After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 260 Sleeping is the same as eating

Xiao Ce pushed her away, "I don't want to say it, and I don't want to say it."

After saying this, he left without looking back.

Qin Zhao looked at Xiao Ce's back and snorted softly. She said so many good things, but she couldn't tell the truth from Xiao Ce.

If it really doesn't work, she goes to the party and asks the truth. Xu Shi agreed to that sentence, the more you want to know if you don't know it, and the more you want to get what you can't get, this is the same reason.

That afternoon, Wang Zhaoxun came to Wangyueju, and the pinching point was exactly when Qin Zhao had just woken up from a nap.

Wang Zhaoxun was talking about irrelevant topics, Qin Zhao yawned in vain, but in fact he paid attention to Wang Zhaoxun's every move and did not dare to slack off.

"Sister, why don't you go to the Royal Garden? I heard that Princess Yonghe will also go to the Royal Garden this afternoon. I have never had the opportunity to meet Princess Yonghe before, but this time I can meet the legendary Princess Yonghe."

Qin Zhao was dozing off, and when he heard the name of Princess Yonghe, he was suddenly refreshed.

Seeing Qin Zhao's shining eyes, Wang Zhaoxun smiled and said, "Let's try our luck now."

Qin Zhao was very moved, but she was not stupid. She knew that Wang Zhaoxun took Princess Yonghe as bait, and she didn't know what was waiting for her when she went to the Imperial Garden this time.

Maybe there are people from Concubine Wu who are waiting there, and as soon as she goes to the imperial garden, she is caught in the trap of Concubine Wu.

Concubine Wu's position as a concubine was enough to crush her little Liang Di to death.

If she didn't know that Wang Zhaoxun and Concubine Wu had a relationship, maybe she would dare to go to the Imperial Garden, but knowing that there was collusion between the two women, could she still easily go to the Imperial Garden?

"My sister is detained in the house all day, why don't you just go out for a walk? I especially want to meet Princess Yonghe. I heard that she is a stunning beauty." Wang Zhaoxun saw that Qin Zhao was moved and continued to lobby.

Qin Zhao hesitated: "But..."

"It's nothing to worry about, with my sister by my side, what are you afraid of?" Wang Zhaoxun said softly, "I'm afraid that we will be late, and Princess Yonghe has left the Imperial Garden."

"Forget it, I'll listen to you. I'm very curious about what Princess Yonghe looks like." Qin Zhao finally couldn't stand the temptation and planned to visit the Imperial Garden.

Seeing this, Wang Zhaoxun showed a cheerful smile: "Let's go then."

"Okay, I'm going to change clothes first. Soon, you wait for me." Qin Zhao said, and accompanied by Baozhu and Baoyu, he went in to change his clothes.

Baozhu glanced behind her and asked in a low voice, "Is Liangdi really going to the Imperial Garden?"

She was afraid that there were traps in it.

"I agreed just now, of course I'll go there." Qin Zhao said, whispering to Baoyu: "Go and tell His Royal Highness that he will go to the Imperial Garden no matter what, and hurry up..."

Baoyu nodded while listening, "This slave can save it."

It turned out that Liang Di had already prepared, so that she would not be afraid of the traps set by Wang Zhaoxun and Concubine Wu.

Qin Zhao quickly changed into a set of clothes, brought Baoyuan and Baozhu, and followed Wang Zhaoxun out of the East Palace to the Imperial Garden.

On the way to the Imperial Garden, Qin Zhao had to stop and rest from time to time, Wang Zhaoxun saw that there was another fifteen-hour delay, so he reminded: "Sister, hurry up, I'm afraid we will be late, Princess Yonghe has already left the Imperial Palace. garden."

Qin Zhao patted his calf and sighed softly: "I didn't mean to. It's just that my body is really too delicate, and I gasped after walking two steps. His Highness has told me more than once that I should take good care of myself, but my body is too weak. The foundation is weak, and it will not get better after raising it for so long."

The expression on Wang Zhaoxun's face has not changed, but he has long despised Qin Zhao for thousands of times. In her opinion, Qin Zhao is a hypocritical white lotus.

If it wasn't necessary, she didn't want to deal with a hypocritical woman like Qin Zhao.

"I'll rest for a while, sister don't dislike me." Qin Zhao glanced at Wang Zhaoxun.

Her eyes were beautiful, and when she focused on people, she seemed to be seducing her soul. Wang Zhaoxun looked away and muttered, "Fox spirit".

"Sister's body is the most important thing, nothing else matters." Wang Zhaoxun said insincerely.

Qin Zhao breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, I'm afraid my sister will dislike me because of this."

She rested for another quarter of an hour before saying, "Let's go, go to the Imperial Garden."

At this time, Wang Zhaoxun's patience had reached its limit. Seeing that Qin Zhao was finally willing to continue walking, she breathed a sigh of relief.

When he arrived at the Imperial Garden, Wang Zhaoxun looked around: "Well, I'll go here to find it, and my sister will go there. If you see Princess Yonghe, let the servants inform me and my sister."

Qin Zhao thought about it and pointed in the direction Wang Zhaoxun pointed: "I think the feng shui here is better, then I will go here, my sister will go there, okay?"

Wang Zhaoxun's expression didn't change, but Qin Zhao, who had already been hypocritical, was so angry that he said, "Sister obey elder sister's orders."

No matter which way Qin Zhao goes, she has a way to make Qin Zhao unable to eat this time around!

Who knew that when she was about to part ways with Qin Zhao, she heard footsteps behind her. She looked back and found Qin Zhao following behind her.

"Sister is this?" Wang Zhaoxun's heart beat faster, suddenly feeling bad.

What the hell is Qin Zhao trying to do?

Qin Zhao looked at Wang Zhaoxun innocently: "I lack a sense of security, and I still feel more comfortable with my sister. Even if I don't see Princess Yonghe this time, I will have a chance next time, so let's go."

Wang Zhaoxun's expression couldn't collapse at this time: "I missed this time, and I don't know when I will see Princess Yonghe next time. Let's look for it separately."

"Have my sister ever heard of mystery? If you don't see Princess Yonghe this time, then Princess Yonghe can keep the mystery forever. I think it's good." Qin Zhao smiled lightly.

She remembered the relationship between herself and Xiao Ce.

In fact, on the first night of serving the bed, she was somewhat looking forward to it, but then she really had a relationship with Xiao Ce, and all the sense of expectation and mystery was lost.

After that, the sleeping between her and Xiao Ce was as dull as eating.

As for Princess Yonghe maintaining a sense of mystery, she is naturally nonsense. She has dealt with Princess Yonghe in her previous life. Although she has no deep friendship, she feels good about Princess Yonghe, and I believe this life is no exception.

Wang Zhaoxun was finally persuaded by Qin Zhao.

Although she wanted to go away with Qin Zhao, Qin Zhao was articulate and could easily block her words back, which made her plan fail.

It didn't take long for Qin Zhao to stroll around the garden when he saw Concubine Wu Gui and her servants approaching.

Seeing such a big battle, Qin Zhao turned to look at Wang Zhaoxun, and said in a low voice, "If the noble concubine makes things difficult for you later, you have to stand in front of me. I am weak and can't stand the torture. You are not Tell me to trust you, this is your chance to perform."

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