Back at Wangyueju, Qin Zhao also scolded Xiao Ce for half an hour, until her mouth was dry and she felt like she was insane, so she fell asleep.

Early the next morning, she remembered Xiao Ce's strange yin and yang appearance last night, and became sullen for a while.

"Do you want Liangdi to go out for a run and get rid of the negative energy?" Baozhu asked Qin Zhao when she saw Qin Zhao's mood was low.

This is a sentence Qin Zhao used to say often. She said that you can exercise when you are in a bad mood. In this case, all negative energy will fly away.

Qin Zhao didn't say a word, but showed her action with her actions. She ran ten laps down, sweating all over, and she felt a lot more relaxed.

After the bath, she was refreshed, and all her unhappiness was forgotten.

If she is often angry about such trivial things in the future, how hard will she be in the future?

Maybe it was because she never regarded Xiao Ce as an outsider, so she would care so much. She couldn't make such low-level mistakes in the future.

Zhumei in the East Palace only knew that Qin Zhao took advantage of Wu Xiyu to enter while Wu Xiyu was being grounded, and ran to His Royal Highness to flatter Xiao Ce. However, Xiao Ce did not accept the goods, and drove Qin Zhao away at night.

Anyway, this is the version of the story that came out. It was said that Qin Zhao was so thick-skinned that he wanted to propose a pillow seat, but he was disliked by Xiao Ce in the end, so Qin Zhao had no face to come out to meet people for the next few days.

And the wise and martial prince did not walk in the backyard of the East Palace for several days in a row.

It seems that after Wu Xiyu was grounded, Xiao Ce lost interest in all women, which made all women in the East Palace very desperate.

On the other hand, Li Chenghui took the opportunity to visit the main hall several times, and entered it smoothly.

For a time, Li Chenghui became the focus of everyone's attention. Some people said she was scheming, and some people said she was shameless, but most of them were jealous.

Wang Zhaoxun also wanted to go to the main hall to show her face, but she knew the time was not ripe.

Since her banishment, she has figured out some issues.

The last thing she should do is to anger Qin Zhao, and Qin Zhao is someone Xiao Ce cares about.

At that time, she thought she could get rid of Qin Zhao with Niansu's hand, and Qin Zhao was indeed grounded, but from that time on, Xiao Ce began to dislike her, right?

Later, Qin Zhao was kidnapped and rescued by His Royal Highness. She was ignorant of practical matters and wanted to expose the fact that Qin Zhao was kidnapped, which completely angered Xiao Ce.

She made a wrong step, made a wrong step, and offended the two people in the East Palace who should have offended the most. That's why she ended up like this, and she was not wronged at all.

If there is any remedy, it is probably that she bows her head to Qin Zhao and saves Qin Zhao's forgiveness.

And she also knew that, according to Qin Zhao's temperament, there was a high probability that she would not be willing to see her again, let alone have a relationship with her.

In this East Palace, she is like a marginal person, no one will look down on her anymore, even she herself feels hopeless.

At this time, she was suddenly invited to Jinyang Palace and met Wu Guifei.

After greeting Concubine Wu Guili, she quietly stood aside.

On the way to Jinyang Palace, she wanted to understand that Wu Guifei wanted to use her to deal with Qin Zhao.

Concubine Wu Gui wanted to eliminate Qin Zhao as an opponent for Wu Xiyu, but Wu Xiyu was originally the Liang Di, but Qin Zhao cut him off halfway.

Wu Guifei could not tolerate Qin Zhao.

But that was the East Palace after all, and no matter how long Concubine Wu's hand stretched out, she couldn't reach her. So the best way is to let the people from the East Palace deal with Qin Zhao.

And she was demoted and related to Qin Zhao, so Concubine Wu found her.

Thinking about the twists and turns, Wang Zhaoxun's heart is like a mirror, and he knows how to respond later.

After Wu Guifei chatted about family affairs, she turned to the topic: "After you were demoted to Zhaoxun, what do you think?"

"It was the concubine who did something wrong and angered His Highness. The concubine would have such a result. It was her own fault. The concubine did not blame anyone. There is only one thing. The concubine cannot face Qin Liangdi calmly."

Concubine Wu Gui was very satisfied with Wang Zhaoxun's answer, she smiled lightly: "If this palace can help you get rid of Qin Zhao, what would you say?"

Wang Zhaoxun knelt on the ground, "The concubine is willing to serve the noble concubine, and if there is anything in the future, just instruct the concubine."

Wu Guifei softened her brows, she stepped forward and helped Wang Zhaoxun: "Get up and talk..."

East Palace, in the main hall.

Qiushui once again found that His Royal Highness was distracted.

She has been on duty many times these days, so she has seen many movements of His Royal Highness.

Since Qin Liangdi's attempt to serve the bed that night, His Royal Highness the Prince's mood has been unstable. Although His Highness didn't say anything, she just knew that His Highness was in a bad mood.

"Do you want to go out for a walk, Your Highness?" Qiushui asked boldly.

The best thing to do is to go for a walk at Mochizuki Residence, and seeing Qin Liangdi, His Highness may feel better.

Xiao Ce glanced at Qiushui, and Qiushui said calmly: "His Royal Highness is locked in the house all day long, which is not good for his body. Sometimes he needs to rest for a while. Only by combining work and rest can the state be adjusted to the best."

What she said was straightforward, and Xiao Ce felt that what she said was reasonable, so he decided to go out for a walk.

As soon as I left the main hall, I soon saw Mochizuki Residence.

Qiushui pointed in the direction of Wangyueju: "Your Highness, why don't you go over there?"

Xiao Ce's gaze was fixed on the plaque of Wangyueju, but he didn't answer.

"If Your Highness goes to Wangyueju at this moment, you may be able to kill Qin Liangdi by surprise. Your Highness can also see what Qin Liangdi is doing when he is carrying His Highness." Qiushui said with great interest.

Xiao Ce's lips curved slightly. He glanced at Qiushui, but there was still something he didn't understand. Qiushui knew that his mind was related to Qin Zhao, so he wanted him to go to Wangyueju.

Qiushui knows him better than Niansu and Zhang Jixiang.

In this way, Xiao Ce stepped into the gate of Wangyueju.

Qin Zhao was lying down on the chair and reading the script, and she was fascinated when she realized that the light in front of her was blocked by someone.

When she removed the book and saw Xiao Ce quietly standing in front of her, she was so surprised that she didn't know how to react.

The last time the trouble broke up, she thought that Xiao Ce would ignore her for a while, but in a few days, the crown prince came over. Seeing his expression, she wondered if he was still angry.

She got up hurriedly and greeted Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ce couldn't help her politeness, he took the words from her hand, and gave a two-word evaluation: "Vulgar!!"

"If the concubine can write a text book, I will write a book of "The Bully Prince"!" Qin Zhao scolded him.

Xiao Ce raised his eyebrows lightly: "I'm just glad you can't write a book."

Otherwise, with her temperament, she could really do such a thing.

He sat down beside Qin Zhao, Qin Zhao gave way, and he squeezed over again, which made Qin Zhao dissatisfied: "Isn't Your Highness a busy man?"

Does that mean he should go?

Xiao Ce's thin lips lifted slightly: "I'm quite busy, but I can't leave you alone. I've been neglecting you recently. How are you learning the piano, how well you write, and how can you play chess?"


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