After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 131 What belongs to me, Qin Zhao can't take it away

After that, Xiao Ce explained a few more words, and then everyone dispersed.

Li Chenghui deliberately walked with He Liangdi, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "Sister He, we all underestimated the Qin family."

When Qin Zhao first entered the East Palace, everyone should be vigilant. After all, His Royal Highness can be carried into the East Palace by himself. Such special treatment has never been seen before or since, but they all ignored this fact because of Qin Zhao's status as a concubine. .

If they had removed Qin Zhao earlier, they would not have been in the embarrassing situation they are in today.

He Liangdi thought about the first time she saw Qin Zhao, when she saw Qin Zhao's appearance, she didn't take Qin Zhao to heart.

I really regret it now.

It's just that she would not tell Li Chenghui what she was thinking, but said with a high-sounding voice: "Since Qin Liangdi has entered the East Palace and her identity has been recognized by His Royal Highness, everyone will be good sisters in the future. All sisters should do their part."

"Sister He is right. In the future, there will be another sister Qin in the East Palace, and it will be very lively in the future. According to the degree that Sister Qin is favored by His Royal Highness, in the future, His Highness is afraid that he will stay at the Mochizuki Residence every night?" Li Chenghui accepted it. Without He Liangdi's hypocritical face, after stabbing a sentence, Shi Shiran walked away.

He Liangdi returned to Wangchun Pavilion, and when there were no more outsiders, her emotions finally collapsed.

Xiang Qiao hurriedly drove the other servants away and waited aside. It was not until a quarter of an hour later that He Liangdi calmed down her excitement.

"Liangdi, don't worry, although Qin Liangdi is valued by His Royal Highness, it will only be a temporary thing. When the Wu family enters the East Palace tomorrow, Qin Liangdi grabs Wu's position, and there is a noble concubine behind Wu's back. Can you swallow this breath? At that time, Liangdi only needs to sit on the shore and watch the fire, and while watching the excitement, you can add another fire at any time, isn't it wonderful?" Xiangqiao handed a handkerchief to He Liangdi.

He Liangdi swallowed the bitterness in her heart and wiped the corner of her eyes lightly: "I'm just not reconciled."

In what way is she worse than Qin Zhao? Qin Zhao, a concubine, actually sat in the same position as her in an instant. She has the support of the family behind her, and she is extremely talented. What does Qin Zhao have?

There is no appearance, no talent, and even more hypocritical temperament. Which one in the East Palace does not say that Qin Zhao is a shameless white lotus flower. On the grounds of illness, His Royal Highness is detained in Wangyueju day and night.

She still didn't believe it, Qin Zhao could use this method to tie His Highness for a lifetime.

He Liangdi finally figured it out.

Being complacent is nothing, and the one who has the last laugh is the king. She thought that Qin Zhao's beauty would not last long.

The news that suddenly came out of the East Palace, of course, also reached Jinyang Palace.

Concubine Wu installed her own eyeliner in the East Palace, and Xiao Ce suddenly mentioned Qin Zhao as Liang Di. Of course, she received the news at the first time.

Wu Xiyu was called by Concubine Wu Gui to teach her at the time. When she heard that Qin Zhao was personally chosen as Liang Di by Xiao Ce, she was shocked and could not believe this fact.

"Absurd!!" Concubine Wu was even more furious.

She thought about sending Wu Xiyu to the East Palace tomorrow, and she didn't want this incident to happen the day before Wu Xiyu entered the East Palace. The prince was clearly hitting her in the face, making her and the Wu family the laughing stock of the entire palace.

Wu Xiyu was also shocked and hated: "How is it possible? I become the good Di of His Royal Highness, it is the emperor's intention, how can His Royal Highness disobey the imperial decree?"

Concubine Wu Gui smiled coldly: "But the emperor did not issue an imperial decree, just an oral decree to let you enter the East Palace as a good emperor. The prince did not let you not enter the East Palace, but made you to be a good lady, this is not a violation of the imperial decree. The crown prince is really a good trick!"

This method not only fought back against the emperor, but also made her a noble concubine lose face, and slapped her face as a noble concubine.

Wu Xiyu was furious to the extreme.

She has never tried to suffer such grievances again and again in her life.

In the past, she could have whatever she wanted. With her appearance and family background, what kind of man would she want to marry? But for Xiao Ce's sake, she forbeared again and again, and in the end even her position as a good wife was taken away by Qin Zhao's concubine.

Why doesn't she hate it?

Concubine Wu Gui was so angry that Wu Xiyu was uncharacteristically silent, which surprised her a bit.

At this time on weekdays, Sister Xi must be crying again. When such a big event happened this time, Sister Xi was so calm, which is a good phenomenon.

"Sister Xi, what do you think of this?" Wu Guifei asked worriedly.

Wu Xiyu got up, bowed to Concubine Wu, and replied in a crisp voice: "Aunt Concubine said something I have always remembered in my heart. After entering the East Palace, I have to walk my own way, and I can't always rely on Aunt Concubine. Although I haven't officially entered the palace yet. The East Palace, but I know the painstaking efforts of the noble concubine and aunt. I will take back the things that originally belonged to me, and Qin Zhao can’t take them away.”

She is beautiful, and has the Wu family and the Zhao family behind her, so she is still afraid of Qin Zhao, a former defeated general?

Since she can make cousin Yu Huo abandon Qin Zhao, she will also have a way to make Xiao Ce hate Qin Zhao in the future. If she can win Qin Zhao the first time, she can win the second time.

Concubine Wu was surprised that Wu Xiyu was so sensible, and she felt relieved: "As Ben Gong said, after entering the East Palace, Ben Gong also cannot save the near fire, and you have to rely on yourself in everything. You have to remember one thing and not take it lightly. Any enemy. Since Qin Zhao can take your position again and again, it shows that she has the means, and you still lack some scheming."

After pondering for a while, she finally made up her mind: "Let's do it, Ben Gong will send Madam Zhong here for your dispatch."

As soon as she said this, Wu Xiyu and Aunt Zhong were shocked.

"How can this be made? Madam Zhong is the valet of the imperial concubine's aunt, how can I..."

Before Wu Xiyu could finish her words, she was stopped by Concubine Wu: "The situation is urgent, you lack some scheming, and you need a right-hand man. Madam Zhong is a slave of the Wu family, and she is loyal to this palace, and will naturally be loyal to you. You You can use her with peace of mind."

Madam Zhong was well aware of Concubine Wu's good intentions.

She stepped forward and saluted Wu Xiyu: "After entering the East Palace, the old slave will do his best to serve the girl."

Wu Xiyu looked at Madam Zhong and Concubine Wu, knowing that they had great expectations of her.

"I will do my best to win favor and live up to the expectations of the noble concubine and aunt." Wu Xiyu said softly, her eyes were never firmer than before.

"According to your beauty, coupled with the help of Madam Zhong, you will definitely win the heart of the prince. I will teach you one more thing, no matter how strong you are outside, you must behave in front of the prince. Weak and helpless, I can't live without him, men love weak women, and when it's time to lower their posture, they must do their best..."

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