After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 193 Cuckold: Want to be Emperor? See if he has this life!

"Yes, His Royal Highness, the concubine knows, can you stop talking like a bad old man?!" Qin Zhao returned to Xiao Ce with a smirk.

If you insist on letting her go back to the palace, then she will be angry with him when she finds a chance to see if he will regret insisting on keeping her.

"That's how you were when you were carrying a lonely back?" Xiao Ce looked Qin Zhao up and down.

So is this girl pretending to be cute in front of him?

"Wrong. The concubine is always like this. It's just that His Highness is blind and can't see it."

The two bickered all the way, and soon went to the dining room.

Xiao Yi and Zhao Yu were already waiting in the dining room, and when they saw Xiao Ce coming, they saluted Xiao Ce immediately.

Qin Zhao didn't squint, and sat down next to Xiao Ce with a dignified and elegant posture, which made Zhao Yu and Xiao Yi take a second look.

In the past, Qin Zhao didn't have a formal appearance, he was no different from a rough country girl.

As soon as Xiao Ce came, this woman has completely turned into a lady, which is really fake.

Just as they were looking at Qin Zhao, Xiao Ce suddenly asked, "What's wrong with Zhao Zhao?"

Let the two of them keep staring at her, have they never seen a woman in their last life?

It was only then that Xiao Yi and Zhao Yu remembered that this time is different from the past. Qin Zhao has Xiao Ce by his side, and Qin Zhao is Xiao Ce's good Di. They stared at Qin Zhao like this, which is really rude.

Qin Zhao felt that the atmosphere at the dinner table was a little weird, but it didn't affect her good appetite.

Today, she lost a lot of blood, and she had to eat more to make up for the lost vitality.

Seeing that she has a good appetite, Xiao Ce helps her prepare dishes from time to time: "Is it enough?"

Changzhou is in the period of disaster recovery, and the refugees are also being resettled. Although the Prince personally drove, it was also under Xiao Ce's order, not to be extravagant and wasteful, so there were only three or four dishes on the table.

"Enough is enough, there are many ordinary people who can't even eat. It's amazing that we have such a good meal." Qin Zhao said hurriedly.

Xiao Ce's brows softened a little after hearing her words.

Although this girl is a bit petty, she has never been able to get it right when it comes to major events. She is a righteous girl. How bad can a woman like her be?

Zhao Yu and Xiao Yi were also moved by Qin Zhao's words.

Qin Zhao is not the kind of pampered woman who can endure hardship and understand the suffering of the people. Xiao Ce's vision is not bad.

How could Qin Zhao know that she was telling the truth and let the three men present admire her so much. She just felt that it was the happiest thing to be able to live in a peaceful age.

Although there are flood disasters right now, but it can be overcome, we are afraid of war, and it is the people who suffer.

Thinking of this, she looked at Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ce will be such a good emperor in the future, and she will save her life. She has to give Xiao Ce a warning no matter what, so that he can avoid the death catastrophe in the future.

After dinner, Qin Zhao walked out of the dining hall to eat.

She was thinking about how to mention Seth to Xiao Ce. Later, she thought that this time Seth kidnapped her from the palace, and had an internal response in the palace. This was the best reason.

Isn't this what Seth delivered to the door?

Seth actually went to the East Palace and kidnapped her. No man could stand it, right? What's more, he is still the crown prince of the dynasty, which is equivalent to being slapped in the face by the princes of other countries.

No matter how bloody Xiao Ce was, he couldn't tolerate such a thing happening.

Xiao Ce followed behind Qin Zhao and was thinking about how to talk to Qin Zhao, but Qin Zhao suddenly rushed to him and said, "His Royal Highness find a way to deal with Seth. Concubine thinks that he is very ambitious, and concubine is suspicious. He has an internal response in the palace. He must not be reconciled to being only a prince. If he kicks the Da Yuezhi prince and becomes the Da Yuezhi monarch in the future, he may launch a war between the two countries in the future. We must prevent this from happening, and even more so. Prevent our country from colluding with Seth!"

Xiao Ce did not expect Qin Zhao to think so deeply.

This time, someone made peace with Cesri and took Qin Zhao away under his nose. This matter really touched his bottom line.

Qin Zhao carefully observed her words and expressions. Seeing that Xiao Ce was moved, she lobbied again: "This is about the national fortune of Daqi. In any case, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince must take precautions against Seth, and never let him have the opportunity to harm me Daqi!"

Xiao Ce was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked, "Will he embarrass you after he kidnapped you?"

"He really wants to embarrass the concubine, but it's just those old tricks, always threatening the concubine, and the concubine is not afraid of him. The dignified second prince of the Moon Kingdom actually threatened weak women. Very narrow." Qin Zhao mentioned Seth with disdain.

Seeing that she was so calm, Xiao Ce was sure that she really did not suffer from Seth's hands.

And Seth just took her out of the capital, and she chose the opportunity to run away. How could she be at a loss?

At this time, he was glad that she had an optimist temperament and was not afraid of anything. If she is weak, how can she escape from Seth?

Seeing that Xiao Ce didn't give him the right words, Qin Zhao was in a hurry, "Did His Royal Highness listen to the concubine? To tell the truth, Seth revealed his ambition more than once, and the most shameful thing was that he also said When he becomes emperor, let his concubine be his concubine..."

Her nonsense was incomplete, but the air suddenly became suffocated.

I saw Xiao Ce smiled grimly: "He wants to be an emperor? It also depends on whether he has this fate!"

Qin Zhao swallowed and found that the man really couldn't be excited. Speaking of the matter of wearing Luzi, even the prince of Daqi, who is beautiful and beautiful, cannot be exempted from the vulgarity.

Doesn't this work?

"What else did he say?" Xiao Ce found that his expression management was a little out of control and returned to normal in time.

"Anyway, that's all that comes and goes. He said that the concubine fits his eyes, and he wants to catch the concubine and return to Da Yueshi to be his concubine." Qin Zhao continued to make things up.

In fact, Seth just threatened her with her life.

Since Seth wasn't around and kidnapped her anyway, she didn't feel guilty at all when she poured dirty water on Seth.

Xiao Ce patted Qin Zhao's head: "Don't be afraid, don't take his words seriously, and he won't come to trouble you again in the future."

Perhaps Seth should not be allowed to return to Da Yuezhi alive.

Qin Zhao didn't know that at the moment, because of her words, Xiao Ce had murderous intentions on Seth.

She just wants to get rid of Seth's troubles and solve the death catastrophe after Xiao Ce ascended the throne. As long as Seth can't be the king of the Da Yuezhi, Xiao Ce doesn't have to send troops to go out in person, she thought it was as simple as that.

It was night, and Qin Zhao's stomach was still uncomfortable, but it didn't prevent her from sleeping on the bed.

When Xiao Ce saw that Qin Zhao was asleep, he went to the prison where Seth was being held.

Seth did not expect that Xiao Ce would come to see him, and as the second prince of the Da Yuezhi, he had been doted on by thousands of people since childhood. When did he become a prisoner?

In the end, he is also a kind of person, and despite such an embarrassing situation, he still sits in a corner of the prison.

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