Zhao Yu looked at Qin Zhaoan's sleeping face like that, and was a little crazy.

I heard that His Royal Highness doted on her very much. If you see her so thin, I'm afraid I will feel distressed again?

Wu Xiyu followed His Royal Highness as he wished. I wonder if His Royal Highness doted on Wu Xiyu like Qin Zhao, and if Wu Xiyu lived happily in the East Palace?

These two were once the most important women in his life, but they both became the covetous guests of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

The moment he walked out of the room, Zhao Yuchang let out a sigh of relief. He didn't even know why he was sighing, and he didn't even know why he was in a panic.

The past is over, Qin Zhao has nothing to do with him, whether it is good or bad.

Qin Zhaomei fell asleep in this room, and was woken up by Xiaoyu to drink medicine. After drinking the medicine, she felt bitter in her mouth and had no appetite at all, but she knew that she was poor and could not be self-willed, so she forced herself to drink two bowls of soup and two bowls of rice.

After finishing the meal, Qin Zhao said, "Xiaoyu, you can help me get another medicine, and I will write the prescription for you."

Since she left the palace, she has not taken the medicine that Treasure Bottle prescribed to her to regulate her body, and this medicine cannot be easily broken, otherwise, all previous efforts will be forfeited.

"Yes, girl." Xiaoyu took the prescription and went to the pharmacy to get the medicine.

After Xiaoyu came back, Qin Zhao also specifically asked, "Did you encounter any suspicious people when you went out? Did you encounter anything special when you were getting the medicine?"

She was afraid that Seth found out her whereabouts and came to Changzhou, so she had to ask clearly about it.

"The process of the slaves getting the medicine went very smoothly, and I didn't encounter any special people or events." Xiaoyu replied that it was the truth.

Qin Zhao breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, please help me to boil the medicine, it's hard for you."

"Girls should not be polite to slaves and maids. The kindness of girls is a blessing to the people of Changzhou." Xiaoyu also witnessed Qin Zhao's scene on the Nanba, and felt that Qin Zhao was very powerful.

Qin Zhao smiled and said nothing.

Zhao Yu came back very late that night. Before he took a break, he specifically asked Xiaoyu what Qin Zhao was doing when he was away.

"The girl just read, wrote, and practiced the piano, and then she took a rest early when she was tired." Xiaoyu answered truthfully.

"Are you sure?" Zhao Yu was a little surprised.

As far as he knew, Qin Zhao couldn't understand chess, calligraphy and painting, and she was illiterate.

"The slave servant is waiting for the pen and ink, of course." Xiaoyu looked at Zhao Yu puzzled: "Is there a problem?"

Only then did Zhao Yu realize his gaffe: "It's nothing, just step back."

"Yes, my lord." Xiaoyu stepped back.

Early the next morning, Qin Zhao was about to have breakfast when Zhao Yu suddenly appeared and came uninvited, and sat down opposite her, as if he knew her very well.

Well, they used to be husband and wife, but she didn't know Zhao Yu at all.

The two ate breakfast silently, and neither of them said a word.

Later, Qin Zhao went to the study, but who knew that Zhao Yu also followed, and there was no posture to go.

She raised her head to look at Zhao Yu who was standing beside her, and reminded kindly, "Men and women are not related, Mr. Zhao, what else do you have?"

Zhao Yu picked up the copybook she wrote yesterday, read it again and again, and then asked, "You wrote this?"

"Yeah, is there a problem?" Qin Zhao just wanted to reply to Zhao Yu.

Does this contemptuous tone despise her?

"I remember that you were illiterate before." Zhao Yu looked at the free and elegant handwriting on it, and had to admit that it was actually well written.

"You also said that it was in the past. It's not worth mentioning the past." Qin Zhao didn't want to mention Xiao Ce.

Because she still didn't want to go back to the palace, and she didn't want Zhao Yu to remember Xiao Ce, and then spread the news to Xiao Ce.

Zhao Yu looked at Qin Zhao and met her tightly pursed lips.

The person in front of her has not only changed her appearance, but her temperament has also changed a lot. Everything about her has changed unknowingly.

"Master Zhao is a very busy person, please." Qin Zhao rudely issued another order to evict the guest.

"You are weak and need to take good care of your body. If there is anything, just mention it to Xiaoyu." Zhao Yu shook off his thoughts, explained a few words to Qin Zhao, and left the study.

Qin Zhao didn't care much about Zhao Yu's whereabouts. She continued to practice calligraphy and playing the piano. After taking the medicine and taking a nap again, she was refreshed and planned to go out for a walk.

Xiaoyu couldn't resist her, so she had to follow her closely.

Qin Zhao just wanted to come out and get some air. She knew that Nanba had already lived at the dike breach and would be fine. Now the focus is on disaster relief and grain distribution and post-disaster reconstruction.

Unexpectedly, she just went out not long ago, and a little beggar who was begging with her yesterday came to her: "There is a child at the broken temple who is sick, and it is dying. Sister, do well and save the child."

Qin Zhao said in her heart that she was not a doctor, but she couldn't bear to look at Xiao Qi'er's disappointed eyes, so she followed Xiao Qi'er to the broken temple.

I saw a little girl about three years old coughing.

She rushed forward and patted the little girl's back. When she saw that the little girl's face was blue and her lips were purple, she asked the other people who were stupid: "What happened to this child?"

"I rescued her in the river the day before yesterday. She was fine before. She has been coughing continuously since last night, and the cough has only gotten worse. I don't know what happened to her." A tall man about fifteen years old replied. juvenile.

Qin Zhao saw that the little girl's face was blue, which was not a good sign. She hurriedly instructed Xiaoyu: "Go to the doctor to check the pulse of the child."

She took the child out of the ruined temple and went to the house where she temporarily lived.

She didn't want to walk halfway, the child's breathing increased, and she rolled her eyes, she secretly thought that it was not good.

She suddenly remembered a possibility, could the child be secondary drowning?

Although the teenager rescued the child to shore in time, the child was too young and choked on a lot of water. At that time, the teenager did not know the situation and was now drowning for the second time.

Because it was too late to get back to the house, she saw an inn next to her, she hurriedly carried her child into the inn, and said to the innkeeper, "Please boil a pot of hot water with ginger and come over as soon as possible, I am very grateful!"

The shop assistant thanked him a lot when he heard it, and Qin Zhao was well-dressed, so he immediately went to do it.

Qin Zhao made a decisive decision, rubbed his palms and massaged the child's back. She had seen the doctor's treatment for the second drowning, but now the situation is urgent, and she can only do her best to wipe it.

After pushing the child's back with her palm, she bent and spread her ten fingers, and used her phalanx to brush and push along the little girl's chest and back.

After a series of actions, the child's face eased slightly, and Qin Zhao knew that the child was indeed drowning a second time.

She then massaged the little girl's back bladder meridian with her thumb, and felt the sound of air and water in the child's chest.

The effect is there, but unfortunately she is weak and not strong enough, and she will be weak after a while.

At this time, Zhao Yu's voice suddenly sounded: "Get out of the way, I'll come!"

As soon as Qin Zhao heard Zhao Yu's voice, he was very surprised and quickly gave up his seat.

After that, she instructed her, and Zhao Yu massaged the child according to her method. After a while, the child's mouth and nose came out of water. Qin Zhao was overjoyed when he saw this: "It works!"


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