After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 206 Meet Concubine Wu, Kneel Down to Ben Gong!

Madam Zhong felt that Wu Xiyu's words also made sense.

"It's just that this matter concerns the entire Wu family. If this matter can't be done well, it will also affect the entire Wu family, as well as the noble concubine, and Liangyuan will inevitably be implicated." Madam Zhong revealed the seriousness of the matter.

Of course Wu Xiyu knew that her parents' family was her backer, but she thought that the Wu family was the second, and the most important thing was that the concubine and aunt couldn't fall.

"I thought the noble concubine and aunt should stay out of the matter, so as not to anger the emperor and cause more serious consequences." Wu Xiyu's eyes flashed slightly.

People are not for themselves, and the heavens and the earth will be destroyed. The imperial concubine and aunt should know that preserving the strength is the most important.

Madam Zhong was a little surprised that Wu Xiyu would say such a thing. She is most afraid of Wu Xiyu's impulsiveness, but now it seems that she is thinking too much.

Wu Liangyuan was very calm when she was in trouble, and she was almost cold-blooded.

This was clearly a good thing, but she felt a chill down her spine.

After thinking about it over there, Concubine Wu Gui still felt that she should meet Xiao Ce. In the current situation, it is impossible to get any benefit from Xiao Ce's hardship with her, not to mention that Xiao Ce is the crown prince with a distinguished status, and Sister Xi is also a good Yuan of the East Palace.

When she decided to send Sister Xi into the East Palace, she should have understood that she and Xiao Ce were on the same boat, and there was no reason to tear her face.

With a decision, she ordered her servant to invite Xiao Ce to visit Jinyang Palace.

At that time, Xiao Ce was in the council room, and when he heard that Concubine Wu invited him to Jinyang Palace for lunch, he refused: "I have nothing to do, I can't go away."

There was nothing to talk about between him and Concubine Wu. Concubine Wu invited him over to have lunch, which was originally incompatible with etiquette. Wu Guifei is a noble concubine, and he is the crown prince of the dynasty, how can he be seated alone?

Concubine Wu actually invited him to Jinyang Palace for lunch. If the royal father knew about it, he would not know what he would think.

The servant returned without success, and went to Concubine Wu to return.

"Shame on your face!" Wu Guifei smiled coldly.

Originally, she thought about whether it would be inappropriate to call Xiao Ce over alone, but she called Xiao Ce over as an elder, but Xiao Ce actually refused, just slapping her in the face.

It is impossible for her to go to the East Palace to meet Xiao Ce.

Now it is she who is begging Xiao Ce, and it seems that she is the only one who is condescending.

She was never reconciled without seeing Xiao Ce.

With a decision, she plans to go to the East Palace to meet Xiao Ce for a while.

After Xiao Ce finished discussing the matter, he heard that Concubine Wu was coming.

"Do you want a servant to reject the noble concubine?"

As soon as Zhang Jixiang finished speaking, he heard Concubine Wu's icy voice: "Slave dog, the prince didn't speak, how dare you make a decision for the prince?!"

Zhang Jixiang couldn't get used to Concubine Wu's domineering appearance, but because of Concubine Wu's identity, he had to retreat to Xiao Ce's side and stand still: "The slaves dare not."

"Let's all retire, Ben Gong and the prince have something to say." Concubine Wu ordered arrogantly.

Zhang Jixiang looked at Xiao Ce, Xiao Ce's expression did not change, and he opened his lips indifferently: "There is nothing that can't be told to others, and there is nothing that Zhang Jixiang can't listen to. The concubine can speak directly."

Concubine Wu Gui glanced at Zhang Jixiang, and then at the palace maid and the servants who were waiting not far away. At this time, Niansu also brought tea in.

With so many slaves present, how could she tell Xiao Ce about the second brother's embezzlement of disaster relief funds?

There were so many people, she couldn't say anything, and in the end she could only say in a deep voice, "Bengong believes that nothing should be done to the extreme. The prince is young and energetic, but there is still room for some things."

"You don't need anyone to do things alone. Since the imperial concubine is the concubine of the harem, she should know the reason why the imperial concubine is not allowed to do politics.

Xiao Ceyi said sternly and looked at Zhang Jixiang: "Zhang Jixiang, see off!"

Zhang Jixiang responded and went to Concubine Wu: "Concubine, please!"

Wu Guifei has been in the harem for many years. Speaking of which, no one in the harem has dared to be so rude to her, but Xiao Ce did not leave her any face, and dared to reprimand her in front of so many people?

She couldn't do anything, and in anger, she walked away.

Niansu looked at Concubine Wu's retreating back, and said to Xiao Ce, "Your Highness needs to be more careful in the future, the concubine is not easy to give to each other, and the slave maid is afraid that the concubine will be unhappy, so she treats Shu. The concubine is disrespectful."

Xiao Ce heard the words and looked sideways: "Is there such a thing?"

Nian Su thought that Xiao Ce knew about these things, and when she saw Xiao Ce's reaction, she knew that she had slipped.

In the past, Concubine Shu suffered grievances in front of the concubine, all of which were hidden from His Royal Highness. Which time was this not the case?

This time, Concubine Wu Gui was wronged in front of His Royal Highness, and she is likely to be angry with Concubine Shu.

"Speak!" Xiao Ce frowned coldly.

Niansu didn't dare to hide any more, so he told everything about the past.

As for how many grievances Concubine Shu had suffered, she avoided the important and did not dare to say more. But how can someone as shrewd as His Royal Highness be able to hide it?

It was rare for Qin Zhao to come out of Wangyueju over there, and she wanted to walk around the East Palace, but when she saw the strange expressions of all the palace maids and servants when they saw her, she remembered the change in her appearance.

Because Mochizukiju only lifted the "foot ban", she felt that it was not good for her to be too public.

Just when she was about to return to Mochizuki Residence, Concubine Wu suddenly came from the council hall.

This time, she deliberately pretended not to see Concubine Wu, and was about to go to Mochizuki Residence.

Wu Guifei was angry at Xiao Ce's side, and was burning with anger for a while, when she saw a woman who clearly saw her, but deliberately pretended not to see her, is this kind of arrogant behavior, is she a noble concubine for nothing? ?

"You're so bold, how dare you not salute when you see Ben Gong?!" Concubine Wu Gui shouted, "Kneel down to Ben Gong!"

Qin Zhao still pretended not to hear her, she didn't slow down, as if she didn't hear Concubine Wu's reprimand.

Today, it is Baozhu who is serving Qin Zhao. She has always been clever. Seeing Qin Zhao didn't stop, she didn't turn around and followed Qin Zhao closely.

When Wu Guifei saw this scene, she was furious.

In this harem, no one has ever dared to ignore her like this, not only ignoring her, but also ignoring her orders, this woman ate the guts of a leopard.

"Ling Xue, go and teach this bitch the rules!" Concubine Wu looked at Ling Xue.

Ling Xue received the order, and she quickly rushed to Qin Zhao, swiping her face with a palm.

Qin Zhao looked at her coldly, with a strong aura, so that her raised hand couldn't let go after seeing this face.

With this hesitation, Qin Zhao had already crossed Lingxue and headed for Wangyueju.

At this time, Concubine Wu also saw clearly that Qin Zhao was going to Wangyueju, and her expression changed slightly: "Qin Zhao?!"

This woman who dares to ignore her is Qin Zhao?

She just glanced at it quickly, she didn't see the woman's face clearly, but it didn't look like Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao still didn't look back, and said to Baozhu, "I'm weak, I can't use my ears, and I can't use my eyes. Do you know who the palace servant was?"


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