After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 254 Married life is not harmonious

Zhang Jixiang used to be a celebrity in front of Xiao Ce, but after Qiushui came to power, he and Niansu had fewer opportunities to serve in front of His Royal Highness.

How could His Royal Highness be without his presence in the past? And now His Highness will not take him with him when he goes out, he still knows from the mouths of others that the Crown Prince has gone to Mochizuki Residence.

This matter was quickly forgotten by everyone, because for the next few days, Xiao Ce was busy with business and had no time to walk around the backyard of the East Palace.

Just when everyone was disheartened, Xiao Ce suddenly had free time again and walked around the backyard frequently.

In short, every other garden owner has the opportunity to see Xiao Ce, and Xiao Ce will always stay in a certain other garden for one or two hours a day, which means that the rain and dew are evenly covered.

Two more days passed, and after Xiao Ce had visited many other gardens in the East Palace, it was finally Mochizukiju's turn.

As soon as Qin Zhao saw Xiao Ce, he couldn't help laughing at him: "His Royal Highness is about to become a legendary playboy."

"Playboy?" Xiao Ce heard this term for the first time, and felt that the girl's words were a bit new, but it didn't seem to be a good word.

"My concubine praised His Highness for being handsome." Qin Zhao said with a smile.

Xiao Ce patted Qin Zhao's head: "You can't believe what you girl said."

"I can't believe what my concubine says, so who can I believe?" Qin Zhao asked with a smile.

Xiao Ce looked at her bright smile and led her towards the bedroom.

Qin Zhao saw a bit of the doorway: "Your Highness doesn't want to make a baby with your concubine during the day, right?"

Doesn't he never prostitute during the day? Anyway, such a thing had never happened in the previous life. How could an old-fashioned emperor like him be diligent in government and love the people?

For Xiao Ce, Bai Ri Xuan's style is no different from that of a dazed prince.

"Yeah." Xiao Ce replied in a low voice, "Isn't this okay?"

Qin Zhao was choked by him, and after a while she reminded him, "It's broad daylight, isn't it?"

In her previous life, she would seduce him during the day, and she would be scolded by him in return.

"There's nothing wrong, the situation forces you, you don't have to look like this." Xiao Ce's ears were a little hot.

He also felt that this was inappropriate, but if she wanted to give birth to a child soon, both of them had to work hard.

Qin Zhao saw the tips of his reddish ears sharply, and couldn't help laughing for a while.

However, she didn't have any expectations about making a baby. Anyway, it was to complete a task, just like she read and wrote every day.

The two had a tacit understanding on this matter, each took a corner, then undressed, and then began to make a baby.

Qin Zhao doesn't have any expectations about this now, and she won't feel shy. Probably because she knew early on that this was just making babies, not some kind of love between men and women, between her and Xiao Ce...

Qin Zhao opened his eyes, but met Xiao Ce's eyes.

The two stared at each other for a while before Xiao Ce asked her, "Are you tired?"

Qin Zhao felt tired, so he answered truthfully, "A little."

Because of her words, the baby-making movement ended hastily.

Qin Zhao vaguely found that Xiao Ce's mood was not right, and her mood was not high. After the two finished making babies, they both fell into a strange silence.

"Well, let's have a cup of tea, Your Highness." Qin Zhao was speechless and wanted to divert the awkward atmosphere at the moment.

After Xiao Ce took the teacup, he took a sip, his expression a little serious.

"Does your Highness have something on your mind?" Qin Zhao asked boldly.

Xiao Ce's expression is definitely unhappy, and his unhappiness may be that her behavior just now made him unhappy. If so, she is the culprit.

If this is the reason, it means that Xiao Ce doesn't like her body, which is really not something worthy of her happiness.

Xiao Ce touched her head and looked at her with complicated eyes, but said nothing.

Qin Zhao didn't know what to say, and the two fell into an awkward silence. Finally, Xiao Ce got up and said, "I'm back alone."

"Your Highness." Qin Zhao breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly got up.

Xiao Ce looked back, heard her high-pitched voice, and saw her relieved look, which showed that she was eager for him to leave quickly.

He wanted to give her a child, but she didn't show enthusiasm, as if she was very passive, whether she didn't like him or whether she couldn't let go of Zhao Yu, it was unknown.

The moment he walked out of Wangyueju, Xiao Ce sighed and found that there was no one around him to talk to.

He is the prince and the prince, but he was friends with Zhao Yu before, but now his mind is related to Zhao Yu, and he can't go to Zhao Yu to talk about his mind.

If it was other women, it would be fine if they were unwilling to serve in bed or have children, but this was Qin Zhao, and she was not someone else.

"If Your Highness has something on your mind, you can say it out of nowhere, maybe the servant can come up with an idea." Qiu Shui asked when Xiao Ce frowned.

Xiao Ce heard the words and looked at Qiushui, maybe Qiushui could solve his confusion.

"What do you think Qin Liangdi thinks of being lonely?" Xiao Cezhang asked casually.

"This... should be regarded as His Royal Highness, a person who can be relied on, and a savior." Qiu Shui didn't know if that was the right answer.

Speaking of which, she only knew that Qin Liangdi was brought back to the palace by His Royal Highness, and later heard that Qin Liangdi was kidnapped and was rescued by His Royal Highness.

Because she had never participated in this matter, and only knew that His Royal Highness was not in the palace, she guessed that this should be the truth.

Xiao Ce understood.

So Qin Zhao alone did not regard him as her man. She said that she wanted to be with him for the rest of her life, just because he could rely on him.

Xiao Ce felt that it was useless to think too much.

No matter what Qin Zhao thinks about him, she will give birth to a child for him. Not this time, and next time.

In the eyes of outsiders, Xiao Ce would stay for an hour or two when he went to other other gardens, but he came out in less than half an hour after returning to Mochizuki Residence. It must be because Qin Zhao did not like His Royal Highness the Prince.

In other words, Qin Zhao has completely fallen out of favor and will be forgotten by His Royal Highness sooner or later.

Of course, some people disagreed, including Li Chenghui and Wang Zhaoxun. According to their understanding of the relationship between Qin Zhao and Xiao Ce, Qin Zhao could not easily fall out of favor.

Even when Qin Zhao was kidnapped, Xiao Ce deliberately went out of the palace to rescue Qin Zhao. How could Xiao Ce be able to easily snub Qin Zhao when Qin Zhao became beautiful?

According to their understanding of Qin Zhao, Qin Zhao is a very scheming woman, and she is very good at seducing men. It is impossible for this woman to fall out of favor.

Wang Zhaoxun felt that when Qin Zhao was "falling out of favor", it was the best time for her to meet Qin Zhao.

Immediately, she prepared a gift and went to Mochizuki Residence.

Qin Zhao is reading and writing in his study, self-cultivation. She was not surprised to hear that Wang Zhaoxun asked to see him.



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