After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 188 Changzhou turned upside down, the whole world is looking for her

Qin Zhao touched his face: "As for what?"

Has her face really changed so much?

Although Xiaoyu said that she had become a lot more beautiful, she felt that Xiaoyu was exaggerating, so she did not take Xiaoyu's words to heart.

Now it seems that her face has changed a little bit, otherwise Seth is blind, she is standing in front of him, and he doesn't recognize her.

Because she felt that the Sihai Inn was not safe, she planned to go back.

Later, I thought that Seth should find out where she lived soon, and she went back now. If Seth happened to be waiting outside the door, wouldn't she have thrown herself into the trap?

After thinking about it, she decided to try her luck at the broken temple.

When she went to the ruined temple, everyone immediately surrounded her and surrounded her at the very center.

Li Gan held Mengmeng and stood not far away, while Mengmeng waved her little hand and called her sister.

Qin Zhao was overjoyed when she heard the name, she stepped forward and hugged Mengmeng, kissed the little guy fiercely on the face, and made the little girl squeak and laugh.

After playing with Mengmeng for a while, Qin Zhao made it clear his intention: "Do you know where I can hide people? There are enemies who are looking for my whereabouts. I want to find a safe place to hide for a few days and wait for the enemies to leave Changzhou before coming out."

Li Gan thought about it and said, "There is a place, but it's a cellar, where sweet potatoes are usually stored. I'm afraid the girl won't be used to it."

"Is there anyone who can't live in escape? Just let me hide somewhere. Prepare me some more dry food. I'll hide for a few days." After Qin Zhao finished speaking, he asked Li Gan to lead the way.

When she got into the cellar, she found that the cellar was quite spacious, and it was very cool and not as hot as outside.

Not long after, Li Gan brought in some dry straw, caught it on the ground, and handed the dry food and water to Qin Zhao: "The girl will be here for a few days, and I will stay nearby. If the girl needs it, I can call me."

He didn't dare to look at Qin Zhao, and he didn't dare to look directly into Qin Zhao's eyes, and the tips of his ears were red.

Seeing his shy look, Qin Zhao couldn't help but smile: "Don't feel wronged, it's better to hide here, thank you. You have to be careful outside, if you meet my enemy, don't show yourself. By the way, then His name is Seth, he is from the Da Yuezhi, and he is fierce, if you meet him, you must not confront him..."

She reminded him anxiously, and Li Gan responded one by one. Then he stepped on the wooden ladder and covered the plank of the cellar. It was not sealed tightly, leaving a space for people to breathe.

Qin Zhaoan lay down in peace, thinking that this is a really good place.

It didn't take long for a movement to sound above, and Li Gan's face was quickly revealed: "Girl, I found some words, do you want to read it?"

"If you want, give it to me." Qin Zhao's eyes lit up when he heard the script.

Li Gantai suits her mind too much, this child will definitely be a promising one in the future.

Seeing Qin Zhao happy, Li Gan knew that he had done the right thing.

With the storybook, Qin Zhao lit the oil lamp and read the storybook to pass the time, ignoring that everyone was looking for her, and almost turned over the entire Changzhou.

In fact, Qin Zhao walked out of the Sihai Inn on the front foot, and Xiaoyu came in with a change of clothes on the back foot.

She asked the boss, who said that Qin Zhao had just left the inn.

So, Xiaoyu went to other inns to find Qin Zhao. It wasn't until she searched all the inns in the city that Qin Zhao was nowhere to be seen, and she panicked.

On the other hand, when Xiao Ce arrived at the Four Seas Inn, the boss saw an unfamiliar face and worried that Qin Zhao would be targeted, so he lied that he didn't know any girl Qin, and she didn't take her here.

Xiao Ce knew that the boss was lying when his eyes flickered.

He put the sword in front of the boss: "Tell the truth!"

The boss saw the dazzling blade and glanced at the unbelievably handsome, but powerful man. In the end, he stumbled and told the truth.

"Someone came to her? What does that person look like?" The first person Xiao Ce thought of was Seth.

If it was Seth who was looking for Qin Zhao just now, would Qin Zhao have fallen into Seth's hands?

Thinking of this possibility, his face sank.

The boss described Seth's appearance, and Xiao Ce left the inn without saying a word.

"I suspect that Seth wants to create chaos in Changzhou. Send the order to follow Seth with all your strength. After catching him, take him to prison!" Xiao Ce ordered coldly.

Although Hu Guard was surprised that Xiao Ce suddenly pointed the Maotou at Seth, he still carried out Xiao Ce's order immediately.

Seth is easy to find, but Anu asks where Qin Zhao is when he meets everyone. At this moment, officers and soldiers suddenly arrived, and they tied Seth and his guards without sending a message.

Seth did not expect to encounter such a change, he said coldly: "I am the second prince of Da Yuezhi, how dare you touch this prince?"

"The second prince of the Da Yueshi has already returned to the Da Yueshi. You dare to pretend to be the second prince of the Da Yueshi. The crime is unpardonable, and you will put this magic stick in prison!" The leader of the officers and soldiers shouted coldly.

Seth still wanted to speak, but his mouth was blocked by the rag, and he was speechless for a while.

And just like that, Seth and his entourage were thrown into prison and beaten.

Back to Xiao Ce.

After the guard Hu told him that Seth was captured, he asked, "Are you sure he doesn't know Qin Zhao's whereabouts?"

"Exactly. When Seth was found, his entourage was inquiring about Qin Liangdi's whereabouts." Hu Guard replied affirmatively.

Xiao Ce frowned and stood for a moment before asking, "Has she left Changzhou already?"

Since she saw Seth, she must know that Seth is looking for her. She has always been a risk-averse person, and it may not be possible to escape Changzhou for the first time.

It's just that at that time, Seth was staring at him. She was unlikely to run around at this time. Is there a possibility that she was hiding?

Considering Qin Zhao's greed for life and fear of death, Xiao Ce felt that the latter was more likely.

"Where is your Highness going?" Hu Shiwei was a little surprised when he saw that Xiao Ce was no longer looking for someone.

Xiao Ce didn't speak, and went back to the house.

Zhao Yu was called to Xiao Ce for questioning.

"Where does Qin Zhao usually work? Or who is she close to?" Xiao Ce went straight to the topic.

"This..." Zhao Yu was speechless for a while.

He usually runs outside, busy fighting floods and disaster relief. Qin Zhao rarely goes out, but he is very concerned about the children in the ruined temple.

Thinking of this, he replied truthfully: "There is a ruined temple in the east of the city. Last time, Qin Zhao... Liang Di also rescued a child there. She seldom goes out on weekdays. If there is anyone she knows, it should be there. children."

Zhao Yu was quick to speak and called Qin Zhao by his first name.

Recently, he and Qin Zhao would always quarrel after a word of disagreement, and he always called Qin Zhao by his first name.

Just now, he called Qin Zhao's name in front of His Royal Highness.


Qin Zhao: I can't even recognize this girl in front of you, everyone is blind.

Xiao Ce: ...

Seth:  …


On the last day, ask for a monthly pass. The rankings are so close and exciting. There are only a few monthly passes before and after. The treasure watch with monthly passes is a waste. Vote for Daqian.

Whether Daqian can stabilize and don't fall out of the top ten depends on Mumeng, shouting and begging for a monthly pass.

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