After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 1254 The emperor is clumsy

"Suddenly thinking of the emperor, let's go and meet." Qin Zhao glanced at Baozhu and said softly: "You are here to play with Xiao Yuan, and Bao Ping, Bao Hong and Xiao Linzi will accompany this palace."

What she didn't say directly, Baozhu understood that this was for her to protect the little highness.

Baolan was also curious about why Qin Zhao suddenly went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. The concubine was very busy recently, and the only spare time left was to accompany the little highness, and she never set foot in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Did something happen? Otherwise, the empress would not take the initiative to find the emperor.

She stared absently at the back of Qin Zhao leaving.

Seeing Baolan's strangeness, Baozhu couldn't help frowning.

Mother today didn't let Bao Lan go to Yangxin Hall, is it to guard against Bao Lan? But Niangniang valued the little highness, knowing that Baolan had a problem, she still left Baolan, which means that Niangniang was looking for the emperor to talk about business.

I don't know what Niangniang is going to say, but she left her reserved and went to face the saint.

Qin Zhao was in a hurry to see Xiao Ce, and not long after he left Jinyang Palace, he met the imperial team.

Qin Zhao didn't expect to see Xiao Ce in this way. How long has it been since he last saw Xiao Ce?

Xiao Ce was closing his eyes to rest his mind, but he could feel it. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a person falling under the snow and fog.

She sat on the carriage, wearing a red cloak with white fox fur around her neck. Her skin was originally white, but at this moment, under the strong contrast of red and white, her skin was even more ice-snow and jade-like, as beautiful as the person in the painting.

It is said that Akou and Qin Zhao are similar, but Akou is as stunning as her, just seeing her, his heart beats fast uncontrollably.

Obviously not at the age of the first love, when I saw her at this moment, I couldn't control the restlessness in my heart.

Qin Zhao avoided Xiao Ce's heavy gaze, she took the lead in getting off the chariot and stepped forward to salute: "Chen and concubine respectfully invite the emperor to be holy."

Xiao Ce unconsciously sat up straight, "No ceremony."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he felt his voice a little hoarse. He coughed twice, cleared his throat and asked, "Where is Concubine Ai going?"

Qin Zhao was about to answer, but Xiao Ce grabbed the conversation again: "It's windy and snowy outside, I will send Concubine Ai back."

Qin Zhao didn't have a chance to speak. Seeing that Xiao Ce wanted to send him back to Jinyang Palace, he had no objection.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Qin Zhaorou agreed.

But she didn't know how to remind Xiao Ce, because she had something on her mind, she silently followed Xiao Ce and turned back to Jinyang Palace.

It's been a few days since the last unhappy breakup. Xiao Ce left in anger at the time, and later he also deliberately cold Qin Zhao.

When I see Qin Zhao again this time, I feel like I haven't seen her face for a long time.

Seeing that Qin Zhao was so quiet at the moment, he was wondering whether Qin Zhao was still caring about being left out by him, or that she also cared about A Kou's existence.

He was confused, and when he looked at Qin Zhao again, he saw that her face was calm, and her skin looked a little transparent under the reflection of the white snow, just like a person made of jade.

Qin Zhao realized later that Xiao Ce was looking at him, she looked over, and Xiao Ce immediately looked away.

Qin Zhao didn't say anything until he entered Jinyang Palace.

Baozhu and the others did not expect the imperial concubine to return, and they also invited Xiao Ce, a big man, in.

After everyone saluted, Baozhu stepped forward and wanted to help Qin Zhao take off his cloak.

Xiao Ce suddenly said, "Baozhu, step back."

Baozhu was stunned, not knowing what the emperor meant.

Until the emperor took her place and helped the imperial concubine untie the tie of the cloak.

Xiao Ce usually doesn't need to do this kind of thing, and he has never done it for any woman. He is not very skilled in business, and his movements are a bit clumsy.

In addition to the beauty in front of him, his breathing was a little short, and for a while, he turned the slip knot into a dead knot.

By the way, Xiao Ce is also a face-loving person. He is obviously anxious, but his face is not obvious.

Qin Zhao has been with him for two lifetimes, how can he not know his temperament?

She held back her smile and deliberately helped him out of the siege: "Your Majesty, should the concubine come by herself?"

"I can!" Xiao Ce glanced at Qin Zhao lightly.

Qin Zhao is also sensible, knowing that Xiao Ce loves face, she no longer makes a sound, so that Xiao Ce can slowly help her untie her belt.

After another half a quarter of an hour, Xiao Ce finally untied the chain.

The attendants onlookers breathed a sigh of relief in unison. Qin Zhao's lips were also slightly curved, and he couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Ce naturally saw this detail, but he wasn't unhappy. He took Qin Zhao's soft and boneless hand and took the seat with a calm demeanor, as if the unhappiness last time had vanished into thin air.

Qin Zhao was still thinking about how to mention Hengcheng, and his expression was a little dazed.

Xiao Ce could see her absent-mindedness and thought she was still unhappy about his passing away last time.

He never knew how to please a woman, and he couldn't easily bow his head in front of Qin Zhao, so the room was quiet for a while.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Baozhu quickly brewed a pot of tea and brought a hot snack.

Because the weather was really cold, the dim sum came up and it quickly got cold again.

Seeing this scene, Qin Zhao opened the chat box: "Has the emperor noticed that this year is particularly cold? It's cold after this snack is served."

Xiao Ce was also worried about the possible cold disaster this year. Hearing Qin Zhao mentioning the weather, he sighed with emotion: "I'm afraid it will be difficult for the common people this year."

Rich people will prepare enough charcoal and winter jackets to survive the cold winter, but if the poor people do not prepare in advance, they will not be able to withstand the cold winter, and life will only be difficult.

"This year's astronomical phenomenon looks unusual, especially cold, and the concubine is afraid of disasters. Speaking of which, when I was a child, I heard someone say that if a cold disaster occurs, the extreme cold areas in previous years would be better. If it is extremely cold this year, the people of Hengcheng will be hard-pressed..." Qin Zhao couldn't care about whether there were any loopholes in his words, he just wanted Xiao Ce to remember Hengcheng this place.

It snowed for four days in Kyoto, but Hengcheng shouldn't be as cold as Kyoto. When the cold current hits Hengcheng, the cold protection materials can arrive in Hengcheng in time, which may avoid a natural and man-made disaster.

"Hengcheng?!" Xiao Ce felt unfamiliar when he heard the name of this town.

After all, I have never heard of disasters in Hengcheng in previous years, and even the extremely cold weather has never involved Hengcheng.

"When the concubine lived in Yongzhou, I heard from the villagers in Hengcheng that the people in Hengcheng would be the hardest to endure if they encountered extremely cold weather." Qin Zhao said, looking at the snowy weather outside the window: "If Hengcheng is like this, too. The heavy snow, but the people of Hengcheng did not prepare materials to keep out the cold in advance..."

When Xiao Ce heard this, he suddenly got up, "Auspicious, take the map."

Zhang Jixiang was stunned for a moment and looked at Qin Zhao subconsciously.

This is not the Hall of Mental Cultivation, there are maps everywhere.

Qin Zhao knew what Zhang Jixiang meant, so he said to Xiao Ce: "There is a map in the study, the emperor please move."

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