"No need. You can sit with Qin Liangdi for a while, and take a step ahead alone." Without giving Zuo Liangyuan a chance to speak again, Xiao Ce walked away quickly.

Seeing Xiao Ce fleeing away, Qin Zhao couldn't help but want to laugh.

"What are you doing, Your Highness, running so fast?" Zuo Liangyuan returned to her original position and sat down.

"I think I have something to do." Qin Zhao restrained his smile.

Zuo Liangyuan's appearance reminded her of her past life. In her previous life, she was also so enthusiastic and unrestrained, Xiao Ce was always at a loss.

Now that I can see the bravery of my previous life from another person, I can understand why Xiao Ce is always lukewarm to her.

If Xiao Ce gave her a little response, I'm afraid she would pursue more bravely and directly.

"The thing I admire most is my elder sister. A cold-hearted person like His Royal Highness becomes much softer when she is in front of her. To be honest, when my elder sister first entered the palace, I looked down on her identity. Looking back now, I found that there is a reason for my sister to be loved by His Highness." Zuo Liangyuan rarely said a heartfelt word.

Qin Zhao was a little surprised to hear that.

Zuo Liangyuan approached her, of course, because she wanted to use her as a springboard to approach Xiao Ce.

She didn't take Zuo Liangyuan's sisterhood to heart, and of course Zuo Liangyuan and her were hypocritical.

But Zuo Liangyuan's words just now suit her taste.

At the very least, Zuo Liangyuan is not as hypocritical as Wang Zhaoxun.

"Probably I have a relationship with His Highness. When I was in the most difficult time, His Highness appeared and took me into the palace. Without His Highness, I might have died a long time ago." Qin Zhao also rarely said a sincere word.

She didn't tell Sibao about this, although Baozhu and the others knew that Xiao Ce saved her more than once.

Xiao Ce means a lot to her. She always tells Xiao Ce that he is her lucky star. This is not just flattery, but a sincere truth from her.

"That's why I envy my elder sister. My elder sister and His Highness have different feelings, so His Highness treats elder sister very differently." Zuo Liangyuan said with admiration.

There are so many beauties in the East Palace, Your Highness, isn't Wang Zhaoxun one of them? It is precisely because he likes it so much that he is especially jealous of Qin Liangdi, and that he embarks on this road of no return.

Judging from the fate of Wu Liangyuan and Wang Zhaoxun, it is not good to fight against Qin Liangdi, and the ending is very miserable. She should not take the old path like Wang Zhaoxun.

Right now, you are close to Qin Liangdi, and you can still see His Royal Highness, isn't it good?

Qin Zhao smiled, believing that the topic had been exposed.

Zuo Liangyuan was a wise man, and changed the subject upon seeing this. After sitting for another quarter of an hour, Zuo Liangyuan left Wangyueju.

"Zuo Liangyuan is not a kind person, and Liangdi still has to be careful. Anyway, the slave thinks that these people who deliberately approach Liangdi have a purpose." As soon as Zuo Liangyuan left, Baoyu couldn't wait to express her opinion.

"To live in the East Palace, one cannot live without interpersonal relationships. Zuo Liangyuan also does not hide the idea of ​​approaching His Highness, which is much better than others. I don't think it is a big problem to deal with such people." Qin Zhao told Baoyu He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have my senses."

"Liangdi sees people better than us, so don't worry." Baozhu said to Baoyu.

Baoyu was relieved.

When the others retreated, and only Baozhu remained, Qin Zhao said his plan: "If I join forces with Zuo Liangyuan, will it be a little risky?"

Although Zuo Liangyuan is more magnanimous than others, her goal is Xiao Ce. As long as people have desires, there may be unpredictable consequences, which is exactly what she worries about.

"Even if you try, it's not a good thing to have a friend in Donggong Liangdi. You have to have an ally, and it's good to have a personal consultation when something happens." Of course, Baozhu knew Qin Zhao's embarrassing situation.

Although Liang Di was favored by His Royal Highness the Prince, she also attracted the envy and hatred of all the beauties in the East Palace. It seemed that everyone wanted to get rid of Liang Di, which was not a good thing for Liang Di.

If Liangyuan can have her own allies, the passive situation may be completely changed.

"That's what I think, I don't know if the decision to choose Zuo Liangyuan is right or not." Qin Zhao thought about it, and then said: "Forget it, don't rush to make a decision, it will take a long time to come to Japan."

She knew that Zuo Liangyuan in the previous life later became Concubine Rou, and after she entered the East Palace in this life, Zuo Liangyuan also used her as a concubine behind her back. If there were no other better options, she would not cooperate with Zuo Liangyuan.

But compared to other beauties in the East Palace, she is not as good as Zuo Liangyuan.

At least she and Zuo Liangyuan didn't have any bigger grudges in the past life except for being jealous.

Therefore, if you really want to find a person to make an alliance, Zuo Liangyuan is the best choice.

She chatted with Baozhu Zuo Liangyuan for a while, and then remembered another character: "It's a pity that Wang Zhaoxun is missing, otherwise I can go to Wang Zhaoxun to talk about Princess Yonghe."

Baozhu asked in a low voice, "Could Wang Zhaoxun be dead?"

If so, then we can only find Wang Zhaoxun's corpse, right?

Qin Zhao shook his head and said, "I think Wang Zhaoxun is still alive, and it is better to die than to live, because Concubine Wu will not let Wang Zhaoxun go easily."

This time, Concubine Wu will be put into the cold palace because Wang Zhaoxun forced Concubine Wu to deliberately kill her temporarily, otherwise Concubine Wu would not have been witnessed by Xiao Ce.

Wu Guifei was so vicious, how could she easily kill Wang Zhaoxun?

It was obvious that Wang Zhaoxun had already fallen into the hands of Concubine Wu, and he might be with Concubine Wu in the cold palace. When Wu Guifei was free, she tortured Wang Zhaoxun, so Wang Zhaoxun was not dead.

In the previous life, Wang Zhaoxun later became a concubine, and she was even highly regarded by Xiao Ce. In this life, she even received a box lunch early, which was also a result she did not expect at the beginning.

"If Wang Zhaoxun was still alive, would it be in the cold palace?" Baozhu and Qin Zhao thought about it.

Qin Zhao coughed lightly: "Then shall I go to the Cold Palace?"

There lives the evil wolf Wu Guifei, if she goes to the cold palace, will Wu Guifei think she is going to demonstrate?

Baozhu obviously has the same concerns as Qin Zhao: "Let's not go to Liangdi. Concubine Wu is not a good stubble. When Liangdi passes, Concubine Wu will not give up."

Concubine Wu Gui also thought that Liang Di was deliberately going to the cold palace to step on the scene, and she hated Liang Di even more.

"But I want to go see Wang Zhaoxun. Anyway, Wang Zhaoxun and I called sisters and sisters. Although it is hypocritical, we can give her the last ride." Qin Zhao's eyes flashed, and after thinking for a long time, she decided to go. Cold Palace.

However, she is looking for a backer, and that backer is of course the handsome and suave prince.

When Xiao Ce heard that Qin Zhao wanted to go to the cold palace, he didn't ask anything, only said: "Gu accompany you to go with you."

Qin Zhao was a little surprised: "Your Highness didn't ask why?"

She thought that Xiao Ce would want to know the reason, but Xiao Ce was so happy that she hadn't asked him to accompany her, so he agreed.

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