told Cheng Jin to be careful.

Cheng Jin was in a heavy heart, but seeing Xiao Yu's worried look, he comforted her and said, "I have you to protect me, so I'm not afraid of anything."

Xiao Yu heard this, and his heart was sweet.

She remembered that she had to go to Yongxin Garment Store to help, and said: "Then I will go out first. If you have something to do, you can go to Yongxin Garment Store to find me."

Cheng Jin looked at her bright face, was emotionally moved, and pulled her back into his arms, a gesture of intimacy.

When Xiao Yu left, her footsteps were a little vain, and her face was full of sweet smiles.

Zhixi looked at Xiao Yu's back, and a look of resentment flashed in her eyes.

She didn't want to wait any longer, just as Xiao Yu was not in the mansion, today was the best chance to get off the phone.

Originally, she only waited for Cheng Jin to marry and then begged Mrs. Hou, so that she would have the opportunity to become a maid of the house. Although Hou's family has a serious family style and does not advocate taking concubines, then she will become the maid of the prince's house, and will plan slowly in the future.

Now she knows that it is useless to ask Mrs. Hou, the entire Hou residence is protecting Xiao Yu, she can only use this method to cook cooked rice with raw rice.

After lunch, Zhixi brought tea and was about to bring it to the door, when Madam Qi suddenly appeared, took the tea and said, "I'll be by your side, you can step back."

Zhixi replied in a low voice, and lowered her eyes.

Now it is difficult for her to even get close to the Shizi. All the tea and food are taken care of by Xiao Yu's attendants. She has no chance to get close to the Shizi.

Now, the only way to give it a shot is to light that incense while the eldest son is in the study.

She has served the eldest son for many years, and she knows that no one is allowed to approach the eldest son's study, even Xiao Yu seldom enters, let alone Mama Qi?

Therefore, only in that place will she have the opportunity to become the person of the prince.

After lunch, Cheng Jin went to the study.

The study room was incense, the smell was not the same as before, and the taste was slightly different.

He didn't care, but after a short while, he only felt a sudden increase in dryness and heavier breathing.

At this moment, Zhixi suddenly came.

Outside the study, there were long attendants waiting to be dispatched at any time, but when Zhixi's envoy dispatched him, Zhixi easily entered the study.

It was almost the same time. She brought tea specially and sent it to Cheng Jin: "Master Shi, please have some tea."

Cheng Jin only felt that his situation was not right today. He only felt a fever all over his body and was wondering if he was ill. At this moment, he heard Zhixi's tender voice, and a strange feeling filled his heart. .

The person in front of him was clearly not Xiao Yu, but he felt that her tiresome voice was just like Xiao Yu was coquettish to him. He was emotional for a moment, grabbed this person's hand, and then pulled himself closer, and felt that the smell on her body was not Xiao Yu.

He opened his chaotic eyes, and when he saw who the woman in front of him was, his heart skipped a beat and he pushed the person away.

Zhixi thought she was done and was about to serve Cheng Jin, but unexpectedly she was pushed out by Cheng Jin.

Cheng Jin also realized that something was wrong with him, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Why are you?!"

The next moment, the dizziness struck again, and his body became even hotter. He knew it was not good, and he slapped his face hard.

At this time, Zhixi came over again: "Let the slave serve the prince..."

Cheng Jin's mind became a little clearer because he threw a palm, but his body became more and more uncomfortable.

He shouted loudly and pushed away Zhixi, who was throwing his arms in his arms...

Madam Qi in that room was originally to make people stare at Zhixi, but after Zhixi disappeared, she felt a little uneasy.

His Highness has confessed more than once, and he must keep an eye on Zhixi. Right now, Zhixi is not under his nose, and it always makes people feel uneasy.

She looked for someone with Huang Ying and the other maids, and soon found it near the study, and heard the movement inside.

Madam Qi rushed in to take a look, and found that Zhixi was pestering Cheng Shizi, and she slapped her with the next slap: "Bitch hooves!"

She also found out that there was a problem with the incense, and Cheng Shizi's situation was not very good.

"Go, go and prepare cold water, and then, look for the little fish to come back." Cheng Jin gritted his teeth.

Qi Mama didn't dare to delay, and while someone prepared cold water for Cheng Jin to bathe, she asked Huang Ying to go out and find Xiao Yu home.

As for Zhixi, she also ordered someone to tie it up and wait for Xiao Yu to return.

This incident quickly disturbed the Hou Mansion.

The life of Yongchang Hou's mansion has always been peaceful, just because before Xiao Yu married, there was only one mistress in the mansion, and there were no concubines or concubines.

I didn't want such a thing to happen today, which made Hou Fu's glasses break.

Fortunately, the Yongxin clothing store was not far from the Hou Mansion, so Xiao Yu rushed back to the Hou Mansion without stopping.

The medicine in Cheng Jin's medicine is very strong. Although it can be relieved by cold water, it has little effect. Cheng Jin, whose eyes are already red, rushed over to Xiao Yu in a flash...

The others withdrew from the study area in a tacit understanding. Zhixi, who was tied up with five flowers, heard the movement inside and gritted his teeth with hatred.

She should have done it. If it wasn't for the old goddess Qi who came over, the prince would not be able to stand it.

It's just that it's useless to hate her now, her plan didn't come to fruition, and the Yongchang Houfu couldn't keep her.

Yes, there is also Princess Yongning. Princess Yongning can save her. It is Princess Yongning who gave her this domineering medicine, saying that as long as a man smells this incense, even Liu Xiahui can't bear it.

In the letter, Princess Yongning also said that as long as she succeeds and becomes the son of Cheng Shizi, she will find an opportunity to provoke the prince and Princess Yongchun. Once this happens, she will be transformed from a maid of the house to a concubine in the future.

But these are all people from the Hou Mansion, how can she get in touch with Princess Yongning?

That side Xiao Yu worked hard all afternoon, and finally let Cheng Jin return to normal.

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