The enthusiasm in Xiao Yi's eyes, no matter how careful, Hu Fangfei could vaguely know one or two.

It was fine in the past. Although the imperial concubine also received holy favor, Xiao Yi was still able to keep his temper. Later, after the accident happened in the palace, the emperor suddenly seemed to be a different person. Xiao Yi couldn't sit still.

Now, using Father An to test the sage's concern for Qin Zhao, Xiao Yi did it on purpose.

She was afraid that if things continued like this, Wang Ye's big things would not be accomplished, but the sage would find out the dark thoughts of Wang Ye towards Qin Zhao.

"It will be the second day of the second lunar month soon." Concubine Hu was very preoccupied when she suddenly heard Xiao Yi whisper.

Concubine Hu was not sure why: "What happened on the second day of the second lunar month?"

Xiao Yi glanced at Concubine Hu, but didn't answer.

Concubine Hu carefully thought about what was so special about this day, and soon she remembered that the second day of the second lunar month was Qin Zhao's birthday.

"Your concubine's birthday is coming soon?" Concubine Hu's heart skipped a beat: "What does the lord want to do?"

"I just want to see her." Xiao Yi murmured silently.

Maybe he shouldn't borrow wine to approach Qin Zhao on New Year's Day, so that the desire to see Qin Zhao became stronger and stronger, and he couldn't hold it back.

It's just that Qin Zhao was in the deep palace, and she was locked under his wings by Xiao Ce, it was as difficult for him to see her as it was to the sky.

The only chance, I'm afraid, is on Qin Zhao's birthday.

"My lord, it is absolutely impossible!" Concubine Hu's expression changed slightly.

"What are you afraid of? Depending on how much the emperor loves her, it is very likely that he will take her out of the palace on her birthday. This king wants to see her from a distance." Xiao Yidan glanced at Concubine Hu.

Seeing Xiao Yi's determined look, Concubine Hu knew that she couldn't persuade her.

"The concubine will arrange it now." Concubine Hu stopped persuading her.

It is precisely because I think about it every day that I can't see it, that the lord is so concerned about it, why don't he take the risk of fulfilling the lord's wish.

Xiao Yi has always known that Mr. Hu is smart, has his heart, and is reliable in his work. In addition to being obedient, he is indeed inseparable from the management of Mr. Hu.

That night, he stayed overnight in the courtyard of Concubine Hu.

Concubine Hu also worked very hard when serving, but at a critical moment, Xiao Yi still regarded the woman in front of her as Qin Zhao...

In the Jinyang Palace, Anya fainted again, and Qin Zhao asked her to carry Anya back to the West Side Hall.

She was also a little surprised when the news that An's father had been dismissed came from the previous dynasty.

Originally, she had a stomach of anger to vent, but in the end, because of Xiao Ce's move, all her anger was quelled.

They have a tacit understanding, right? She punished Anya, Xiao Ce punished Father An, both of them were not good, and any anger was fired directly at the enemy.

But Xiao Ce hasn't come to see her, is it just because he cares about putting her and Zhao Yu's names together?

What can she do?

When she came to this world, she was already Zhao Yu's original match. This is the plot bacteria at work, and she is just a small cannon fodder. It is not bad to be able to go to this level.

She didn't mention that he had three thousand harems, and he always cared that she had married someone.

Qin Zhao was in a good mood for a while. Seeing that Xiao Ce didn't come, she was also very happy and fell asleep early.

That side Xiao Ce was very busy, just because he was full of Anfu's stupid and bad anger these two days, which made him not interested in government affairs.

Then I ran out of time to get busy.

It was too late to see Qin Zhao when he was done.

Zhang Jixiang remembered a serious matter: "Your Majesty, the second day of the second lunar month is the concubine's birthday."

Xiao Ce didn't remember Qin Zhao's birthday, he counted the days, and it was Qin Zhao's birthday soon.

"Did Zhao Zhao have a birthday in previous years?" he asked casually.

"The noble concubine remembers the birthday of the empress dowager and the emperor's birthday, but she acts in a low-key manner with her own birthday." Zhang Jixiang answered truthfully.

Xiao Ce was silent for a moment before he said, "Allow me to think about it."

He remembered that A Kou had said that Qin Zhao might have wanted to leave the palace because he longed for freedom.

If she was taken out of the palace on her birthday, it might make her happy.

After going to court the next day, Xiao Ce ordered Zhang Jixiang to do this.

Zhang Jixiang happily took the errand and left the palace.

As evening approached, Zhang Jixiang returned to the imperial palace to return to his life.

"The servant thought that the emperor would not be able to take the concubine out of the palace until he was done with his work, so he arranged this. The emperor will see if there is anything else to add?" Zhang Jixiang explained his plans.

Xiao Ce listened carefully, and finally said, "I'll ask Zhaozhao's meaning later."

Zhang Jixiang immediately nodded yes.

He thought that the emperor didn't mind what An's father said, so he didn't go to see the noble concubine for two days.

In the past two days, there have been a lot of rumors in the harem. Many people can't wait to see the jokes of the noble concubine, thinking that this time they will be neglected by the emperor again.

He couldn't figure out what the emperor said at first, so yesterday he tried to remind the emperor that the birthday of the concubine was coming.

Therefore, he said that the person in the world who understands the master's mind the most is him.

In this way, Xiao Ce took the imperial team to Jinyang Palace, and even in order to please Qin Zhao, Xiao Ce deliberately chose a set of faces, intending to coax Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao heard Xiao Ce's footsteps approaching, and immediately took Xiao Atom out to pick him up.

Little Atom glanced at her mother who was still sorting clothes just now, and then looked at Father Huang, who was walking towards them, and knew that her little double was about to be left out by her mother again.

Sure enough, as soon as the mother saw the father, she happily greeted him and let him down.

He was still young and quickly fell into the crowd, and couldn't be found in the blink of an eye.

Qin Zhao couldn't take her eyes off when she saw Xiao Ce. After all, she hadn't seen anyone for two whole days, and unknowingly let go of her son's hand. She didn't see his son's resentful expression. At this moment, Xiao Ce was in her eyes. .

I haven't seen him for two days, and I always feel that this man has lost some weight.

Qin Zhao's eyes are particularly beautiful. Usually, they are bright and clear, like a curved spring. At this moment, when he is looking at people in the fog, his eyes are blurred. Check it out.

But Qin Zhao has another characteristic, that is, beauty without knowing it.

Before Yun Ran entered the palace, everyone said she was the number one beauty, but her impression of herself was still at the stage of early death cannon fodder.

Later, I became beautiful, but I didn't think I could really be beautiful.

Later, she became a mother and a child's mother, and she didn't even want to follow the path of the first beauty, after all, a younger Yun Ran entered the palace.

Seeing Xiao Ce at the moment, she only cares about whether Xiao Ce is angry with her. From the sound of footsteps, Xiao Ce's mood seems normal.

Looking at Xiao Ce's expression again, there seems to be nothing wrong.

In addition to losing some weight, she seems to look better, that is, her eyes are more focused.

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