However, Xiao Ce shook off Qin Zhao's hand and kowtowed a few times to the emperor: "If the father and the emperor severely punish the noble concubine, the son-in-law will not be able to kneel!"

"Are you forcing me?!" The emperor's face was very ugly.

"My son is killing harm for the people and for the harem. The reason why the imperial concubine has become as reckless as she is today is the result of her father's connivance." Xiao Ce fell to his knees straight and looked directly at the emperor.

Under Xiao Ce's gaze, the emperor laughed angrily: "Okay, very good, are you trying to ruin the father-son relationship with me for the sake of a Qin family?"

"Could it be that the father is going to destroy the good father and emperor in the minds of the sons for a vicious and arrogant imperial concubine?" Xiao Ce retorted.

In a fit of rage, the emperor picked up the teacup on the table and slammed it at Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ce didn't dodge or evade, and was thrown straight by the teacup, which was about to hit him on the forehead.

For a while, the tea and blood fell from Xiao Ce's forehead, but he still knelt up straight and looked directly at the emperor: "My son, please ask the father and the emperor to execute the noble concubine to kill the people!"

Seeing that the matter had come to this point, Qin Zhao's heart was overwhelmed, and he knelt down in front of the imperial concubine: "The imperial concubine despised the East Palace, and if she did not take His Royal Highness in her eyes, she would not take imperial power in her eyes. The concubine is begging the emperor to execute the noble concubine, and give justice to the East Palace!"

Seeing this, Baozhu and Baoyuan also knelt to the ground at the same time.

Concubine Wu Gui looked sharply at Qin Zhao, but Qin Zhao never gave her a look.

She looked at the emperor again, and found that the emperor's eyes were cold, and he never looked at her at all, as if hesitating whether to kill her.

Her heart was half cold, and she hugged the emperor's leg and cried and begged for mercy: "Your Majesty, no matter how bad the concubine is, considering that the concubine has served the emperor for many years, the emperor spared the life of the concubine, and the concubine is really reluctant. leave the emperor..."

The emperor looked at Concubine Wu with blurry eyes, and remembered the favor he had given to her over the years, he could never issue an order to kill.

Even if he knew that Concubine Wu was unforgivable this time, he still couldn't bear to kill her.

"From now on, Concubine Wu will be put into the cold palace!" The emperor looked at Xiao Ce again: "Prince, this is the end of the matter, don't force me any more."

Xiao Ce saw the decadent emperor and wanted to say something. When he saw the white hair on the emperor's temples, he finally chose to back down: "My son obeys the order!"

The emperor in front of him is not only the emperor, but also his father, and the father is old...

The moment he stepped out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao who was silent beside him: "I can't help you."

She suffered this disaster, but he couldn't even get justice for her.

Qin Zhao hurriedly replied: "Nothing. Your Highness has done enough, and today I saved the concubine again. The concubine thinks that as long as she is still alive, the rest is fine."

Of course she knew Xiao Ce's difficulties. Although he is the prince, but now the real master is not him, but the emperor.

Concubine Wu is also the emperor's favorite concubine, and the emperor is reluctant to kill Concubine Wu, so Concubine Wu can come back again and again.

This time, Concubine Wu was put into the cold palace, but she did not take away the title. As long as Concubine Wu used a bit of bitterness against the emperor, the emperor would soften his heart again.

In addition, the empress dowager is about to return to the palace, and the empress dowager usually dotes on Concubine Wu. If she knew that Concubine Wu was put into the cold palace because of her, the empress dowager would not have a good impression of her, and she might even embarrass her.

Thinking of this, she felt that her future life would not be very good.

Xiao Ce took her hand and said nothing.

When Qin Zhao returned to Wangyueju, the sky was already dark.

Xiao Ce took the ointment and helped Qin Zhao wipe the scar on his neck. With such a deep imprint, she must have been in pain at the time, and she must have been very scared, right?

"Just say it when it hurts." Seeing that Qin Zhao was silent, Xiao Ce thought that he moved too much when rubbing the medicine.

Qin Zhao smiled and said, "It doesn't hurt at all."

Looking at her smiling face, Xiao Ce asked again, "Are you hungry?"

Qin Zhao answered quickly, "I'm not hungry at all..."

She just finished speaking, and her stomach sang a little song uncooperatively.

She was a little embarrassed for a while, but she was thick-skinned and said casually: "Actually, there is a point, but seeing that His Highness seems to like helping concubine to apply medicine, concubine can't bear to deprive His Highness of the pleasure of applying medicine."

Her words attracted Xiao Ce's shocking response.

Xu is because of fear, Qin Zhao felt that she was starving to death, and she felt full after eating two bowls of rice. On the contrary, Xiao Ce seemed to have a lot of worries, and he should still be worried about not being able to kill Wu Guifei.

"It's also a good thing that Concubine Wu was put into the cold palace. There will be opportunities to deal with her in the future. There is no need for Your Highness to eat for Concubine Wu. I didn't move the chopsticks, just eat some."

Xiao Ce looked at her gentle eyebrows, his heart suddenly settled, and then he had an appetite.

It was night, and Xiao Ce stayed at Mochizuki.

Seeing this, Qin Zhao was puzzled: "Isn't Your Highness trying to 'alien' your concubine? Your Highness is spending the night here, isn't everything in the past wasted?"

"Gu is here with you tonight, you don't need to say more." Xiao Ce opened his lips indifferently.

Seeing his resolute attitude, Qin Zhao knew that he would not change his mind, so he stopped wasting his time.

After taking a bath, she passively leaned against Xiao Ce's arms. Although Xiao Ce didn't say anything, she knew that Xiao Ce was so guilty that he decided to stay at Mochizukiju for the night to accompany her.

"The reason why Gu came late today is because Gu was in Wangqiu Pavilion at the time and didn't know that Baoyu was looking for Gu. Wu Liangyuan said that he had something to tell Gu and asked Gu to visit Wangqiu Pavilion, but after Gu went away, Wu Liangyuan didn't say anything. What is the most important thing, Gu Cai felt that something was wrong at the time. It is precisely because of this delay that you are tormented by this." Xiao Ce felt that it was necessary to explain to Qin Zhao why he was late.

Qin Zhao suddenly realized: "It seems that Wu Liangyuan also knew Concubine Wu's plan to deal with the concubine, so she deliberately delayed His Highness. However, the concubine always believed that the highness would come to the Royal Garden in time, and the concubine was not much afraid at that time."

She herself also delayed a lot of time on her way to the Imperial Garden.

She figured that Concubine Wu would deal with her in the Imperial Garden, but she was so devoted to Wu Xiyu that she even joined forces with Concubine Wu when she was confined.

Even if her life was big, Xiao Ce came over in time to save her life at a critical moment.

"It's not just Concubine Wu Gui's viciousness, but also Wu Liangyuan, who has underestimated the Wu family." Xiao Ce's eyes were cold.

Qin Zhao got out of his embrace and met his cold eyes.

Xiao Ce found his gaffe, he quickly restrained all his anger, and stroked Qin Zhao's hair: "You must be tired, go to sleep."

"His Royal Highness will have to go to bed early tomorrow, and go to bed early. Today's affairs are over. The concubine thought it was a good thing that Concubine Wu was put into the cold palace. At least after she was put into the cold palace, Wu Guifei couldn't make trouble in the harem."

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