"My servant thinks that His Highness treats Qin Liangdi differently from other people. Although His Highness seldom goes to Wangyueju, from some details, His Highness treats Qin Liangdi better than others." Qiushui said indifferently.

Wu Xiyu's red lips curled into a mocking arc: "Your Highness treats Sister Qin better than me, doesn't he?"

Qiushui hurriedly shook his head: "That's not necessarily true. After all, what Liangyuan has, Qin Liangdi may not have it, and the rewards that Liangyuan got are those that Qin Liangdi doesn't have..."

"But I haven't been in bed yet, but Sister Qin has been in bed. Isn't that the difference?" After Wu Xiyu finished speaking, she went to the study.

Qiushui looked at Wu Xiyu, secretly thinking that it was dangerous.

If she lied just now, Wu Xiyu would definitely be suspicious of her.

When Wu Xiyu went to the study, Xiao Ce sat at the desk with a condensed expression. As soon as she saw Xiao Ce's expression, she said angrily, "What is this expression, Your Highness?"

Xiao Ce looked at her coldly, "Why are you so cruel to Niansu? How important is a woman's appearance, I don't need to remind you."

Wu Xiyu's face darkened aggrievedly: "Is your Highness's words blamed on the concubine body? The concubine body was not intentional, but the concubine body was convicted by His Highness without asking a question."

If Qin Zhao did the same thing, Xiao Ce would be reluctant to show such a bad face to Qin Zhao, right?

"Are you sure you didn't mean it?! Wu Liangyuan, look at Gu Reply!" Xiao Ce suddenly increased the volume.

Wu Xiyu looked up at Xiao Ce and met his cold eyes.

His eyes seemed to have the power to understand people's hearts, as if one look of his could pierce into the darkest corner of her heart. But in fact, she was not such a person to begin with.

"Even if the concubine is intentional, so what? It's because Niansu doesn't keep his duty as a servant. I'm Your Highness's Liangyuan, so I can't deal with a maid?" Wu Xiyu raised her chin proudly: "If Sister Qin does If the same thing happens, will Your Highness use the same tone to question Sister Qin?"

"Qin Zhao wouldn't do such a vicious thing, and she wouldn't harm others for no reason." Xiao Ce unconsciously protected Qin Zhao.

Hearing this, Wu Xiyu showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Usually Your Highness spoils my concubine with everything, but at a critical moment, I still think that Sister Qin is sensible. Your Highness should be a vicious concubine, how should I punish my concubine? , Your Highness is free."

Since she did this, she was not afraid of Xiao Ce punishing her, because she was sure that Xiao Ce would not do anything to her, because he still had to play tricks on her.

How can Niansu be unwilling? Who called her just a minion?

It's easy for her to destroy Niansu.

Xiao Ce coldly ordered: "Go and apologize to Niansu until Niansu forgives you."

"Excuse the concubine's inability to do it." Wu Xiyu looked at Xiao Ce provocatively.

"Then you will stop your feet and face the wall in Wangqiu Pavilion and think until you regret it." Xiao Ce stopped looking at Wu Xiyu after speaking.

Wu Xiyu showed a sarcastic smile: "His Royal Highness really treats Niansu differently, even if he is a concubine, he will be moved by His Highness."

"My concubine thanked His Highness for his grace!" After she thanked her, she left the main hall.

Luoxia waited by Wu Xiyu's side and persuaded, "What's the trouble with Liangyuan? Make a mistake with Your Highness, and His Highness will forgive Liangyuan."

"Let me admit my mistake to that cheap maid Niansu. Forgive me for not being able to do it. It's okay, just grounding. Compared with seeing Niansu's painful appearance, I think grounding is also better." Wu Xiyu felt happy in his heart.

Wouldn't it be fun if you didn't have to look at Niansu's hypocritical face after the ban was lifted?

The news about Wu Xiyu's banning spread quickly in the East Palace, and Qin Zhao learned about it from Baoyu the next day.

"When I heard that Niansu's face was scratched by Wu Liangyuan, His Highness was outraged and banned Wu Liangyuan's feet." Baoyu laughed happily.

Qin Zhao's focus was different: "What happened to Niansu's face being shaved?"

As she spoke, she deliberately looked at her fingernails. She didn't expect Wu Xiyu to be so ruthless. She used her fingernails to make moves directly. Can her fingernails be so destructive? .

Is it because everyone values ​​their own face, let alone a beauty like Niansu? Moreover, she was a palace maid who was serving in front of the prince. With her disfigured appearance, she probably couldn't serve in front of Xiao Ce.

It is conceivable that Nian Su would be scared to death.

"I don't know, my servant, but His Highness let Niansu rest. Normally, Niansu considers himself a celebrity in front of His Highness, but now it's like this, and he deserves it." Baoyu also disliked Niansu, and felt that Wu Liangyuan had finally done a good deed.

"And there are things that you can't find out about Baoyu?" Qin Zhaomei rolled her eyes: "Forget it, I will go to the main hall in person to visit Niansu."

She went to see Niansu when she was at her worst, which shows that she has a broad mind.

"The slaves will also go." Baozhu and Baoyu said in unison, making it clear that they also wanted to see Niansu's joke.

Seeing this, Qin Zhao, of course, also fulfilled the wishes of the two of them.

Aquarius and Baoyuan are automatically kept in Mochizukiju to guard.

In this way, Qin Zhao rushed to the main hall. When the guard saw it was her, he let him go.

Qin Zhao went to Niansu's residence, but Niansu was unprepared. She still had medicine on her face, and half of her face could not be seen. That's when Qin Zhao came.

The moment he saw Qin Zhao, Niansu's expression was wonderful. The last thing she wanted was for His Highness to see her like this, and there was another person, of course Qin Liangdi.

But she couldn't avoid it, and she had to salute when she saw Qin Liangdi.

"No ceremony." Qin Zhao stood closer: "I heard that you were hurt by Wu Liangyuan, let me see your face."

Niansu didn't want to be laughed at by Qin Zhao, so she took two steps back and tried to make herself look more peaceful: "It's okay to be a slave, Liang Di has a heart."

Seeing her like this, Qin Zhao sighed lightly: "You are too strong. There are no outsiders here. Let me see what's wrong with you? I won't laugh at you."

Niansu sneered in her heart, isn't Qin Liangdi just here to see her jokes?

She must take good care of her face and continue to serve in front of His Highness. Only in this way can His Highness see clearly what a hypocritical and vicious woman Qin Liangdi is.

"Your face is a gift from God, you can't ruin it, otherwise it's a pity." Qin Zhao said again with a serious concern: "By the way, what did the imperial doctor say?"

"The imperial doctor only said to try his best to heal." Niansu replied mechanically.

"Try your best to heal, but you may not be able to heal. If it's really bad, what will you do in the future?" Qin Zhao expressed his pity: "If you really want to do this, it's a pity for your beautiful face."

Niansu believes that she knows how to hide her emotions and is very tolerant, because she can see her position clearly, and she also knows that she is just a palace maid.

Facing people like Qin Liangdi, she had to lower her stance.

But Qin Liangdi's disgusting mouth made her want to do it and tear her mouth to pieces.

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