After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 183 Three people living together

Qin Zhao stayed away from Prince An before standing still: "I'm a married woman, but I don't dare to have anything to do with the prince. I still have something to do, the prince, please make way."

How could Xiao Yi let him? He shot directly and grabbed Qin Zhao's wrist, causing Qin Zhao's face to change slightly: "What do you want to do?!"

"I have reserved a good wing room. Let's go to the room and have a good chat. It doesn't matter if you are married, it's enough that this king is interested in you..."

As he spoke, he wanted to drag Qin Zhao upstairs.

At this moment, a few young people suddenly rushed over with wooden sticks, aiming at Xiao Yi's face. It was the young people who appeared in the ruined temple that day, and Li Gan was among them.

Of course they were protecting Qin Zhao.

Seeing this, Qin Zhao took the opportunity to break free from Xiao Yi's control, and stood a little further away from Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was surrounded by a few young people in the center, and was a little embarrassed for a while.

Sun Yuhao rushed to the scene at this time and shouted in a deep voice, "Presumptuous!"

Seeing this, Qin Zhao hurriedly asked a few young people to withdraw.

Sun Yuhao is not only unfathomable in martial arts, but also vicious in his attacks. She is afraid that these young people will suffer.

As for Xiao Yi, it is by no means as simple as it seems on the surface. After the death of Xiao Ce in the previous life, her child ascended the throne, and Xiao Yi became the regent, and he seduced her more than once.

And Xiao Yi's real goal is definitely not her, she feels that what Xiao Yi really wants is the throne.

As for why Xiao Yi didn't snatch the throne later, this is also the reason she didn't want to understand until she died.

"Now is the time when the south of the Yangtze River is flooded and the people are displaced. As a royal family member, the prince should spend his time on the right path, serve the country, and seek the well-being of the people." After Qin Zhao finished speaking, he brought a few young men with him. Go upstairs.

Xiao Yi looked at Qin Zhao's back, and his eyes darkened.

After leaving the inn, Sun Yuhao glanced at Xiao Yi from time to time, "Your Majesty, forget it. If your Majesty wishes, what kind of beauties are there? Like Qin Liang... girls, there are quite a few in the palace, why should the lord bother to remember the East Palace? woman?"

Furthermore, the lord has a very high vision. Although there are not a few beauties in the palace, there are only two that the prince really likes.

He thought that it was only because of Qin Zhao's special status that the Prince was so concerned and stared at it for several days.

Of course, the prince just met Qin Zhao by chance, but he knew that Qin Zhao had left the residence, and the prince knew that Qin Zhao would probably come to the inn, so he waited here.

"There is no shortage of beautiful women in the East Palace, and I won't mind if there is one lesser Prince Liangdi. This king just thinks Qin Zhao is interesting." Xiao Yi looked back and looked in the direction Qin Zhao left: "But don't worry, it will take a long time to come to Japan. Since this king is the prince If you want to live in the house where Qin Zhao lives, Zhao Yu must have nothing to say."

"My lord, there is one more thing this subordinate didn't tell His Highness..." Seeing that the situation was not right, Sun Yuhao felt that he should tell Xiao Yi something.

Xiao Yi looked at Sun Yuhao: "Don't hesitate, just say something."

"Actually, before she entered the East Palace, Miss Qin was still Lord Zhao's next wife." Sun Yuhao felt that this was the key information.

This is to let the prince know that Qin Zhao has been with two men, and such a woman is not worthy of the prince.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a while when he heard this, and then he laughed dumbly: "Is the prince's brother's taste so special?"

Sun Yuhao frowned, Wang Ye shouldn't react like this.

"My lord..."

"This king thinks this is more interesting. The prince's elder brother has always followed the rules, and he has never done anything out of the ordinary in his life. This time, despite the criticism, he wants to keep Qin Zhao in the East Palace, which is enough to show that Qin Zhao is special." Xiao Yi finished, After leaving the inn, we went to Qin Zhao's residence.

Qin Zhao and Mengmeng played with each other for a while, and after explaining a few words to Li Gan, they asked Xiaoyu to leave some broken silver for them and go home.

But she didn't expect that as soon as she entered the living room, she saw the old god Xiao Yi sitting on the ground in the living room, and Zhao Yu, who had gone out to do errands, was standing in front of Xiao Yi.

Seeing her coming back, Xiao Yi waved to her: "Qin Zhao, come to this king."

Qin Zhao's whole person is not very good, especially Xiao Yi's familiar tone, which makes her even more uncomfortable.

She is a rebellious person. When she heard Xiao Yi's words, she stood farther away: "If the lord has something to say, say it directly."

Seeing her small movements, Xiao Yi laughed dumbly: "You are the first woman who dares to ignore this king."

"Probably not the last." Qin Zhao retorted coldly.

This Xiao family man is arrogant enough, Xiao Ce is like this, and Xiao Yi is no exception.

She can endure Xiao Ce, but she doesn't necessarily have to endure Xiao Yi's arrogance.

Xiao Yi has a good temper, he got up and said: "Forget it, this king is right in front of you. Just now this king and Zhao Yu have discussed, the next few days, the king will live in this house and live with you. ."

The word "cohabitation" was deliberately ambiguous.

Qin Zhao frowned and looked at Zhao Yu: "Master Zhao, do you think the prince lives here?"

"What's wrong? You can live with Zhao Yu, and of course you can live with this king. Isn't Zhao Yu special in your heart?" Zhao Yu didn't speak yet, but Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Qin Zhao was too lazy to speak.

She turned around and walked out of the living room to the east room where she lived.

Originally, she wanted to let go, but now Xiao Yi also ran over to join in the fun, her intentions were unclear, she thought it would be better to leave early.

But if Seth is picking her up, will she fall into Seth's hands as soon as she leaves?

An Wang looks like a playboy on the surface, but he is actually very ambitious. He approached her not because of female sex, but because of Xiao Ce, right?

An Wang An Wang, just like his title, has both the meaning of peace and joy, and the meaning of keeping oneself safe. This is the emperor's expectation for King An.

Even if King An had a desire for the throne, King An couldn't show half of it, so he became the current dandy king.

She had seen Xiao Yi's real face, and there were countless concubines in Prince An's house, but that was just a guise to deceive the emperor. After all, it was because of Xiao Yi's "inaction" that he could stay in Kyoto.

How could a prince who is hungry for power come to provoke her, the crown prince Liangdi, for no reason?

As for the specific reason, only Xiao Yi herself knows, anyway, she thinks this is a conspiracy.

Just when Qin Zhao was thinking about it, someone pushed in the door.

She fixed her eyes and saw that the person who came was Xiao Yi.

Qin Zhao kept his brows still, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter with your lord?"

"This king decided to live in this house for your own good. Since you are the prince's brother, you should know that people's words are scary. If you let the prince's brother know that you and Zhao Yu live in the same courtyard, this is not a good thing. It will only damage your reputation, and it will make the prince's brother think that you and Zhao Yu's old relationship is revived." Xiao Yi took a comb-back chair and sat down.


Haha, Zhaozhao has become beautiful, and the rotten peach blossoms are here. When Xiao Ce comes, there are a few more rivals in love, and I will be happy when I think about it.

There are still two days, Baozi who has a monthly ticket casts a monthly ticket wow, the competition is too fierce, it is simply a Shura field.

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