"Next time there is something about Qin Liangdi, you will make a decision after discussing it with me." Zhang Jixiang said again to himself.

After Nian Su responded, he returned to Xiao Ce to serve.

Seeing that Xiao Ce was focused on handling government affairs, she was thinking that maybe Zhang Jixiang was right.

After alienating Qin Liangdi, His Royal Highness only needs to focus on his business. No matter what happens in the backyard of the East Palace, His Royal Highness does not need to be distracted.

A ruler should not spoil a woman alone, this is a taboo.

Without Qin Liangdi, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would definitely not worry about a woman.

Of course, rumors about Qin Zhao also spread to the East Palace, but with Zhang Jixiang and Niansu, of course, things about Qin Zhao could not reach Xiao Ce's ears.

In May, there was a flood in the south of the Yangtze River, and the people were displaced. In the early morning, the emperor had a headache again. At this time, no minister dared to stand up and ask Ying to go to the south of the Yangtze River to treat the flood.

In the end, because the emperor's headache and illness aggravated, the early morning ended hastily.

After Xiao Ce returned to the East Palace, he also discussed the matter with Zhao Yu and the others, and discussed the possibility of him going to Jiangnan to treat the flood.

Neither Zhao Yu nor Wen Chong agreed that he would go there in person, because the emperor had been in poor health recently, and the Crown Prince of the East Palace must not leave the capital at this critical moment.

Wen Chong also mentioned the assassination of the East Palace, because he didn't know who the assassin was and why he wanted to assassinate the crown prince of the dynasty. Before this matter was clarified, the prince must not leave the capital without authorization, lest assassins block His Royal Highness Jiangnan on his way.

Xiao Ce knew that this statement was reasonable, and the Jiangnan incident could only be abandoned.

However, the flood situation is getting worse day by day, and it is necessary to have a profitable candidate to go to the south of the Yangtze River to deal with the flood disaster, which cannot be delayed.

Xiao Ce was so overwhelmed with thoughts that he had no intention of dealing with government affairs. He walked out of the main hall and unknowingly walked to the vicinity of Wangyueju.

His intentional neglect was in exchange for Qin Zhao's tranquility. He was afraid that one day when he was not in the palace, someone would kill the girl while he was not there.

So the best way is to keep away from that girl, this is the best protection for her.

Niansu was with Xiao Ce, and saw Xiao Ce looking at Mochizuki in the direction of his attention, he was slightly startled: "Does your Highness want to go to Wangyueju?"

"Is there any movement in Mochizukiju recently?" Xiao Ce asked instead of answering.

Niansu remembered what happened today, and with a guilty conscience, she lowered her eyes and replied, "I only heard that Qin Liangdi stayed in Wangyueju day and night, staying at home and studying piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and I don't know anything else."

"In the past, I always felt that she couldn't sit still, and her temperament was not calm enough. Today, I only know that I have underestimated her. Staying in Mochizuki is a good place to live, and there are many disputes in the East Palace." Xiao Ce said this, and then turned back to the main hall.

Seeing that Xiao Ce was not suspicious, Nian Su felt slightly relieved.

But she felt that it was not good, as if she had betrayed His Highness.

Inside Mochizuki House, someone brought the ingredients early in the morning. Baoyu counted all the ingredients and found that there was no difference from the previous ones, which showed that Liangdi's strength had played a role.

After getting the ingredients, Baoyu went to tell Qin Zhao about it.

"Let Treasure Bottle check all the ingredients carefully." Qin Zhao was still worried.

The things that go into the mouth are especially easy to make a fuss about, of course, you have to be careful. Although Xiao Ce has neglected her recently, he still has to prevent Concubine Wu and Wu Xiyu from poisoning her.

"Don't worry, Liang Di, Treasure Vase is checking the ingredients, you can look carefully, and there will be no opportunities for people to take advantage of it." Baoyu replied.

After Qin Zhao sent Baoyu away, he concentrated on his studies. Seeing June approaching, she didn't even know if she still had a tomorrow, which was really disappointing.

Just as she was thinking wildly, Baozhu entered and said, "Wang Liangyuan is here."

Qin Zhao frowned: "What is she here for?"

When Wang Liangyuan came, she had to go to the living room to meet the guests.

She has been neglected by Xiao Ce and has no value in use. Is it necessary for Wang Liangyuan to seek her emotional investment again?

With doubts, she went to the living room, and soon Wang Liangyuan came in.

Wang Liangyuan is a beautiful woman with a good wife and a good mother. She has a gentle temperament, a scholarly atmosphere, and her standard graceful smile. It is difficult for ordinary people to hate people like Wang Liangyuan.

Because Qin Zhao knew that Wang Liangyuan had another purpose in approaching him, he kept trying to figure it out, but he didn't really want to make any friends with Wang Liangyuan.

"It's getting hot outside, but Mochizuki House is cool. My sister has seen her sister, but she hasn't seen her for a few days, and her complexion looks even better." Wang Liangyuan quickly approached Qin Zhao and spoke quickly.

Qin Zhao invited her to be seated, and saw Wang Liangyuan staring at her face all the time: "What's wrong with my face?"

After Wang Liangyuan looked at Qin Zhao carefully, she sighed, "Sister will definitely be a beauty in the future."

It was only because she suddenly discovered that Qin Zhao's face had become rounded, his skin was very shiny, and Qin Zhao's facial features had gradually become three-dimensional.

Let Qin Zhao continue to take care of his body, and over time, Qin Zhao will be able to reshape his body.

She even thought that Qin Zhao was about to develop, or why did Qin Zhao's facial features suddenly grow?

Qin Zhao has been lazy recently, and has never looked in the mirror in the morning.

She touched her face and felt that she had grown a bit fleshy. As for Wang Liangyuan's words, she only regarded it as a dishonest Gong Wei, and did not take it seriously.

"No matter how beautiful it is, my sister is used to saying nice things to coax me." Qin Zhao didn't care.

Seeing that Qin Zhao didn't take this matter to heart, Wang Liangyuan thought to herself, if it's just her being polite, she just found out about it, Qin Zhao didn't seem to notice anything.

It's not really Qin Zhao's fault.

Because Bao Ping said that although the medicinal effect of that prescription is peculiar, it will take a month to take effect at the earliest, and it will take a year to recuperate at the latest. She only took the medicine for half a month, and she never thought that maybe it was the effect of the medicine.

"Why doesn't my sister go out for a walk recently? If my sister doesn't come, my sister won't ask her to talk to her? Especially at this time, His Royal Highness is working hard for the flood in Jiangnan, and he has no time to walk around the backyard." Wang Liangyuan Looking at Qin Zhao with a sincere face: "My sister is really good with her."

Qin Zhao couldn't help but smile: "I spend all day in the study, and I don't have enough time to study, so I rarely go out for walks, don't blame my sister."

Wang Liangyuan stepped forward and held Qin Zhao's hand: "It's fine for sister to listen to the rumors outside, there is no need to take it seriously. Your Highness is someone who does big things, how can you always take care of our sisters. If you want my sister to tell me, I'm a sister today. That trick is called Gao Ming, let those cheap slaves who hold high and step down know how powerful my sister is."

"I made my sister laugh. I think that there are no rules and circles, and some people don't understand. Naturally, let them understand this truth." Qin Zhao took a sip of tea before continuing: "Such a trivial matter is really worthless."

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