Seeing this, Qin Zhao said, "Forget it, let me feed the prince some medicine."

Xiao Yi was secretly happy, what she was waiting for was her words.

He couldn't do anything to her when she was awake, he could only get closer to her in this way. She didn't even know how despicable and dark he was, but he had no other way.

Just because she was Xiao Ce's woman, he wanted but couldn't, and he couldn't even touch her if he wanted to.

Soon she will return to Xiao Ce's side again, and I don't know if there will be such a chance to be alone with her next time.

Qin Zhao didn't know Xiao Yi's complicated thoughts, so she focused on feeding Xiao Yi and drinking medicine, because she was always worried about Xiao Yi, and she also deliberately observed Xiao Yi's expression during the period.

Whenever he had any bad intentions towards her, she could see it.

Just after observing all the way, Xiao Yi was very sick. After drinking the medicine, he drove her out of the carriage, saying that she was only cured, and he should not let him get sick again.

During this period, Xiao Yi never looked at her directly.

After getting off Xiao Yi's carriage, Qin Zhao breathed a sigh of relief. She felt that she might have been with Xiao Ce for a long time, and her suspicions increased.

In the past two days, Xiao Yi and her have been dealing with etiquette, and there is nothing beyond the norm.

After returning to his carriage, Qin Zhao just wanted to rest for a while. I don't know how long I slept, but suddenly the female envoy came over to pass a message, saying that Xiao Yi had a fever and was unconscious.

The female envoy continued to boil the medicine and asked her to take care of Xiao Yi and help him cool off.

Qin Zhao secretly asked what is this called? She is also recovering from a serious illness, and needs to be well recuperated, and she also needs someone to take care of her.

After complaining in her heart for a while, she still went to Xiao Yi's carriage, wet the face towel, put it on his forehead, and changed it every half an hour, and the cycle went on and on.

By the end she was tired too, and sat in the carriage for a nap, until the maid got in the carriage again and brought her pancakes.

She was also hungry, and soon finished eating a pancake, and after eating the pancake, she was even more sleepy.

She told the female envoy to take good care of Xiao Yi, returned to her carriage, fell asleep, and fell into a drowsy state.

She didn't know that after she fell asleep, the female envoy stepped forward and pushed her several times, making sure that she had fallen asleep before returning to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi swept away his previous decadence, went to the carriage that Qin Zhao was riding, and took her into his arms as a matter of course, watching intently.

This should be the last time. When she returns to the capital at dawn, she will return to the harem and become the noble concubine of the harem.

If he is the emperor, he can also let Qin Zhao enter his harem, regardless of the rules and regulations of the world, but he is just a prince.

He wanted her so much, but he couldn't do anything.

That night, Xiao Yi hugged Qin Zhao all the way.

Qin Zhao fell into a deep sleep, and Wang An, who had no idea that he had let down his guard, was thinking about how to replace Xiao Ce, take over Daqi Jiangshan, and take over her by the way.

She slept in a drowsy sleep, and never woke up once. After waking up, she was still a little drowsy. I think it was because she was infected with the cold?

Just as she was about to get off the carriage, she smelled the bitter taste of medicine on her body. Thinking about how she didn't drink medicine yesterday, how could she still have that medicine smell after one night?

She called the female envoy in thought and asked, "How is your lord? Are you feeling better?"

"The lord hasn't woken up yet, but the fever has subsided. It's no big deal if you think about it. Does the maiden want to see the lord?" The envoy said, and opened the curtain of Xiao Yi's carriage.

Qin Zhao stood outside and glanced at it, only to see Xiao Yi lying on the carriage, making the carriage look very narrow.

In the end, she still didn't get on the carriage, and she thought that she was approaching Kyoto, right?

"Last night, the coachman was tired and he didn't hurry. Now he is still more than 100 miles away from the capital." Seemingly aware of her troubles, the female envoy said suddenly.

Qin Zhao turned back to look at the female envoy. At this time, the sky was dawn and the sky was gray, but the female envoy's outstanding appearance could be seen.

Thinking about it, Xiao Yi is still a beautiful woman, and even the maid is better-looking than the average person.

She looked at Guan Dao again, thinking that she had reached the capital, but it turned out to be so far away.

Just when she was in a trance, she suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves approaching, and there were quite a few people listening to the sound of horse hooves.

Not long after, she heard Zhang Jixiang talking to Xiao Ce, and a surprise flashed in her eyes.

Soon a group of people arrived at the other end of the official road. The man sitting on the high-headed horse was not Xiao Ce?

Xiao Ce jumped off the horse, and Qin Zhao couldn't wait to fly over.

Xiao Ce opened his arms and hugged her straight, tightly and forcefully, as if this was the only way to catch her...

He pushed Qin Zhao away a little and looked at Qin Zhao with burning eyes. Qin Zhao saw that Xiao Ce's eyes were red and bloodshot, and his face was haggard.

"Why is the emperor so haggard?" Qin Zhao touched Xiao Ce's face, feeling very sad.

The moment she fell into the lake, she was thinking, if she died, what would happen to Xiao Ce, and what would happen to their little atom?

She was most afraid that she would never see Xiao Ce again, and that their life would be as short as their previous life.

"The emperor has never closed his eyes in the past few days that Niangniang was missing." Zhang Jixiang happily wiped away his tears and was very happy.

Xiao Ce hugged Qin Zhao tightly again: "It's my fault, I couldn't protect you."

Qin Zhaoyi smiled in his arms: "Isn't it good for the concubine? By the way, it was Prince An who saved the concubine."

She looked back at the carriage that Xiao Yi was sitting in.

Xiao Yi didn't know when he got off the carriage and was holding onto the carriage, looking very weak.

With the help of the female envoy, Xiao Yi bowed to Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ce has no likes or dislikes towards Xiao Yi. Although he thinks Xiao Yi's actions are absurd, he is still wary of Xiao Yi.

This time Xiao Yi rescued Qin Zhao, although he did not know how the process was, he was a man of merit.

Next, Qin Zhao took Xiao Ce onto the carriage, and told her roughly how she met Xiao Yi after being tied up.

Xiao Ce did not speak after listening.

He was just thinking, how could it be so coincidental that Xiao Yibian became Qin Zhao's savior.

Qin Zhao was in his arms at the moment, he smelled the medicine on her body, and when he passed by Xiao Yi just now, he also smelled the same medicine.

"What's wrong with the emperor?" Qin Zhao asked cautiously when he saw that Xiao Ce didn't speak.

Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao and saw that she looked a little haggard. He knew that she was frightened and fell ill again, so he didn't want to ask more: "You can rest for a while and talk to me slowly after returning to the palace."

"The emperor didn't rest for a few days, and he slept for a while." Qin Zhao looked at Xiao Ce worriedly: "The emperor's face is very haggard, and he is not handsome anymore."

Xiao Ce pinched her waist, "Stinky girl..."

Qin Zhao smiled and fell into his arms, looking at her bright smile, Xiao Ce couldn't help but kiss her deeply.

Fortunately, she is fine. If she has something to do, and he is the only one left, what can he do?

In the future, I will never take her out of the palace, let her stay in the palace, and let people protect her all the time, so that nothing will happen.

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