After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 245 Borrowing a knife to kill

Niansu understood, went to Wu Xiyu and said, "Would the servants take Wu Liangyuan to other places in the main hall?"

She spoke well, which eased Wu Xiyu's embarrassing situation, and did not violate Xiao Ce's order.

Wu Xiyu naturally knew that Niansu was going down the stairs for her, and instantly had a little more affection for Niansu.

Her original intention was to let Qin Zhao see that she was nothing. The person Xiao Ce favored was her, not Qin Zhao. Who knew that Xiao Ce, who had always been so caring to her, suddenly treated her so harshly.

After Niansu sent Wu Xiyu out of the study, she said softly, "His Royal Highness does not like to be disturbed when he handles government affairs. It is not intended to target you, Liangyuan, and Liangyuan should not take it to heart."

"Niansu, you are so kind." Wu Xiyu burst into laughter.

Niansu's eyes flashed slightly, and she said to Wu Xiyu, "I'm just doing my duty as a servant. However, since Qin Liangdi told His Royal Highness that Qiu Shui is smart and sensible, the servants rarely have the opportunity to serve in front of His Highness, or Qiushui's popularity. Well, it's not just that His Highness has to reuse it, even Qin Liangdi is not ordinary to Qiushui."

In fact, it is very simple to deal with Qiushui. She doesn't need to do it herself, but the Wu family will do it, and the trouble of Qiushui will be solved.

After all, Qiu Shui was a slave sent by the Wu family to the East Palace. If he made a friendly gesture with Qin Liangdi, he would be considered a backstop, right?

In this way, what reason does the Wu family have to keep Qiushui as a slave?

"Qin Liangdi is not ordinary to Qiushui? Where did you start?" Wu Xiyu was surprised.

She thought that Qiushui was reused by Xiao Ce because of her relationship. She never thought that Qin Zhao said or did something behind his back.

"The slaves don't know what Qin Liangdi said to His Highness. His Highness suddenly reused Qiushui a month ago, and there are fewer opportunities for slaves to serve. At that time, the slaves knew that Qin Liangdi's influence on His Highness was extraordinary. As long as Qin Liangdi said If so, His Highness will definitely listen." Nian Su said softly.

Wu Xiyu took a while to recover, and she lowered her brows: "Sister Qin is really good at it."

Qiu Shui was originally hers, but now Qin Zhao has bought it. If so, what's the use of keeping such a dog slave?

The person of the noble concubine's aunt was actually bought by Qin Zhao, which is really a joke.

"In the future, when Your Highness handles government affairs, Liangyuan should not make mistakes like today. In His Highness's heart, no one is as important as political affairs, including Qin Liangdi, so Liangyuan should not be sad. When it comes to major events, His Royal Highness has always been screwed. Clear." Niansu reached his goal, so he bent down and retreated, returning to Xiao Ce to serve.

Wu Xiyu's eyes flashed with anger, and immediately left the main hall.

Qiushui, who was hiding not far away, only stood up when Wu Xiyu walked away.

She was far away and couldn't hear it very clearly, but Niansu mentioned her name and Qin Liangdi's name. The only thing she could think of was that Niansu wanted to use Wu Liangyuan's hand to get rid of her.

Just because she was the one sent to the East Palace by Concubine Wu.

Niansu's trick to kill someone with a knife is really ruthless. You don't even need Dirty Niansu's own hands to get rid of her opponent.

If Wu Liangyuan relayed this to Concubine Wu, she would definitely not be able to live according to how much Concubine Wu hated Qin Liangdi.

In any case, she had to save herself.

She thought about it and found that only Qin Liangdi could save her. Even if she went to ask His Royal Highness for help, His Royal Highness might not be able to stare at her all the time.

Qin Zhao just returned to Wangyueju, and saw Qiushui hurriedly chasing after him.

After listening to what Qiu Shui said, she was also at a loss. At that time, she only wanted to push Qiushui to the top and fight with Niansu in the ring.

But Niansu borrowed Wu Xiyu's hand again and wanted to remove Qiushui, which was troublesome.

If the others were okay, it was Wu Guifei who sent Qiushui into the East Palace. Wu Guifei asked Xiao Ce to return the person again, could Xiao Ce still not return the person?

"Isn't Liang Di helpless?" Qiu Shui saw that Qin Zhao was silent for a long time, and his heart was half cold.

"Don't worry, the solution is thought up by people, you don't know what Wu Liangyuan will do. I think the best way is to let Wu Liangyuan know that you are loyal to the Wu family, and let Wu Liangyuan know that Niansu is deliberately provoking you. The relationship with the Wu family, only in this way can the fundamental problem be solved." Qin Zhao thought for a moment before saying.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to stare at Qiushui all the time, and it's very easy for someone like Wu Guifei to kill a palace maid, especially someone like Qiushui.

Qin Zhao's words awakened the dreamer: "Liangdi's words are reasonable, but the slaves are stupid. After all, Niansu is from the Changqiu Palace, doesn't Wu Liangyuan prefer to be confident than to believe in slaves? "

"That's the truth. The harem is dangerous. What you have to do is to cure the root cause. You must dispel Wu Liangyuan's doubts. This is the safest way." Qin Zhao whispered to Qiushui like this.

Qiu Shui understood: "The slave maid can save it, thank you Liang Di for your advice."

"Go, use your ability to stop Niansu's conspiracy." Qin Zhao showed a warm smile.

Autumn water is hot.

Since entering the palace, it was the first time she saw someone smile so warmly at her, and she did not abandon her when she encountered difficulties.

She felt that Qin Liangdi was a good master.

During lunch, Qiu Shui "accidentally" bumped into Nian Su, and the two quarreled after a disagreement.

Nian Su couldn't get used to Qiu Shui, and seeing Qiu Shui's attitude, she mocked her and said, "Don't think that you've been serving Your Highness for a long time now, so you can blame me at will, and it's a big deal to go to His Highness to comment on the truth."

"His Royal Highness is busy, so I have time to ignore you?" Qiushui gave Niansu a cold look, and then walked away without looking back.

After she left the main hall, she went straight to Wangqiu Pavilion.

Wu Xiyu was thinking about how to deal with Qiushui, when Qiushui ran in with red eyes, knelt down in front of her and said, "Liangyuan wants to be the master of slaves and servants."

"What's wrong?" Wu Xiyu raised her eyebrows as soon as she saw Qiushui's appearance.

Qiushui's tears were blurred, and he added fuel to the past.

"Who doesn't know that Niansu is the one sent by Concubine Shu? Of course His Highness usually trusts Niansu more. But just now it was clear that Niansu knocked down the slave, but Niansu took it for granted. So what, it's not just to look at His Royal Highness's face and act..."

Seemingly finding that she had said the wrong thing, she hurriedly shut her mouth: "The slave only hates that she can't tear up Niansu's mouth."

Wu Xiyu frowned, remembering what Niansu had said to her before.

How could Niansu look down on the noble concubine and aunt? In other words, Niansu also looked down on her?

"On weekdays, His Highness the Crown Prince trusts Niansu, and the slave maid can't speak in front of His Royal Highness. The slave maid can only ask Liangyuan to seek justice for the slave maid."

Wu Xiyu tentatively said: "There are two Liang Di above me, you can go to them..."

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