After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 208 The prince is so cruel, so poisonous!

At this time, Concubine Wu was already impatient, and she ordered Ling Xue: "Go and teach Concubine Shu the rules!"

Ling Xue was a close friend of Concubine Wu, but only Concubine Wu's orders were followed. She did not hesitate to go to Concubine Wu and slap Concubine Shu's face with one palm.

At this moment, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded: "What mistake did the lonely mother-in-law make, how dare you, a cheap servant, dare to touch Concubine Shu's face?!"

The owner of this voice is Xiao Ce.

Wu Guifei never thought that Xiao Ce would suddenly come in, and even under such circumstances, Ling Xue was even more confused.

It took a while for Concubine Wu to say, "This palace is teaching Concubine Shu the rules."

At this time, Xiao Ce didn't get angry when he heard the words, but laughed instead: "Since the imperial concubine tells the rules to the solitary, then the solitary will teach the noble concubine what the rules are. Niansu, you go and teach this palace maid the rules."

Nian Su came out in response, went to Ling Xue and slapped her hard.

Xiao Ce didn't stop, and Niansu didn't stop.

After swiping more than thirty palms, Niansu hit the palms numb, Ling Xue's face was red and swollen, Xiao Cecai mercifully called to stop: "It's alright."

Concubine Wu Gui stomped aside with a wooden face.

Think about how many years she has been in the harem, who doesn't act according to her face? Even if the emperor favored her in the palm of his hand, whenever she suffered a little grievance, the emperor would be furious.

But the crown prince in front of him, he is the heir, the future emperor of Daqi. Apart from the emperor, the crown prince is the most honorable person in the whole Daqi.

No matter how favored and domineered she was, she was still a bit shorter in front of the prince.

Even if the prince hit her in the face, she had to bear it obediently, for a moment.

"Could the rules taught by Gu Fang still catch the eyes of the imperial concubine?" Xiao Ce looked at the dark-faced concubine Wu in a chatty tone.

Concubine Wu was sitting on the chaise longue, she couldn't lose this momentum.

The crown prince ran to her Jinyang Palace to slap her in the face, is she going to suffer such useless anger in vain?

"Concubine Shu doesn't know the rules. As a noble concubine, can't I teach her the rules? The prince went to Jinyang Palace at this time, which made me see that Concubine Shu's family education was not good!" Concubine Wu said. It means that Concubine Shu did not teach the son of the prince well.

Concubine Shu's face turned pale, she wanted to refute, but when she met the gorgeous face of the imperial concubine, she was stuck in her throat and couldn't say a word.

"Listen to the concubine, the solitary family education is not good, the implication is that the father emperor did not teach the solitary well?" Xiao Ce walked slowly to Wu Guifei: "Why don't the noble concubine go to the imperial front with the solitary, and say well. These servants of Jinyang Palace are all witnesses."

Concubine Wu's expression changed slightly, and she blurted out, "Do you think this palace dares not?!"

"You Concubine Wu is covering the sky with one hand in the harem, how can there be something you dare not do? Let's go, go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation with Gu." Xiao Ce was waiting for Concubine Wu's words.

Wu Guifei knew that she was impulsive, but she had already said that, even if she wanted to go back on it, she couldn't.

In this way, a group of people went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When the emperor saw so many people entering the temple, he didn't know what happened.

It was Xiao Ce who told everything that happened in Jinyang Palace before. After the emperor heard it, he looked at Concubine Wu and asked, "What did Concubine Shu do wrong?"

"The concubine went to invite Concubine Shu. Concubine Shu pushed three obstacles and refused to come to Jinyang Palace. She clearly did not take the concubine as a concubine. Could it be that the concubine, the concubine, can't teach Concubine Shu the rules?" Concubine Wu opened her mouth and came. , poured dirty water on Concubine Shu.

Concubine Shu hurriedly said: "The concubine has been wronged. Ling Xue said that the concubine had something to discuss with the concubine, and the concubine went to Jinyang Palace as soon as possible. I didn't want the concubine to suddenly reprimand the concubine for not understanding the rules, and let this woman come. Slap the concubine."

Seeing that she was pushed out, the grandmother on duty at Jinyang Palace lowered her head in fright.

The emperor pointed to the grandmother of Jinyang Palace: "You, come out and speak."

Mammy trembled slightly and knelt down in front of the imperial court. She did not dare to lie in front of the imperial court, so she told the general situation truthfully.

After the emperor heard this, Long Yan was furious, "Prince Concubine, I have spoiled you for so many years, and I have spoiled you so lawlessly! No matter how concubine Shu is also the mother concubine of the prince, the prince represents the face of Da Qi, you order one The dog slave went to slap Concubine Shu. Is this hitting Concubine Shu's face, the prince's face, or Daqi's face? Or do you want to slap me in the face? You say that the prince is uneducated, are you accusing me? Didn't you teach the prince well?!"

Wu Guifei has been in the palace for so many years, she has never seen the emperor so angry, she fell to her knees in fright: "I dare not."

"Don't you dare?! It's just that I have made you do not know the importance. From today, you have been thinking about it in front of the Jinyang Palace. Without my order, you must not take half a step out of the Jinyang Palace!" The emperor was extremely angry. , gave an oral oracle of restraint.

Wu Guifei didn't expect the emperor to ban her feet, she was startled: "The emperor..."

"This is the imperial decree! Come, send Concubine Wu back to Jinyang Palace!" The emperor no longer gave Concubine Wu a chance to speak, and ordered coldly.

Concubine Wu Gui was sitting on the ground, and was dragged out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation by the two maids without dignity.

She didn't expect this to happen.

If she is grounded, who else can walk around for the Wu family?

At this time, Xiao Ce turned around and looked at Concubine Wu.

Wu Guifei looked at Xiao Ce's cold brows, and suddenly understood one thing, the prince was waiting for her to make a mistake, and only in this way could he anger the emperor.

The prince did it easily, and everything was under the prince's control. The prince not only wanted to deal with her, but also wanted to uproot the Wu family.

The prince is so cruel and poisonous!

Wu Guifei regretted Mo Die, but unfortunately it was too late. If she is not impulsive, the prince will not find the opportunity to deal with her. It is because she has grown arrogant over the years, forgetting the identity of the prince, and forgetting that Concubine Shu is no longer the Amon of the past.

And the prince has been able to be worthy of a big responsibility, and is highly valued by the emperor. She faced the prince directly, how could she be the prince's opponent?

In the emperor's heart, no woman is as important as Daqi's national fortune, and certainly not as important as the crown prince.

In this way, the news that Concubine Wu was dragged out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation spread in the palace, and the news that Concubine Wu was confined in Jinyang Palace made everyone shocked.

Of course, there is no airtight wall in this world. If you have the heart to inquire, you will know what happened to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. So everyone knew that it was Concubine Wu who angered His Royal Highness, and His Royal Highness went to the imperial court in anger to complain, which resulted in Concubine Wu being grounded.

In fact, this principle can be understood by everyone.

No matter how favored Concubine Wu was, she was nothing but a favored concubine of the emperor. But His Royal Highness is different. He is the Prince of Daqi, and he is valued by the emperor.

Wu Guifei was used to being arrogant and domineering, thinking that everyone was afraid of her, but now she is finally planted in the hands of His Royal Highness, isn't it her own fault?

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