After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 1301 Terrifying Nightmare

Xiao Ce did not expect Qin Zhao to give such an answer.

He wanted to say that the dream was just a dream and couldn't be taken seriously, but seeing Qin Zhao's serious expression, he sighed in his heart and gently dropped a kiss on her forehead: "I'll be fine, don't worry about it."

Qin Zhao got into his arms and said in a hoarse voice: "The emperor must think about me and Xiao Yuan before doing anything risky. Think about it, the emperor, the concubine is so beautiful, if the emperor is not there one day. By your side, will there be any disciples looking at your concubines?"

Xiao Ce frowned, and the first people that came to mind were Zhao Yu and Xiao Yi.

He was basically sure that both of them had bad thoughts about Qin Zhao. If he wasn't there, wouldn't they have to take the opportunity to get Qin Zhao?

As long as he thought of Qin Zhao being kissed by other men or even doing more intimate things, his blood boiled and he wanted to kill someone.

"I will live a long life and protect you well, and other men have no chance to touch you!" Xiao Ce said every word, his eyes full of chills.

Qin Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, and she could think of this method to arouse Xiao Ce's desire to survive.

As long as he is alert in advance, even if someone wants to attack, Xiao Ce has taken precautions in advance and may be able to prevent the disaster.

"Zhaozhao, don't worry." Seeming to know her confusion, Xiao Ce comforted her again.

Qin Zhao remembered what happened after Xiao Ce's death in his previous life.

Speaking of which, she hated Xiao Ce. At that time, Xiao Ce only had family and state affairs in his heart, but he was better. When the imperial expedition was in person, he left by himself, leaving behind her and Xiao Yuan, the orphan and widowed mother.

Even if the small atom successfully ascended the throne, how many courtiers in the court are truly convinced of the little emperor?

At that time, the power in charge of the government was in Xiao Yi's hands. Even if the keys were handed down in the palace, Xiao Yi would not leave the palace, and sometimes lived in the palace.

That was when she was most afraid.

She was most afraid that when she suddenly opened her eyes in the middle of the night, she saw Xiao Yi standing in front of her bed looking at her with undisguised possessiveness in her eyes...

Maybe it was because he was thinking about it every day and dreaming at night, but Qin Zhao actually dreamed of Xiao Yi.

In the dream, she came out of the bath and found that there was not a single servant in the palace, not even the little atom, but Xiao Yi sat upright on her bed.

He walked towards her step by step, but she stepped back...

Xiao Ce slept in the middle of the night and suddenly listened to someone beside the pillow muttering.

I saw her babbling in the dream, her face pale, he was busy holding her hand, but it was sweaty.

"Zhaozhao, wake up..." Xiao Ce hurriedly called.

Qin Zhao opened her eyes in a daze, Xiao Yi's face turned into Xiao Ce's face, her black pearl-like eyes blinked and blinked, and then she realized that she had just had a nightmare.

Seeing that there was sweat on her forehead, Xiao Ce knew that she had a terrible nightmare, so he comforted her softly and asked, "What nightmare did you have just now, do you still remember?"

Qin Zhao was stunned, his eyes were blank, and he shook his head after a while: "I don't remember."

How could she tell Xiao Ce that the dream she was dreaming happened in a previous life?

Even if he remembered everything in his previous life one day, he would never know that there was still an unsettled account between her and Xiao Yi.

Fortunately, it all happened in the previous life. As long as Xiao Ce is well in this life, Xiao Yi will not dare to touch her.

"It's still early, sleep a little longer." Xiao Cexin thought it was true and touched her face, only to feel cold at the fingertips.

Qin Zhao closed his eyes and wanted to sleep but couldn't.

Xiao Ce didn't fall asleep either. He could see that Qin Zhao was hiding something from her. It might have something to do with the dream she just had, or it might be something else.

She didn't want to say it, because she didn't believe him, or was there something she couldn't say?

I don't know how long it took before Qin Zhao fell asleep again.

When she woke up again, Xiao Ce had already gone to the morning.

When Baozhu served Qin Zhao for breakfast, she found that Qin Zhao was in a bad mood. Her master looked sullen and seemed to have a lot of things on her mind.

"The emperor and Niangniang are reconciled, why does Niangniang still have something on her mind?" Baozhu asked in a low voice.

Qin Zhao looked at the front absentmindedly: "I'm afraid that I will work hard to the end and still won't be able to change some things."

The world she lives in is just a book, and the layout of the book is self-contained. She changed her fate of dying prematurely, but she also remembers that Xiao Ce is only the second male lead.

Perhaps it is the second male who is more tragic.

Xiao Ce was obviously such an excellent man, but he ended up dying prematurely in the end.

"Slave thinks that everything is worthy of her heart, and the lady has done enough. As for the result, the lady always tried her best." Baozhu replied softly.

Qin Zhao was still sullen, but later she thought of a way, if Xiao Ce still had to go on a personal expedition in this life, it would be a big deal for her to go to the battlefield with Xiao Ce.

When you think about it, you don't have to worry about it anymore.

This life is so different from the previous life, why should she be hesitant about what did not happen?

Soon Baolan came in and said, "Niangniang, Yun Meiren is outside asking to see you."

Qin Zhao was not surprised. Yun Ran tasted the sweetness last time, but he didn't get Xiao Ce's favor. How could he be willing to stop there?

"Let her wait a moment." Qin Zhao opened his lips indifferently.

As soon as Baolan left, Baozhu asked, "Could it be that Niangniang still wants to create opportunities for Yunmeiren?"

Qin Zhao lightly curled his lips: "Do you think Ben Gong is such a generous person?"

Baozhu couldn't help but smile.

The noble concubine liked the emperor so much, how could she be willing to push the emperor to other women? Niangniang always said that the emperor's heart is small, but in fact the mother's own heart is too small.

Yun Ran waited for about a quarter of an hour before Qin Zhao showed up to meet the guest.

I saw Qin Zhao wearing a light green embroidered patterned cross-collar skirt, and she was approaching with a remarkable demeanor. Before she could see her facial features clearly, she felt that people's hearts were shaken by the swaying corners of her skirt.

Yun Ran is thinking at this moment, every time the emperor sees Qin Zhao, is he unable to withstand the temptation like her?

She heard about it yesterday that Xiao Ce stayed at Jinyang Palace the night before, and there was news from Jinyang Palace that Qin Zhao served Xiao Ce all night.

Furthermore, the news of Xiao Ce's mistake of early court because of Qin Zhao was known to everyone inside and outside the palace. Everyone said that Qin Guifei's empress was very capable, not a goblin but a goblin.

If she were a man, she might be fascinated by Qin Zhao too?

Yun Ran's heart was bitter, but she was still unwilling to give up, and still wanted to fight again. Her appearance is no worse than Qin Zhao, only a chance.

Qin Zhao would not guess Yun Ran's mind. After all, Yun Ran's only purpose was to get close to Xiao Ce through her.

A few days ago, Yun Ran lived in Jinyang Palace, but she also wanted to use Yun Ran to achieve her own goals, so she did not chase people away.

Today is different, Yun Ran is no longer worth using, Qin Zhao thought of Yun Ran as helping her once, so he was kind to Yun Ran.

But Yun Ran still wanted to use the previous moves, and she couldn't bear it if she stayed in Jinyang Palace and didn't leave.

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