After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 211 Wu Liangyuan ascends the throne

Zhang Jixiang winked at Niansu, Niansu understood, and asked, "Your Highness has been busy all day, do you want to go out for a walk?"

Qin Liangdi used to like to pester His Highness the Crown Prince, but recently, she seldom went out to Mochizuki Residence, let alone the main hall.

It is said that Qin Liangdi has become beautiful, and she has not yet seen Qin Liangdi's true face.

To be honest, she was also a little curious about what Qin Liangdi had become. If Qin Liangdi becomes more beautiful, will His Royal Highness dote on Qin Liangdi more than before?

But looking at some of the details of the past few days, His Royal Highness has never mentioned Qin Liangdi, let alone the idea of ​​going to Wangyueju. For a while, she could not understand His Royal Highness's thoughts.

Xiao Ce didn't answer, but also got up. This is to listen to Niansu's words and plan to walk out of the main hall.

After Xiao Ce left the main hall, he walked for a short while, and when he saw Wangqiu Pavilion in front of him, he paced to Wangqiu Pavilion.

Niansu and Zhang Jixiang looked at each other, and both had the same question in their hearts. His Highness the Crown Prince clearly did not deal with Wu Guifei, and he was investigating Wutong's greed for disaster relief. That being the case, why did he go to Wangqiu Pavilion? Wei Ke is also the Wu family.

It's just that the place where His Royal Highness the Prince is going is not controlled by their slaves, so they have to follow up on Wangqiu Pavilion.

Wu Xiyu never expected that Xiao Ce would suddenly kill her. She was surprised and delighted, and greeted her with a salute: "I have seen Your Highness before."

"Sit." Xiao Ce took the lead.

Wu Xiyu sat down as she said, and she glanced at Xiao Ce quietly, her face flushed, "His Royal Highness, please have some tea."

Xiao Ce lowered his head and took a sip before asking, "After you entered the East Palace, are you still used to living there?"

It was the first time Wu Xiyu heard Xiao Ce caring about herself, she replied softly: "My concubine is used to living there, and His Highness Lao is concerned."

"If there is something you are not used to, you can tell Jixiang or Niansu, you can also go to the main hall to find a solitary at any time." Xiao Ce said lightly.

Wu Xiyu was flattered when she heard the words: "Is it okay to be a concubine?"

In the past, it was difficult for her to even enter the main hall.

Xiao Ce's expression was indifferent, and his thin lips lifted slightly: "Of course it is possible. The main hall is not like a conference hall, you can go there when you have time."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your grace." Wu Xiyu smiled brightly.

She was beautiful, and she was even more beautiful when she smiled.

Xiao Ce looked at Wu Xiyu's smile for a while, and was a little stunned, as if he was confused by Wu Xiyu's smile.

Seeing this detail, Wu Xiyu secretly rejoiced, but Niansu and Zhang Jixiang were secretly shocked.

Why is it that Wu Liangyuan entered the sight of His Royal Highness the Prince? With so many beauties in the East Palace, any one is better than Wu Liangyuan.

And just a few days ago, because of Concubine Wu, Concubine Shu was almost humiliated, and Concubine Wu would be grounded because of the prince's complaint to the imperial court.

For a while, they couldn't see whether His Highness the Crown Prince really had a crush on Wu Xiyu, or if there was another secret.

Xiao Ce sat in Wangqiu Pavilion for a full hour before leaving.

When he left, Wu Xiyu also specially sent Xiao Ce to leave. It was not until Xiao Ce walked a long way that she turned back happily.

Madam Zhong was relieved to see this scene, she smiled and said: "It seems that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince still likes Liangyuan very much. In the future, Liangyuan can freely enter and leave the main hall, and Liangyuan should seize the opportunity and strive for an early bedtime ."

"Mommy, I know." Wu Xiyu had a shy smile on her face.

It must not be her illusion. Just now, Xiao Ce was very gentle when talking to her, and she was even more considerate to her. She felt that it was like what was described in the book.

Only then did she feel like she was the heroine.

After Xiao Ce returned to the main hall, Zhang Jixiang considered it again and again, and then said to Xiao Ce: "Your Highness, then Wu Liangyuan is the niece of the noble concubine..."

Under Xiao Ce's gaze, his voice faded away.

In the end, he said nothing until serving His Royal Highness the Prince to bed.

When he went to Niansu, he asked frowningly, "What do you think about tonight's incident?"

"Which beauty is your Highness wanting to spoil? We as slaves have no right to intervene. Let's take a look first. If Concubine Shu knew about this, I'm afraid I would be sad. Besides, Wu Liangyuan is indeed beautiful, and His Royal Highness will know. It's normal to like..."

"Which of the masters of the different gardens in the East Palace is not beautiful, just say that your appearance is top-notch, why should your Highness be far away?!" Zhang Jixiang interrupted Niansu's words.

Nian Su became nervous when he heard this: "Keep your voice down, it would be great if His Highness heard this. I am a slave, how can a slave be compared with the master?"

"So I let you fight—"

Niansu's face sank: "I'm not happy if you say this again. Don't mention this again, or I'll turn my face."

She turned around and walked away.

Zhang Jixiang looked at Niansu's back, not knowing whether to say Niansu was dead or stupid.

There are so many opportunities to get close to His Highness, but they don't know how to grasp them.

The next morning, the entire Eastern Palace, including the Harem, knew that Xiao Ce had been sitting in Wangqiu Pavilion for an hour. Of course, this is also passed down to the Earth Mental Cultivation Hall and the Changqiu Palace.

When the emperor heard this, he didn't say anything at the time, but the attendant knew about it, and the emperor was not happy to know about it.

One is that Wu Tong's sentence has not yet come to a conclusion, the other is that Concubine Wu is being grounded, and the third is that His Royal Highness the Prince is ignorant.

Originally, the emperor lost his temper in the past two days, and planned to find an opportunity to lift Concubine Wu's foot ban. After all, it was someone the emperor had favored for so many years, so how could he really let Concubine Wu continue to be grounded?

At the Changqiu Palace, Concubine Shu's expression changed when she heard about this.

The fact that Concubine Wu was grounded was the happiest thing for Concubine Shu for so many years, but she did not expect that Xiao Ce would sit in Wangqiu Pavilion for so long a few days after Concubine Wu was grounded.

For a time, everyone's focus was on Wangqiu Pavilion.

Since this day, Wangqiu Pavilion has been lively.

As soon as Wu Xiyu is free, he will go to the main hall to find Xiao Ce. Sometimes Xiao Ce is too busy, so she waits on the pen and ink, or plays the piano on the side to relieve Xiao Ce.

After several days in a row, everyone found that Wu Xiyu was really on the top, almost wherever Xiao Ce was, Wu Xiyu was there.

Except for the council hall, there was no place Wu Xiyu could not go.

Others saw with their own eyes that Xiao Ce was very patient when facing Wu Xiyu, and his eyes were very gentle when he looked at Wu Xiyu.

Baoyu also looked at it from a distance.

When she saw the heart attack, she returned to Mochizuki Residence, and did not dare to mention it before Liang Di.

Liangdi can sit still, no matter what the outside world is like, Liangdi's schedule is to read books, learn calligraphy and play the piano, and more often she is reading scriptures.

Why did Liangdi become so beautiful, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince alienated Liangdi, and seemed to have completely forgotten the character of Liangdi, so he couldn't care less about Liangdi being abducted by the second prince of the Da Yueshi?

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