Wu Xiyu took the ointment, her eyelids drooping: "My sister is back first, and I will visit my sister next time."

"I'll let Baozhu send it to you." Qin Zhao also felt tired from dealing with Wu Xiyu and didn't want to waste any more time.

As a result, Wu Xiyu walked a few steps away, and suddenly turned back to look at her, with a complex expression: "If it wasn't for my sister, I wouldn't be what I am today, sister, do you think so?"

Qin Zhao was at a loss for words.

No matter what Wu Xiyu said, it was indeed the case.

Wu Xiyu should have been the heroine in the book, but if she hadn't forcibly changed the plot, Wu Xiyu would have been the princess in the book.


After a while, Qin Zhaocai said: "I remember that Sister Wu and Da Gongzi Zhao were in love with each other. If I could tell fortunes, Sister Wu and Da Gongzi Zhao would be a pair. In this case, why did Sister Wu feel wronged and would rather be the crown prince? Her Royal Highness's Liangyuan is also unwilling to be the wife of Zhao Dagongzi? Zhao Dagongzi is infatuated with Sister Wu, and Sister Wu used to have a deep-rooted love for Zhao Dagongzi—"

It was Wu Xiyu who was swaying, and Wu Xiyu didn't care about Xiao Ce in the plot of the book. Even so, it was not necessarily a mistake for her to help Wu Xiyu make decisions.

Wu Xiyu's face was as pale as paper: "It's not like this!" Wu Xiyu blurted out: "If there was no sister, I would not be just Liangyuan, I should be His Royal Highness's wife, and His Royal Highness Qin Se and Ming. It's my sister, it's my sister's fault... "

"Sister Wu is afraid that she has taken too many medicines and has a delusional disorder. You must know that some words are outrageous, and it is a death penalty to spread them out!" Qin Zhao reminded indifferently.

She did interfere with the plot, but she didn't feel like she was at fault. Why does she have to accept her fate as a cannon fodder? What's wrong with her wanting to live.

The protagonist has the right to romance, and the cannon fodder also has the right to survive.

Even if she does it again, she will not sit still and try to change the plot and her own destiny.

Wu Xiyu looked at Qin Zhao with tears in her eyes, and after a long while, she smiled sadly: "I always feel that life is life. Even if someone wants to change their fate against the sky, it still can't change the predetermined ending."

She just waited to see how Qin Zhao changed his life against the sky and escaped the death catastrophe in June!

She didn't believe that Qin Zhao's life was so good, that he could escape the arrangement of fate again and again. Obviously Qin Zhao is just a cannon fodder, she will not survive June, she is the object that everyone hates, why should she be favored by Xiao Ce?

"Sister Wu's thoughts are too heavy, which is not a good thing. Since she was seriously injured, she should take good care of her injuries in Bieyuan. If you think too much, be careful to cause the root cause of the disease." Qin Zhao looked at Baozhu with an indifferent expression: "Go and see Wu Liangyuan. "

"Yes." Baozhu stepped forward and sent Wu Xiyu away from Mochizuki Residence.

When Wu Xiyu finally left, Qin Zhao sighed and felt that Wu Xiyu became her heart disease.

To say that she owes Wu Xiyu a fact, and now Wu Xiyu has saved her life. However, it is also true that Wu Xiyu wants to kill her, so should she regard Wu Xiyu as an enemy, or as a savior?

It's okay if I don't see her at ordinary times, but Wu Xiyu deliberately gets close to her. If she comes to her from time to time, Wu Xiyu will become a thorn in her throat, and she won't be able to spit it out or swallow it.

When Baozhu came back, she saw Qin Zhao sighing: "If Liangdi doesn't like Wu Liangyuan, she will not deal with her in the future."

"She is my savior." Qin Zhao sighed softly, "If it wasn't for me, she and His Highness might have become husband and wife..."

"Liangdi said that some things have long since passed away and cannot be mentioned again." Baozhu coughed twice.

Now that you've done it, don't regret it. Anyway, neither the Zhao family nor the Wu family is good. Liangdi has done something to save herself, and she is on Liangdi's side.

"If you do it, you won't regret it. There's no need to look forward." Qin Zhao cheered up: "Forget it, I'll stay with Wu Liangyuan less in the future."

Even if Wu Xiyu really saved her, it was because Wu Xiyu had his own selfishness and wanted to use this matter to get close to Xiao Ce. Furthermore, Wu Xiyu wanted to hurt her first. If He Liangdi hadn't helped her to save her from this disaster, and now the person who was damaged was her, why should she sympathize with Wu Xiyu?

She doesn't care for herself, and she will be destroyed. She has nothing to sympathize with the heroine. It is better to think more about how she will get through the catastrophe in June.

The problem is, the book doesn't say how she died, only that she died suddenly and tragically. As for how she died, there is no description at all.

That evening, Xiao Ce came to Wangyueju and said that he wanted to accompany Qin Zhao to dinner.

Qin Zhao saw that Xiao Ce had something to tell her, but he didn't know what it was, so Xiao Ce hesitated and couldn't say it.

When the meal was almost finished, Qin Zhao took the initiative to send a message to Xiao Ce: "If your Highness has something to say, just say it directly. As long as it's not a major event that requires the concubine's life, the concubine can accept it."

He hung her up and down like this, making her even more uneasy.

"In your opinion, only the one that kills you is a big deal?" Xiao Ce couldn't help but smile.

Qin Zhao nodded vigorously: "If life is gone, what's the use of glory and wealth? My concubine thinks that everything can be thrown away, and only life is the most precious."

"Really? If you had to choose between Gu and your little life, which one would you choose?" Xiao Ce suddenly threw a neither serious nor serious question.

This made Qin Zhao stumped.

Of course she felt that her own life was the most important thing, but she couldn't offend her parents.

"Forget it, Gu already knows your answer. It's good to treat you in vain. In your heart, you still think your life is the most important thing, right?" Xiao Ce saw Qin Zhao's thoughts at a glance.

Qin Zhao said sternly: "His Royal Highness's kindness to concubine will never be forgotten by concubine. It's just that if concubine loses his life, there is no way to repay His Highness's kindness. Concubine feels that life is more important, because people die. , everything is empty."

This is her big truth.

In her previous life, after Xiao Ce died, she was able to break her love. At that time, she understood that if she was allowed to choose again, she hoped that Xiao Ce would be alive, and her love and obsession could be put down.

"I'm not used to hearing you discuss such serious issues at first." Xiao Ce said, putting down the tableware.

Seeing him like this, Qin Zhao knew that he was going to talk about the business: "His Royal Highness, let's talk about it, the concubine can stand it."

Even if Xiao Ce suddenly got tired of her and wanted to drive her out of the palace, she felt nothing.

"Just now, the suspect who drugged He Liangdi suddenly died when he was tortured. Other clues were also cut off, and the case about He Liangdi became an unsolved case." Xiao Ce said in a low voice, his expression a little cold.

Qin Zhao understands: "At present, only the palace maid has been found. Once the palace maid is dead, and there are no other clues, this case will naturally be over. But He Liangdi has suffered this crime in vain, but no one wants to deal with her. Can't find it."


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